Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 407 Guess

Chapter 407 Guess
"Brother Hai..."

"Hu Jiaoer, it is impossible for you to conceive my child, including the women in this courtyard, none of them can conceive my child!" Hai Tianlong said loudly.

And Hu Jiaoer had already froze in place, and the other people also had a look of astonishment on their faces, only Su Chengyun slightly hooked the corners of his mouth.

"Hai...Master Hai, could it" Hu Jiaoer's mother looked at Hai Tianlong in surprise and disbelief after a long time, but didn't ask, because men are very taboo about these things.

Hai Tianlong turned black when he heard the words: "My young master is normal!"

"Master Hai, since you are normal, why do you say that no woman here can conceive your child?" Hu Jiaoer's father asked with a frown.

"That's right, Brother Hai, you never let us drink Bizi soup, it is normal for us to conceive a child. Brother Hai, you have to recognize your own flesh and blood!" Hu Jiaoer said here again. There was a burst of crying.

"Damn it, that's not my child at all!" Hai Tianlong slammed the table and said, "Hmph, I didn't let you drink Bizitang because I took medicine, so you won't conceive a child at all. "

As soon as Hai Tianlong said this, Hu Jiaoer was dumbfounded, and everyone in the courtyard was also dumbfounded.

"Hmph, there is no mistress here yet. Do you think I will foolishly let you conceive a child before? Since ancient times, the dispute between the eldest son and eldest son has been the source of cholera. I will allow you to give birth to a child before the eldest son is born." , Bring trouble to my future son?" Hai Tianlong said angrily.

Hu Jiaoer was stunned for a long time, then said tremblingly: "Brother Hai, Guo'er is really your child, that medicine... that medicine sometimes fails!"

"That's right, Master Hai!" Hu Jiao'er's mother also cheered.

"There is no possibility, the medicine I personally prepared will not cause problems!" Hai Tianlong said with great certainty, "So, Hu Jiaoer, the child you gave birth to will definitely not be mine!"

"Hai... Brother Hai..."

"Master Hai, my daughter is not the kind of woman who is always on the move, you can't wrong my daughter!" Hu Jiaoer's father said, but it was obviously lack of momentum.

"Is it true, just try it!" Hai Tianlong smiled coldly, "Come on!"

Immediately, two guards stepped forward and stood by.

"Hai...Master Hai, what are you going to do?" Hu Jiaoer's mother also asked with a trembling voice.

This family has a problem!Su Chengyun came to a conclusion.

Hu Jiao'er's parents obviously knew the inside story, and they dared to show this kind of acting skills in front of Hai Tianlong, they were really brave enough.

"Hmph!" Hai Tianlong snorted coldly, pointed at the two guards and said, "You guys, throw that child into the pond for me!"

Hu Jiaoer heard the words and screamed: "Ah..." Then she quickly knelt down and begged, "Brother Hai, the child is innocent, you can't treat him like this!"

"Huh, it's not my child! Hu Jiaoer, since you have followed me, you are still so dishonest and gave birth to an evil seed. Will I allow him to exist and tell the world that I am an incompetent man? Incompetent enough to make my own woman Hongxing is out of the wall!" Hai Tianlong stared at Hu Jiaoer and said, his eyes were so cold that there was no warmth.

Hu Jiaoer was stunned for a moment, and said: "Brother Hai, please let Guoer go, you see how he looks so similar to you, how could he be someone else's child, Brother Hai, tiger poison doesn't eat children, you can't do this Right Guoer?"

"What are you still doing?" Hai Tianlong ignored Hu Jiaoer's words, but scolded the two hesitant guards.

The two guards were shocked, and without any hesitation, they went forward to snatch the child.

When Hu Jiaoer saw that the guards were really attacking, she couldn't help being a little anxious, and hurriedly protected the child. Hu Jiaoer's parents and the people they brought also stepped forward to stop her.

"Brother Hai, you can't do this!" Hu Jiaoer shouted hoarsely, anxious and panicked.

"Haven't you guys eaten? Even a few people can't handle it!" Hai Tianlong squinted at the behavior of the Hu family, and said to the guard with a straight face.

How could the two guards be merciful, they shot with bang bang bang, they were the best fighters in a hundred, and the Hu family was naturally not their opponents, so they were blocked one after another.

"You...don't snatch my child!" Hu Jiaoer hugged the child to hide, but she couldn't escape the guards, and the guards soon caught the child. Hu Jiaoer held the child and did not let go.

The child was tossed and cried.

Su Chengyun was very upset when he heard the child's cry, and said: "Hai Tianlong, you just want to find out who the adulterer is, why use a child as a raft!"

The child is still so young and doesn't know anything, but he is suffering because of the struggles of the adults. Su Chengyun can predict that this child will have a difficult future with the title of an illegitimate child. Hai Tianlong's woman attracts more people's attention, which means that the child is also destined to attract attention.

Hearing what Su Chengyun said, Hai Tianlong waved his right hand, and the two guards let go of the child, and retreated automatically.

Hu Jiaoer glanced at Su Chengyun gratefully, but Su Chengyun didn't want to help her, she just felt sorry for the child.

"Hai Tianlong, it's actually very easy for you to find an adulterer. The child looks so similar to you. If it's not your child, there is a high chance that it will be the child of your relatives!" Su Chengyun said.

Hu Jiaoer, who was still grateful to Su Chengyun, was completely dumbfounded when she heard the words, and said angrily: "Su Chengyun, why are you talking nonsense!"

"Why am I talking nonsense? It's a well-founded analysis!" Su Chengyun said, "Or is this child just a child who looks like Hai Tianlong that you found from outside?"

"This is the child I gave birth to in October!" Hu Jiaoer frowned.

"Hehe, since it's your child, and it looks so similar to Hai Tianlong, the child's father can use his toes to delineate a rough area!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, it's easy to guess, isn't it? ?
"Hai Tianlong, do you have brothers, uncles, cousins, etc?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

Hai Tianlong's eyes flashed.

With a wave of his hand, a black-clothed masked cultivator appeared next to him. Hai Tianlong said a few words softly, and the masked black-clothed man floated away.

Hu Jiaoer and her parents looked at each other, and there was anxiety in their eyes.

And Hai Tianlong tapped the table with his fingers, without looking at the people, the atmosphere here was extremely quiet for a while.

Suddenly, the child burst into tears.

Hai Tianlong frowned and took a look, Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "It's been so long, maybe I'm hungry!"

"Brother Hai, let the nanny take the fruit to eat first!" Hu Jiaoer looked at the child in her arms lovingly, and begged.

Hai Tianlong glanced at Hu Jiaoer and waved his hand.

Hu Jiaoer immediately handed the child over to the nanny, and the nanny, led by the guards, went to the nearby yard.

(End of this chapter)

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