Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 334 Chang Shao Came to Nancang

Chapter 334 Chang Shao Came to Nancang
Just two days after discussing the matter between Mr. Ming Yi and Lu Rushuang, he did not expect the person concerned to come here.

Seeing Young Master Ming Yi who was still smiling brightly, Su Chengyun was slightly relieved, this person was obviously not affected by the marriage.

"Chengyun, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you okay?" Young Master Mingyi asked.

Su Chengyun smiled: "I'm fine, I know you've been in retreat, congratulations on your promotion!"

"If Chengyun didn't have a bad boy, I'm afraid he would have been promoted a long time ago!" Mr. Mingyi glanced at Su Chengyun's stomach, and said in silence for a moment, "Chengyun, if... if Momo doesn't come back, let I'll take care of you and the baby, okay?"

"Ah..." Su Chengyun looked at Mr. Ming Yi in surprise, not knowing why this person had such an idea, could it be that she guessed wrong before, Mr. Ming Yi was still stimulated by the marriage.

"Chengyun, I'm serious!" Mr. Mingyi stepped forward two steps.

"Master Ming Yi, is it not easy to push back the marriage of the Lu family?" Su Chengyun asked speculatively.

Mr. Mingyi shook his head with a smile when he heard the words: "Where did Chengyun think, as long as I don't want to, no one can marry me, but I suddenly realized that I am not young anymore, and I want to settle down!"

"But, I'm not a good choice!" Su Chengyun sighed, "Master Ming Yi, I appreciate your kindness, but I will wait for Mo Mo to come back!"

"just in case……"

"There is no chance, Mo Mo will come back!" Su Chengyun said directly, Mo Qiling promised her for three years, and he would definitely come back after that three years, did Mo Qiling lie to her?

"Chengyun, I just don't want you to work hard alone!"

"Master Ming Yi, I have many relatives around me, I don't work hard at all now!" Su Chengyun said hurriedly.

"That's good, but Chengyun, it's still the same sentence, if there is such a day, I will take care of you and the child!" Young Master Mingyi said, and then left.

Hey, Feng Jue is one, and Mr. Ming Yi is one, why are they so persistent, Su Chengyun now very much hopes that the woman they are destined to appear as soon as possible.

"Chengyun, I didn't expect you to be so popular!" Auntie came out from the inner room and teased.

"Auntie?" Su Chengyun refused.

"Okay, let's not talk about you!" Auntie sighed, "Chengyun, why do you think Junyang and Junyu are so unlucky? How many girls have I met, but Jun Yu has always been lively and looks so similar to you, why is she not as lucky as you?"

"Haha, auntie wants to hug her grandson?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Of course, it's not just me, your grandfather is also looking forward to it! But those two boys are not in a hurry!" Auntie said bitterly.

"Auntie, maybe the fate of the eldest brother and the second brother has not arrived yet? Who can say for sure about the fate, maybe it will come in the next moment!" Su Chengyun comforted, the elder brother and the second brother are both good, and they will definitely meet. There are good girls with discerning eyes.

"Hehe, I can only comfort myself like this!" Auntie said.

"By the way, auntie, what is Second Brother doing these days? Every time I see him, he is in a hurry!" Su Chengyun asked. These days, Su Junyu has been coming and going every day, which has never happened before. of.

"Hey, it's not that Chang Shao is here, Jun Yu is going to accompany Chang Shao!" Aunt said.

"Ah, Shao Chang is here?" Su Chengyun confirmed.

"Well, here we come!" Auntie said.

"Auntie doesn't like Chang Shao?" Su Chengyun asked tentatively.

"Hey, that kid Chang Shao is not bad, but I can't see how hot Jun Yu and him are. What are the two boys so hot for?" asked the aunt.

"Hehe!" Su Chengyun laughed, Chang Shao is a girl, but she can't talk to her aunt now, Su Junyu is also stupid, so close to Chang Shao, she can't even find out that she is a girl.

"Auntie, Chang Shao is there something to do in Nancang?" Su Chengyun asked.

"I heard from Jun Yu that the forced marriage at home was so severe that she left home!" Auntie said.

Su Chengyun frowned slightly, what happened, why were they forced to marry one by one.First it was Mr. Ming Yi, and now it is Chang Shao.

In the evening, when Su Junyu came back, Su Chengyun hurriedly called him over.

"Sister, I've been in a bad mood these few days. I've been with him and ignored you!" Su Junyu hurriedly apologized.

hum!I also know that I ignored her, so it can be taught as a child!

"Second brother, why don't you invite Chang Shao to come home? Chang Shao and I are also friends!" Su Chengyun said dissatisfied.

"Aren't you afraid of disturbing my sister's cleanliness?" Su Junyu scratched his head.

"Really?" Su Chengyun didn't believe it.

"Hey, um, isn't Chang Shao in a bad mood? My sister is pregnant with a child. I didn't dare to bring him here because I was afraid that he would affect my sister's mood!" Su Junyu said hastily.

hehe!And put her in front, yes, yes!

"Second brother, Chang Shao was forced to marry?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Hey, the Chang family has always had a small number of heirs. In Chang Shao's generation, there is only Chang Shao, so Chang Shao is the next generation successor of the Chang family. The Chang family is rejoicing that Chang Shao is a boy. Now Chang Shao grows up. When he grows up, the family hopes that he can get married as soon as possible, so that he can spread branches and leaves for the Chang family. In the past two years, the family has seen that Chang Shao has no intention of getting married, so the turmoil has become more severe. Chang Shao couldn't stand it anymore, so he left home and came to Nancang Already." Su Junyu roughly said.

"Chang Shao came here specifically to find you?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Hey, Shao Chang said he had nowhere to go, so he found me here when he knew I was here!" Su Junyu said with a smile.

"Then where does Chang Shao live?"

"The Chang family in Nancang City has no business, so I rented a room for him in the Yun family's inn! I have greeted Mr. Yun, and Mr. Yun will take care of Mr. Chang!" Su Junyu said triumphantly.

"Second brother, bring Chang Shao here when you have time! I haven't seen Chang Shao for a long time, and I want to meet too!" Su Chengyun said, she wanted to ask Chang Shao about her plans.It seems that Chang Shao can't hide her identity as a man for a long time. It is impossible for her to be a man for the rest of her life!

"But, sister..."

"Second brother, don't worry, I'm not a person who likes to think wildly, how could I be influenced by Chang Shao? Besides, Chang Shao will definitely not look bitter when he comes to see me!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Haha, what my sister said is that I will find an opportunity to bring Chang Shao here later!" Su Junyu thought about it and agreed. He wanted to persuade Chang Shao quickly, but he couldn't let Chang Shao influence his sister.

"Sister, I heard from mother that Mr. Yi is here, and he still wants to be your cheap husband and your child's cheap father?" Su Junyu asked about the news he got from his mother.

"Hehe, Mr. Ming Yi just expressed his feelings, you don't need to care about it!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hmph, if I hear them say such things again, I must beat them on the spot. If Mo Mo is not here, those two people will start to plot against you. It's too despicable!" Su Junyu said angrily.

That's right, Feng Jue is also lying down!

(End of this chapter)

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