Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 346 I Can Practice

Chapter 346 I Can Practice
Under the persuasion of Su Hongyi, Wen Xinlan and Su Chengyun, the old man and his aunt finally returned to Liuyun City with the phoenix feather armor, but before they left, they dispatched more people to guard the place.

Although the outside is not calm, Su Chengyun is living very comfortably. Su Hongyi and Wenxinlan love this daughter the most, blocking all the wind and rain for her.

"Mother, you will practice here from now on!" When Su Chengyun went to see the two children, the boy said.

"Huh? Can you practice here?" Su Chengyun asked in surprise.

"Mother, have you seen that piece of white? It's an innate qi, which is more suitable for improving cultivation than spiritual qi!" the boy said.

"Since that's the case, just absorb it!" The innate gas here must be because of the two children, how could she selfishly snatch food from the children's mouths.

"Mother..." the little girl said coquettishly, "Mother, my brother and I are going to sleep in the egg and wait for the birth!"

"Ah..." Su Chengyun counted the time, and there are about half a year left, so it will be three years.

"Mother, my brother and I have absorbed enough of that. After we are born, these congenital experiences will slowly dissipate, so mother can't waste it!" The little girl said with a smile.

Su Chengyun looked at the boy, saw him nodding and couldn't help but said: "Okay, I'll listen to you! But, once you fall asleep, mother won't be able to see you again!"

"Mom, we can meet again in half a year!" The little girl replied with a smile.

"En! Then spend more time with your bridesmaids tonight!" Su Chengyun demanded.

"Okay!" The two children agreed, making Su Chengyun feel that they are extremely cute.

In the following days, Su Hongyi and Wenxin Lan could clearly feel that Su Chengyun was sleeping longer and longer. Su Hongyi was worried and wanted to ask the doctor to see him, but Wenxin Lan stopped him.

"Didn't you see that Yun'er's complexion is very good every time she wakes up, and Yun'er will see a doctor herself, if there is a problem, she would have told her!" Wen Xinlan persuaded.

"Hey, but there is no pregnant woman who sleeps for such a long time. No, Yun'er is pregnant with a child now. I must figure it out, otherwise I don't worry!" Su Hongyi insisted on asking the doctor to come and see.

"Why don't you wait for Yun'er to wake up and ask Yun'er!" Wen Xinlan was actually a little worried, and she was also afraid that Su Chengyun might have some problems, so she finally gave a suggestion.

"All right!"

So when Su Chengyun woke up this time, he saw Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi standing by.

"Father and mother, why are you all here?" Su Chengyun mainly asked Su Hongyi, because Su Hongyi now checks all kinds of information every day and issues many orders, so he rarely has time.

"Yun'er, you're awake, do you want some water!" Wen Xinlan asked with concern.

Su Chengyun nodded, Wen Xinlan immediately handed over a glass of warm water.

"Father, what's the matter with you?" Su Chengyun looked at the two and asked.

Su Hongyi and Wen Xinlan looked at each other, and finally Su Hongyi asked cautiously: "Yun'er, do you feel that you have slept a little too much recently?"

It turned out to be for this matter!
Su Chengyun smiled: "Father and mother, it's okay, I'm fine, maybe the child is about to be born, so I'm just a little lethargic!"

"It's really just lethargy?" Su Hongyi confirmed.

"Well, doesn't daddy see that I'm in good spirits every time I go to sleep?" Su Chengyun asked back.

"It's really much better!" Su Hongyi nodded, "Yun'er, you don't know that you are almost scaring Daddy, and Daddy and Mother only have you as a daughter, so I don't want you to have any problems!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? You can't even say auspicious words!" Wen Xinlan gave Su Hongyi a displeased look.

"Hey, it's Daddy's mistake, Yun'er will definitely give birth to a lovely child for Daddy and Mother!" Su Hongyi hastily changed his words.

Su Chengyun burst out laughing, and teased, "Daddy, do you think there are too few daughters like me, do you want to have another child?"

"Yun'er, don't talk nonsense!" Wen Xinlan scolded.

"Mom, I'm really not talking nonsense. You and dad are not very old. It's normal to want a child, and I don't object!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, she really has no objection, this They have always regretted that the two were absent in her childhood, and having another child might be able to make up for this regret.

"Yun'er, you are going to be a mother, what will people say when I have another child?" Wen Xinlan put on a straight face.

what!It turns out that my mother can't get rid of this face!
"Mother, don't care what they say, they are just jealous of father and mother!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hey, I think what my daughter said is right!" Su Hongyi also supported, "You see, the two children of the elder brother's family have taken care of each other since they were young. It's so pitiful for Yun'er to be alone!"

"You..." Wen Xinlan glared at Su Hongyi, then turned and left.

"Hey, your mother has a thin skin!" Su Hongyi said to Su Chengyun with a smile.

Su Chengyun also laughed, and chatted with Su Hongyi for a few more words, and Su Hongyi went out to do errands.

Su Chengyun stroked her stomach with her hands. She had been practicing in that space during this time, and her stomach was flat there.

The two children were right. The innate gas there was indeed the best gas for cultivation. Although she was on the verge of breaking through before, she had already broken through to the Spirit Sect in just a few days!
Normally, it would be very difficult to break through to the Spirit Sect, but in that space, she just wanted to try, who knew that she would succeed immediately.

Feeling the Spiritual Aura on his body now, Su Chengyun smiled happily.

She clearly knew that it was not this body that entered that space, but cultivating there was as if it was this body cultivating.

In particular, the success of the advanced spiritual sect made Su Chengyun more determined to practice.

I thought that my cultivation would be stagnant for the past three years, but I didn't expect to be able to practice again now, and the effect of cultivation is very good.

There is still a lot of innate gas there, and she wants to use all of that gas for cultivation before the children are born, so as not to waste it when the children are born and cannot enter.

"Chengyun, you have been sleeping twice since I came here!" Shangguan Youyue couldn't help but said when she came to see Chengyun one day.

"Xu Shi is pregnant with the child at the end, and she feels lethargic every day!" Su Chengyun said, she didn't tell anyone about the child still having that space!
"Well, it's really hard to have a child!" Shangguan Youyue glanced at Su Chengyun sympathetically.

Su Chengyun was delighted when he heard the words: "You Yue, don't worry, there will be such a day!"

"Chengyun, you know how to make fun of me!" Shangguan Youyue complained.

"Hehe, well, I won't tease you anymore!" Su Chengyun said hastily.

"Hey, I'm exhausted these few days!" Shangguan Youyue sighed.

"You Yue, haven't you guys already graduated? Why are you still so busy?"

"Chengyun, Nancang Academy is recruiting new students again, and Feng Jue and I went to help out. I thought it would be a very easy job, but I didn't expect it to be exhausting!" Shangguan Youyue said.

"It's so fast!" Su Chengyun remembered their participation in the selection of Nancang Academy.

(End of this chapter)

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