Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 424 Your Guarantee 1 Is Worthless

Chapter 424 Your Guarantee Is Worthless

Seeing that Lin Xing's hand was about to grab Su Chengyun, he shouted loudly from a distance: "Lin Xing, dare you!"

Lin Xing looked back from the corner of his eyes when he heard this, and seeing Hai Tianlong chasing him, he raised the corners of his mouth coldly.

"It's now!"

Su Chengyun's eyes narrowed, his mind moved, and there was a cold sword in his hand.

"Lin Xing, go to hell!"

"Haha, ordinary swords can't hurt me!" Lin Xing laughed and continued to grab Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun sneered, and a star-like golden light overflowed from the tip of the sword, turning into a golden dragon and sweeping towards Lin Xing.

Lin Xing only felt a golden light pass by, and then his body hurt, and then he felt as if his body had been strangled by something.

Looking at the woman who was getting farther and farther away, his eyes turned to the sword in her hand, Lin Xing murmured: "Sub-artifact!"

And Su Chengyun didn't add another sword, but controlled the boat and fled forward. She seemed to have moved her fetus when she urged the Heaven-shocking Sword just now, but now her stomach hurts faintly, and Hai Tianlong is about to rush over, so she has no energy Push the Heaven-shocking Divine Sword again, so the only option is to escape.

"Master, are you alright?" Little Firefinch asked anxiously.

"I can still hold on, little Huoque, you are my last trump card, don't show up now!" Su Chengyun said.

"Master, if you can't hold on any longer, you must tell me in time, and I will take you away with all my might!" Little Huoque said.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Yes, I will!"

Lin Xing vomited two big mouthfuls of blood and tried his best to maintain his figure so as not to fall into the sea.

"Su Chengyun..." Lin Xing said fiercely, seeing Hai Tianlong coming over immediately, he glanced at Su Chengyun in the distance with hatred, and returned to his boat with a movement, from another The direction left.

Hai Tianlong only frowned and glanced at the direction Lin Xing left, then continued to chase Su Chengyun.

"Su Chengyun, stop!" Hai Tianlong shouted from behind.

Su Chengyun didn't even care about it, and continued to control the boat to move forward. The pain in her stomach hit her, she gritted her teeth and persisted.

"Su Chengyun, don't be brave anymore!" Hai Tianlong shouted anxiously, he also saw Su Chengyun's attack just now, so it's strange that Su Chengyun is still pregnant with a child with such a large attack power.

"Su Chengyun, don't run away anymore, go back with me obediently!" Hai Tianlong persuaded.

"Haha, Hai Tianlong, if I go back with you, will you let me and my child go?" Su Chengyun laughed disdainfully.

Hai Tianlong was silent for a while and then said: "Su Chengyun, if you persist like this, you will hurt yourself and your child. Be obedient and come back with me!"

"Haha, my child and I will die if I go back, why don't I insist!" Su Chengyun said, wanting her to go back, dreaming!

"Su Chengyun, don't you notice that your speed is slowly slowing down? Stop now, don't run away!" Hai Tianlong shouted.

"Hmph, Hai Tianlong, how dare I stop when you're here!" Su Chengyun gritted his teeth and drove the boat even faster.

"Su Chengyun..." Hai Tianlong shouted, and speeded up to chase after him.

After a long time, Hai Tianlong said: "Su Chengyun, you go back with me, and I promise not to hurt you and the child!"

"Haha, Hai Tianlong, your guarantee is worthless!" She didn't believe Hai Tianlong's guarantee at all.

"Su Chengyun, I'm telling the truth!" Hai Tianlong shouted anxiously, seeing Su Chengyun's pale face felt a little painful in his heart.

Su Chengyun sneered, she believed that Hai Tianlong was thinking like this at this moment, but in the future, the attraction of the elixir will always attract him, and he will gradually regret letting her go, and then lift it up What about the butcher knife?
Therefore, just listen to Hai Tianlong's words as a joke, she will never entrust the safety of herself and her child to Hai Tianlong's hands.

"Su Chengyun..." Seeing that Su Chengyun was unmoved, Hai Tianlong became anxious and the boat moved faster.

Seeing this, Su Chengyun frowned slightly, and the pain in her stomach made her maintain a high degree of sobriety.

"Not good, I'm afraid it's not simply moving the tire, but giving birth!" Su Chengyun suddenly realized his state and felt bad.

Little Huoque seemed to feel Su Chengyun's uneasiness, and said, "Master, there is a small island ahead!"

"Where?" Su Chengyun asked hurriedly.

The little fire bird began to guide the direction, and Su Chengyun controlled the boat and headed towards the island.

Soon before Hai Tianlong was about to catch up, Su Chengyun set foot on the island.

"Ah...Master, how are you doing?" Seeing that Su Chengyun couldn't even stand still, Little Huoque asked anxiously.

"Little Huoque, I'm afraid I'm going to give birth!" Su Chengyun said helplessly.

"Ah..." Little Huoque was also at a loss, "Master, what should I do?"

Su Chengyun was also a little overwhelmed, but suddenly she felt that her stomach didn't hurt anymore.

"Hey, it's not hurting anymore, it's labor pain!" Su Chengyun said in surprise, "Little Huoque, let's go now while I'm not hurting anymore!"

Su Chengyun saw Hai Tianlong's figure in the distance, she moved and came to a hidden place, and was soon led away from the small island by the invisible little Huoque.

And when Hai Tianlong chased after him, there was no sign of Su Chengyun here.

"Su Chengyun..." Hai Tianlong roared angrily, and began to search the island, but he couldn't find Su Chengyun anywhere.

And not long after, Hai Tianlong's people rushed over.

"Search for me, even if you turn this small island over, you must also find out the whereabouts of Su Chengyun!" Hai Tianlong began to order angrily.

The guards quickly started to move and searched on this small island.

Xue Hanbing looked at Hai Tianlong's furrowed brows, and couldn't help feeling a little heavy in his heart.

"Brother Tianlong, don't worry, you will find Su Chengyun!" Xue Hanbing comforted.

"Bing'er, why did Su Chengyun have to escape? I promised her that she would not touch her and her child!" Hai Tianlong said wearily, with a trace of pain in his eyes.

"Brother Tianlong, well, maybe Su Chengyun didn't think it was safe enough, so he wanted to avoid it from a distance when the child was about to be born!" Xue Hanbing said.

Hai Tianlong stood up abruptly: "Bing'er is right, I didn't feel safe enough for Su Chengyun! No, Su Chengyun used a destructive move against Lin Xing just now, and his body must have been affected. I'm going to find her and bring her back!" Hai Tianlong didn't care about anything after speaking, and went to search again.

"Master, Miss Su has left this island!" A guard stepped forward to report.

"Search for me, don't let go of any clues!" Hai Tianlong ordered again after hearing this.

But he was worried in his heart.

Su Chengyun, are you okay!

Come back quickly, don't make me worry anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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