Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 405 Hostility

Chapter 405 Hostility
In the end, Xue Hanqing was still pale and was walked away by several women.

"Su Chengyun, I'll take a walk with you!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Hey, aren't you busy today?" Hai Tianlong was very busy recently, why did he suddenly get idle.

"It's not like I have to deal with it in one day, so I can't relax?" Hai Tianlong asked back.

"Yes!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said, taking a break from the busy schedule is not only applicable to ordinary people, it is also applicable to those as strong as Hai Tianlong, hehe!
"Let's go!" Hai Tianlong led the way, Xiaoyu supported Su Chengyun and followed behind.

Hai Tianlong was also worried that Su Chengyun would not walk fast, so he walked slowly, turning his head from time to time to introduce the surrounding scenery to Su Chengyun.

Not long after walking, a man in black came up to him, with small eyes and a cold face, and the corners of his mouth were always slightly raised, like sarcasm and mockery.

Su Chengyun didn't know what was going on, but when he saw the man in black, he instinctively felt uncomfortable.

"Master Hai!" After the man in black stepped forward to greet Hai Tianlong, he fixed his eyes on Su Chengyun, or her stomach to be precise.

"This is Miss Su, right?" the man in black asked, but Su Chengyun could hear the strong eagerness in his tone.

"Well, this is Su Chengyun!" Hai Tianlong said, "Su Chengyun, this is Lin Xing, a new cultivator recruited by Haiyun Sect, with a very high cultivation level!"

"Mr. Lin, hello!" Although Su Chengyun didn't like this man very much, he still greeted him out of politeness, not unexpectedly catching the flickering light in his eyes.

This man is very dangerous, Su Chengyun's intuition told her so.

"Okay, Su Chengyun, today's time is not short, let's go back earlier!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun replied.

The moment she left, she could clearly feel Lin Xing's eyes on her.

Su Chengyun didn't understand, she had never seen Lin Xing before, why did he hold hostility towards her?Yes, is it hostility?Although it is very light, but she is pregnant now, she feels very sensitive, and she can feel it naturally.

"Hai Tianlong, who is this Lin Xing?" Su Chengyun asked after leaving a certain distance.

"Oh, it is said that he grew up on an isolated island as an orphan, and he has cultivated to this point slowly with the help of a cheat book he picked up!" Hai Tianlong briefly explained.

"Stronger than you?"

"I haven't compared it, I don't know! But many seniors of Haiyunzong have praised him!" Hai Tianlong said.

This means that he is stronger than him!
Su Chengyun's heart sank slightly. An unknown person who was stronger than Hai Tianlong was still hostile to her. Such a person was like a poisonous snake by his side, and it was hard to predict when he would jump out and bite.

"Su Chengyun, are you interested in Lin Xing?" Seeing Su Chengyun pondering, Hai Tianlong couldn't help but put on a straight face.

"Well, that person looks very dangerous!" Su Chengyun said truthfully, naturally she knew that her words would have a different meaning in Hai Tianlong's ears.

"Lin Xing has been bullied a lot since he was a child, so he is on guard against everyone, including me. The danger you feel should be his defense!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Maybe!" Su Chengyun said.

The three of them walked slowly, but as soon as they reached the gate of the courtyard, they saw a guard coming in a hurry.

"Master, Miss Hu's family is outside, they want to see Miss Hu and you!" the guard said.

"Miss Hu? Hu Jiaoer?" Hai Tianlong asked with a frown.

"Exactly!" The guard nodded.

"No see!" Hai Tianlong flicked his sleeves directly, looking at the guards with a heavy gaze, is such a trivial matter worth reporting to him?

The guard also saw his master's displeasure, and hurriedly said: "Master, they brought a boy who was a few months old and said..." The guard did not dare to look at Hai Tianlong's face.

"What?" Hai Tianlong asked.

"Say... say it's your child!" The guard finally spoke out.

And Hai Tianlong's face was gloomy and terrifying.

"Hehe, Hai Tianlong, congratulations on your precious son!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, even though she didn't believe that the child belonged to Hai Tianlong, she still couldn't help saying.It seems pretty good to be able to see Hai Tianlong's jokes.

Hai Tianlong's face darkened when he heard the words: "Hmph, bring them here, I want to see what my child looks like?"

Feeling the chill coming from Hai Tianlong, the guards didn't dare to stay any longer, and ran away.

"Su Chengyun, aren't you tired?" Hai Tianlong asked.

"Hai Tianlong, do you want me to own a small courtyard? If I go back, how can I go to the theater?" Su Chengyun said with reason.

"Su Chengyun, this is my family business!" Hai Tianlong gritted his teeth.

"Well, it's just a joke. Could it be that you are too mean to let me be happy!" Su Chengyun raised his eyebrows and looked at Hai Tianlong, resolutely refusing to leave.

"Su Chengyun, are my jokes that good? Haven't you seen enough of them before?" He let her see enough of those women's jokes before.

"Hehe, there's nothing fun here, I can only have fun by myself, and it's rare for you to provide me with fun!" Su Chengyun said fearlessly.

"Su Chengyun..." Hai Tianlong gritted his teeth.

Su Chengyun was unmoved.

Xiao Yu'er pulled Lasu Chengyun's sleeve, and whispered: "Miss Su, let's go back first! If you want to hear it, I will let you know the details after I know it!"

Su Chengyun laughed when he heard the words: "Xiaoyu, if you hear it afterwards, it's not interesting to hear it on the spot!"

Xiaoyu glanced at the gloomy master, and lowered his head slightly.

Master, you should persuade yourself, she can't persuade you!

"Su Chengyun, are you really not going back?" Hai Tianlong asked again.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "I won't go back!"

Hai Tianlong stared at Su Chengyun for a long time, and finally said helplessly: "Okay, but you should stay away from those people, you know?"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun responded with a smile.

Xiaoyu raised her eyes in disbelief, the master compromised without doing anything, is this the master they knew before?

It seems that Miss Su's status in the master's mind must be extraordinary. She went back and told her companions that she will double serve Su Chengyun in the future.

As long as Su Chengyun gains power, they will also rise in the future.

If Su Chengyun knew that Xiaoyu thought so, he would find it very funny.

Everyone here saw that Hai Tianlong was kind to her, but they would not have guessed that Hai Tianlong would take her into surgery soon.

But let them think so, if everyone knows that she is a fish on the chopping board, let Hai Tianlong butcher her, how can she take a leisurely walk now?
Su Chengyun rubbed her swollen belly, two children were about to be born, and she had to implement her plan before they were born.

It's time to watch the little flame sparrow!

(End of this chapter)

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