Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 379 Discussing the Arguments

Chapter 379 Discussing the Arguments

It has been delayed for a long time in Luo'an Island, Hai Tianlong let go on the second day.

"Nan Mingyi, are you really not going back with me?" Qing Yu'er asked while standing on the pier, frowning.

Mr. Mingyi shook his head: "Qing Yu'er, thank you for taking care of me these days, Chengyun needs me now, I will accompany Chengyun, you go back!"

"Nan Mingyi, do you really stop thinking about it?" Qing Yu'er asked again, and glanced at Hai Tianlong on the deck. Is Hai Tianlong such a kind person?She doesn't believe it, what if something happens to Mr. Ming Yi on Hai Tianlong's boat?
"Don't think about it anymore, I've made up my mind!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Su Chengyun, don't you persuade Nan Mingyi?" Qing Yu'er finally put her eyes on Su Chengyun, as long as Su Chengyun is willing to persuade, Mr. Mingyi will definitely listen.

Su Chengyun smiled and said: "Young Master Ming Yi has his freedom, I will not interfere!" Young Master Ming Yi became stubborn and fought against Feng Jue, even if she tried to persuade him, it was useless.

"Su Chengyun, Nan Mingyi did it for you..."

"Qing Yu'er, stop talking!" Young Master Ming Yi stepped forward to block Su Chengyun, as if he was very dissatisfied with Qing Yu'er's attitude of oppressing Su Chengyun.

Qing Yu'er stopped talking embarrassingly, and she forgot that Su Chengyun's weight was too heavy for her to compare with.

"Hai Tianlong, let's set sail!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

Hai Tianlong hooked the corner of his mouth, waved his hand, and the boat moved.

Qing Yu'er frowned as she watched the boat go further and further away, and finally returned to her own boat.

This place is not far from Haiyunzong, the journey that could have been reached in seven days, but it took half a month for Mr. Mingyi to arrive.

"Mr. Ming Yi, if you go at your speed, this boat might as well be dead!" Hai Tianlong didn't have a good look at Mr. Ming Yi.

"Hehe, Hai Tianlong, you clearly know that it is inconvenient for Chengyun to be pregnant with a child, and you still drive the boat so fast, what if something happens?" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

"Hmph, nothing happened along the way, but it happened when you showed up?" Hai Tianlong said angrily.

"You don't even look at Chengyun's previous state. Now that he is about to give birth, can you not be careful?" Mr. Ming Yi said, "Hai Tianlong, if you can't take care of Chengyun well, leave it to me!"

"Hmph, who said I can't take care of it well, isn't it just to slow down the boat? I'll give the order immediately!" Hai Tianlong really ordered.

Young Master Mingyi is satisfied now.

Even so, Mr. Mingyi would greet Su Chengyun every day and ask about the child's condition.

"Hmph, Mr. Ming Yi, if you don't know, you think the child in Su Chengyun's belly is yours?" Hai Tianlong sarcastically said.

"Hehe, as long as Chengyun is willing, I have no objection!" Mr. Ming Yi said a word that blocked Hai Tianlong from saying anything.

"Young Master Ming Yi, Su Chengyun has my pulse checked every day, so don't worry about it!" Hai Tianlong said.

Mr. Ming Yi didn't care either: "You take your pulse, I'll ask mine, there's no conflict!"

In short, when the two were together, there was never a time when they didn't argue.

And when the boat arrived at the island of Hai Yunzong, Hai Tianlong looked up to the sky and roared loudly: "Master Mingyi, this time I see how you are still in front of me!"

Mr. Ming Yi looked at the big island in front of him and frowned: "If Hai Yunzong's territory is not allowed by Hai Tianlong, he really can't go there!"

"Hai Tianlong, you are finally back!" Just as Hai Tianlong was proud, a rough voice came from the pier.

Hai Tianlong looked up, and after seeing who it was, he curled his lips: "Yo, who did I think it was? It turned out to be the second elder of Qingyun Sect! The second elder came to my Haiyun Sect and really made me Haiyun Zong Pi Shenghui, Hai Tianlong failed to greet him in person, it is really rude!"

"Hai Tianlong, the old man asked you, did you abolish Qing Lian'er's cultivation?" The second elder was obviously not impressed by Hai Tianlong's words, and went straight to the point.

"If you're talking about Qing Lian'er, then you're right!" Hai Tianlong is not a person who doesn't admit what he has done, he simply admitted it.

"Hai Tianlong, how could you be so cruel to a little girl like Qing Lian'er!" the second elder complained.

"Hey, Second Elder, you can't say that, Qing Lian'er offended me first, I gave her a chance, but she doesn't change, what else can I do? I can't just be trampled by Qing Lian'er Go on! I, Hai Tianlong, say that I am the next suzerain of Haiyunzong. Qing Lian'er is so presumptuous in front of me, can I still do it?" Hai Tianlong doesn't think he is wrong.

"Hai Tianlong, even so, it's fine if you punish him a little bit, how can you be so cruel, how do you let Qing Lian'er practice in the future?" The second elder said with narrowed eyes.

"Hey, Second Elder, I heard that Qing Lian'er's family has served your Qingyun Sect for generations. There has never been a person with such excellent cultivation talent as Qing Lian'er in the family!" Hai Tianlong said.

"That's right! Otherwise, the old man wouldn't accept her as his granddaughter!" said the second elder.

"Hey, Second Elder, I don't think your vision is very good! You actually accepted a woman with a vicious heart like Qing Lian'er." Hai Tianlong raised the corners of his eyes mockingly.

"Hmph!" The second elder snorted coldly when he heard this.

"Hey, I think that Qing Lian'er is more and more courageous because she has practiced and gained strength, and she doesn't take others seriously." Hai Tianlong said, "Second Elder, I just let Qing Lian'er It’s all about returning to the previous state of her family, I’m helping you, what if Qing Lian’er causes some disaster again? I’m afraid you won’t be able to stop even the second elder!” Hai Tianlong seemed He is very considerate of the second elder.

The second elder felt depressed when he heard the words: "Hmph, you are making too much sense, Hai Tianlong, it is a fact that you have harmed Qing Lian'er, don't run away. This old man is here to ask you for an explanation today, so you don't have to talk to me about anything else!" The elder said coldly.

"Okay, then let's talk about Qing Lian'er, such a poisonous woman, what are you going to do?" Hai Tianlong looked at the second elder and asked.

"Hmph, Hai Tianlong, I'm here to ask you for an explanation, not for you and me to talk about it!" The second elder stared over displeased.

"Hehe, it's the same, it's all the same! What Qing Lian'er did is really unforgivable. I only abolished her cultivation base to take advantage of her. If the Second Elder still wants to punish her, then she can be punished as she pleases. I have no objection here!" Hai Tianlong said with a smile.

"Hai Tianlong!" The second elder shouted angrily, "Qing Lian'er has become like that, why don't you let her go?"

"Hey, Second Elder, I think my punishment is useless at all. Qing Lian'er doesn't jump up and down. She found Qing Yu'er and didn't say anything, and even asked you to stand up for her. Since she was abolished, she still doesn't know Repent, what's the use of keeping such a person!" Hai Tianlong said with a hint of sternness in his tone.

"Hai Tianlong, you..."

"Am I wrong? Second Elder, dare you say that you were not instigated by Qing Lian'er, and dare you say that Qing Lian'er didn't ask you to avenge her!"

(End of this chapter)

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