Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 399 Unforgivable

Chapter 399 Unforgivable
At this moment, Aunt Fat walked in and saw the women kneeling on the ground frowning slightly.

"Master, Mr. Ming Yi has come to find Miss Su!" Aunt Fat said to Hai Tianlong.

"Master Mingyi?" Su Chengyun's eyes lit up, he stood up abruptly, and was about to walk out.

"Su Chengyun, be careful!" Hai Tianlong frowned, and then looked at Fat Aunt, "Fat Aunt, ask the guards to tell Mr. Ming Yi that Su Chengyun doesn't see anyone!"

"Hai Tianlong..." Su Chengyun stared at Hai Tianlong upon hearing this.

"Su Chengyun, I said that Mr. Mingyi will not be allowed to enter Haiyunzong!" Hai Tianlong said directly.

"Hai Tianlong, if you don't let Mr. Mingyi in, I can go out to meet him!" Su Chengyun said.

"No, it's still far from the gate!" Hai Tianlong glanced at Su Chengyun and said.

"To me, it's nothing!" Su Chengyun said directly.

"Su Chengyun, do you really want to see Mr. Ming Yi?" Hai Tianlong was a little angry, there was a lot of people outside, and many people were interested in Su Chengyun. I don't know how dangerous it would be for Su Chengyun to go out alone. ?

"Of course, Mr. Mingyi and I have an appointment long ago, and I asked him to help me find things. Now that Mr. Mingyi is here, how can I not see him?" Su Chengyun said confidently.

"You mean red flame stone?" Hai Tianlong said.

"Hey, how do you know?" Su Chengyun asked strangely.

"Hmph, Su Chengyun, don't think that I don't know about you secretly asking Mr. Mingyi to help you find the Red Flame Stone. Let me tell you, if an outsider wants to find these things overseas, he can't do without connections!" Hai Tianlong said, he didn't believe that Mr. Ming Yi could be found in such a short time.

"Hehe, Hai Tianlong, who said that Mr. Yi has no contacts? Have you forgotten how he came overseas?" Su Chengyun laughed when he heard this.

"Qing Yuer..." Hai Tianlong narrowed his eyes, looking very upset.

"Hai Tianlong, Mr. Ming Yi must have news, I must see it!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hmph, Su Chengyun, if you want red flame stones, I can collect them for you. You don't have to meet Mr. Ming Yi!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Okay, you go and help me collect them, but I also want to see Mr. Mingyi!" Su Chengyun said.

"Su Chengyun..." Hai Tianlong gritted his teeth, this woman is really reckless.

"Hai Tianlong, I need a lot of red flame stones!" Su Chengyun looked at Hai Tianlong and said seriously, "Hai Tianlong, you know you can't stop me, so why bother to stop me?" Su Chengyun persuaded again. She really needs the Flame Stone, otherwise she wouldn't have asked Mr. Mingyi to collect it.

Hai Tianlong was silent for a moment, and said to the fat aunt who was waiting at the side: "Please come over, Mr. Mingyi!"

"Yes, master!" Fat aunt stepped back.

And Su Chengyun laughed: "Thank you, Hai Tianlong!"

Hai Tianlong glared at Su Chengyun angrily, turned his face away and stopped talking.

But Xue Hanbing was very surprised. Everyone knew that Brother Tianlong was a decisive person and would not be easily influenced by them. But what did she see now?It turned out that Brother Tianlong gave in.

Brother Tianlong obviously didn't want Su Chengyun to see Mr. Ming Yi, but under Su Chengyun's insistence, brother Tianlong actually compromised slowly, yes, he did compromise slowly.

Not only Xue Hanbing was surprised, even Xue Hanqing and other women were also extremely surprised.

Hai Tianlong has always been honest with these women, and never allowed them to bargain in front of him, but Su Chengyun not only succeeded in bargaining, but also made Hai Tianlong make such a big concession.

If Hai Tianlong didn't like Su Chengyun, how could he indulge her so much.

For a moment, all the women were extremely depressed.

Hai Tianlong glanced at everyone: "Don't expect me to be soft-hearted, go back to your own yard, I will find someone to take your pulse later, and I will send someone to take you home immediately after you are treated. For a while, if anyone dares to do anything wrong, don't blame me for being merciless!" Hai Tianlong's eyes flashed sharply.

Seeing that the matter was difficult to recover, all the women couldn't help crying with sadness.

"Su Chengyun, please beg Brother Hai, let him forgive us!" Women who reacted quickly began to beg Su Chengyun. They saw Su Chengyun's influence and believed that Su Chengyun would help them say a few good words , Hai Tianlong will not pursue too much.

But Hai Tianlong was angry when he heard the words: "You don't understand what I say, do you? You just said you don't want to make any fools, and you all aimed at Su Chengyun, didn't you?"

"Brother Hai, we just want Su Chengyun to intercede for us!" the woman cried.

"I tell you, it's useless for anyone to intercede!" Hai Tianlong said angrily, "Guards, surround me with this compound, and don't allow a bird to fly out, and don't allow a bird to fly in!" Hai Tianlong shouted loudly, and the guards immediately took orders to carry it out.

The hearts of the women sank. Is this to isolate them from the outside world?
Can't they even send a message to the family?Hai Tianlong completely blocked their way!

"Brother Hai, you can't treat us like this?" a woman cried.

"Hmph, I can treat you as I want in my territory. You are too complicated. I won't let you communicate with the outside world and cause any trouble!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Brother Hai, we just want to stay by your side!"

"Hmph, I don't need you femme fatales by my side!" Hai Tianlong directly refused.

"Brother Hai, you should kill us directly!"

"Okay!" Hai Tianlong flicked his hand, and stabbed a big knife into a big tree next to him, "The knife is there, anyone of you who wants to die can hit it by himself, and after you die, I will kill you Return the dead body to your family with drums and drums, along with what you have done!"

The women became sluggish, no one thought that Hai Tianlong would be so hard-hearted, even Su Chengyun couldn't accept it, no matter what, these women had been with him before, but now they treat him like this.

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, what Hai Tianlong did is also understandable, no one wants his backyard to be so smoky.

Men's ideas are good, but the reality will give them a slap in the face.

In fact, if Xue Hanqing and the others had put their postures low from the beginning, Hai Tianlong might not be so angry, but they shouldn't be grabbing her.

The more she is involved, the more Hai Tianlong will not let this matter go easily.

Moreover, Hai Tianlong loved Xue Hanbing very much. Xue Hanqing's attack on Xue Hanbing also hit Hai Tianlong's weakness, making him think of this when he saw Xue Hanqing, and felt that these women were even more unforgivable.

(End of this chapter)

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