Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 382 Warning

Chapter 382 Warning
"You dare to stare at me, do you know who I am?" Seeing Lu Rushuang glaring at her, Xue Hanning was even more unhappy when he saw Lu Rushuang glaring at her, and he couldn't help but raised his brows and choked.

"Oh, you are the sister of a woman named Hai Tianlong!" Lu Rushuang said coldly.

"You..." Xue Hanning suddenly became angry like a hedgehog with fried fur. She wanted to be Hai Tianlong's woman the most. She thought about him from the first time she saw him. Lu Rushuang just reminded him this way. The younger sister of one of Hai Tianlong's many women, it is impossible to be Hai Tianlong's woman!
"Hey, am I wrong?" Lu Rushuang looked at Hai Tianlong suspiciously, "Brother Hai, isn't she your woman's younger sister?"

"It's my sister!" Hai Tianlong said.

Lu Rushuang raised her eyebrows and looked at Xue Hanning whose complexion suddenly changed. This Xue Hanning really likes Hai Tianlong.

"Brother Hai, does it mean that every time you bring a woman back, will she make trouble like this? Or is it just me because I am a native of Lanling Continent?" Lu Rushuang said in a low voice, "Brother Hai, I am alone with you Come back, your sister who is a woman can't tolerate me like this, will your other women let you drive me away? I'm so scared!"

Su Chengyun wanted to give a thumbs up in his heart. Lu Rushuang had recognized the reality and was about to play the emotional card. She has no influence here, and the only thing she can rely on is Hai Tianlong. It seems that she is going to follow Hai Tianlong's route Well, as long as Hai Tianlong is wined over, are you afraid of other women looking for trouble?
Lu Rushuang's strategy is correct!

"Sharp teeth!" Xue Hanning criticized coldly when he heard the words, "You outsider, still want to be equal to the people here? Don't think that you can be lawless if you follow Brother Tianlong!"

"Hey, what did I do, still lawless? Brother Hai, did I do lawless things?" Lu Rushuang asked in a ignorant manner, with doubts shining in her eyes.

"Lu Rushuang, don't talk about it!" Hai Tianlong waved Lu Rushuang to shut up, and then said to Xue Hanning, "Ning'er, we are very tired from working hard all the way, we can talk about anything after we have a rest!"

"Ah, brother Tianlong, you are tired, then you can go to sister's place to rest, she will take good care of you!" Xue Hanning said with a look of concern.

"No, I still have to arrange for Su Chengyun. I don't have time to go today. When I have time, I will go to see your sister. Your sister is also very lonely in Haiyunzong. You can spend more time with her!" Hai Tianlong said.

Hearing this, Xue Hanning turned her gaze to Su Chengyun, to be more precise, on Su Chengyun's big belly: "Brother Tianlong, is that your child?" My sister is not pregnant yet, how could she allow other women to conceive first.

"No!" Hai Tianlong directly denied.

But how could Xue Hanning believe it, and said, "Brother Hai, are you afraid that the people of Haiyunzong will not allow it? It doesn't matter, you are the next suzerain, and her belly is so big, it is not easy to get rid of it." Now, the people of Haiyun Sect will not make things difficult on purpose! However, can the child be raised by the elder sister? My elder sister has always liked children, but it is a pity that she has not conceived for so many years!"

Su Chengyun narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, another person who was playing tricks on her child.

The corners of Lu Rushuang's mouth curled up slightly, Xue Hanning was miserable, Su Chengyun wouldn't let it go if he dared to play against Su Chengyun's child.

But Mr. Mingyi shouted directly: "What's the matter with you woman? Hai Tianlong said that it's not his child. Why do you give someone else's child to your sister? Who do you think your sister is? Chengyun's child?" Is that what she can imagine?"

"Who are you?" Xue Hanning looked at Mr. Ming Yi and asked.

"Lanling Continent Nanmingyi!" Mr. Mingyi gave his name.

"Are you from Lanling Continent? Could it be that the child belongs to you?" Xue Hanning asked.

"It's not mine! But whoever dares to hit the child and the child's mother, I, Nan Mingyi, will not let him go!" Mr. Mingyi said with a cold face.

"Hey, it's not your child, why are you nervous? Do you like the child's mother? It's a pity, it's not yours!" Xue Hanning shook his head and sighed.

"Xue Hanning, right? The matter of Chengyun is none of your business, but if you dare to make up your mind, I will not let you go!" Mr. Mingyi said coldly, "And you, Hai Tianlong, don't care Well, your women, if they trouble Chengyun, if one or two of them are abolished, don't feel bad!"

"Young Master Mingyi, don't worry, I won't let them disturb Su Chengyun!" Hai Tianlong assured, "If someone really did that, I will finish her off without you and Su Chengyun doing it!"

Xue Hanning looked at Hai Tianlong in disbelief, unable to believe that this was what Hai Tianlong could say.

"Brother Tianlong, how could you do this for an outsider?" Xue Hanning said sadly, and looked at Su Chengyun unkindly. He thought that Lu Rushuang was the most threatening one, but he didn't expect a woman who was pregnant with a child to be in Brother Tianlong's house. The weight in my heart is even heavier, even surpassing my sister.The child in that man's belly is not brother Tianlong, brother Tianlong is just protecting him like this, if that woman is favored, will there still be a chance for my sister?Is there still a chance for her?
"Ning'er, don't let me hear the word outsider again, there is no outsider here!" Hai Tianlong warned solemnly.

"Brother Tianlong?" He actually blamed her for an outsider?Xue Hanning couldn't accept it for a while.

"Ning'er, I'm going back to rest, and you should go back early!" Hai Tianlong said, and signaled for the carriage to start.

Xue Hanning wanted to say something, but saw that Hai Tianlong no longer looked at her, and the carriage rumbled past her.

"Xue Hanning, put away your thoughts, if something happens to Chengyun, I won't let you go!"

Xue Hanning's face was so ugly that she didn't understand the charm of that woman with a big belly. Not only did Hai Tianlong protect her, but she also made this handsome man in front of her take care of her in every possible way. She was already a little jealous of Su Chengyun, and even hoped that Hai Tianlong would have it too. To be able to treat her like this one day.

"Second Miss, Eldest Miss welcomes you!" A maid who looked familiar came over and said softly.

Xue Hanning recovered from his own thoughts, frowned and asked suspiciously: "Sister is here?"

"Go back to the second lady, the eldest lady is at the teahouse opposite!" The maid pointed to a teahouse not far away, Xue Hanning looked over, and happened to see a beautiful face looking over.

"Sister!" Xue Hanning exclaimed and was about to pass, but suddenly paused and asked, "When did sister come?"

The servant girl replied: "Second Miss, the Eldest Miss has been there all along!"

So my sister saw what happened just now, Xue Hanning narrowed her eyes.

Although she has her own small thoughts, she is still in the limelight for her elder sister. It is really annoying for her elder sister to watch her deal with so many people alone and be indifferent while drinking tea leisurely!

(End of this chapter)

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