Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 428 Goodbye Mo Qiling

Chapter 428 Goodbye Mo Qiling

But at this time, in the Phoenix Divine Orb, Su Chengyun was very pleasantly surprised when he saw Mo Qiling in red.

"Mo Qiling, you finally came to save me!" Su Chengyun said happily, looking at the peerless face in front of him.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Mo Qiling helped Su Chengyun brush the hair on his forehead, and said distressedly, "You must have suffered a lot, right?"

"No, no!" Su Chengyun hurriedly shook his head, "Oh, my stomach hurts..."

" are about to give birth!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun's painful head broke out in cold sweat. The surprise of seeing Mo Qiling suppressed the pain just now, and now it has bounced back, which is naturally extremely powerful.

"Mo Qiling, your child is about to be born!" Su Chengyun endured the pain and said.

"I know, I know, don't worry, Susu! I'll deliver the baby for you!" Mo Qiling said bravely.

"Ah..." Su Chengyun was a little dumbfounded when he heard the words, Mo Qiling helped deliver the baby, this...

"Susu, it's too late to find someone, you lie down first!" Mo Qiling hurriedly made arrangements, and helped Su Chengyun to lie down.

"Mo Qiling, are you okay?" Su Chengyun asked a little nervously.

"Don't worry, I'm the child's father, if I tell them to come out obediently, they will come out in a strange way!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, this is not the time to discipline children.

"Susu, what I said is true, our Phoenix family has a special way to communicate with unborn children!" Mo Qiling said.

"Oh...then hurry up, I'm in so much pain!" Su Chengyun became somewhat aware of what the two children had done back then.

Hearing this, Mo Qiling really got busy.

And outside, the people on board and the confrontation at sea.

Of course, Lin Xing and Hai Tianlong are not floating on the sea, after all, it consumes a lot of spiritual power. Lin Xing is on his small boat, while Hai Tianlong is standing on his big boat, followed by his guards, and Xue Hanbing and others.

"Hai Tianlong, why did you rob my daughter here and cause her to fall into the sea?" Wen Xinlan asked unceremoniously.

"That's right, Hai Tianlong, why do you treat my daughter like this and let my daughter suffer so much in your hands?" Su Hongyi couldn't let it go.

"I...I..." Hai Tianlong opened his mouth several times, not knowing how to speak.

"Brother Tianlong didn't treat Su Chengyun badly, and didn't make Su Chengyun suffer!" Xue Hanbing defended Hai Tianlong.

"Who are you? You are with him, of course you will speak for him!" Wen Xinlan said coldly.

"I'm not speaking for brother Tianlong. Su Chengyun once helped me too. I won't fabricate the facts!" Xue Hanbing said.

Little Firefinch nodded: "Well, the master helped her once!"

The person Su Chengyun helped?
All of a sudden, Wenxin and Lan's faces towards Xue Hanbing were no longer so cold, and the ones who could help their daughter should not be some particularly bad people.

"I admit that I robbed Su Chengyun to come here, but I never did anything bad to her!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Hmph, whether you did it or not, it is unforgivable for you to bring my woman here!" Su Hongyi said sharply.

Hai Tianlong bowed his head when he heard the words, it was indeed his fault, and he couldn't justify it.

Feng Jue glanced at Young Master Ming Yi, and then winked at Young Master Ming Yi.

Is this person interested in Su Xiaomei?A person who was so arrogant before, is now so cautious when speaking.

Mr. Mingyi hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

The corners of Feng Jue's mouth could not help but curl up, and the word "should" flashed in his eyes.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you are Su Chengyun's family and friends. If I arrest you, I don't believe that Su Chengyun won't show up!" Lin Xing laughed.

"Who are you?" Su Hongyi asked.

"Lin Xing!" Lin Xing replied.

"What are you looking for, Su Xiaomei?" Feng Jue asked.

"Haha, who said I'm looking for Su Chengyun, I'm looking for Mo Qiling!" Lin Xing sneered.

"Mo Mo?" Feng Jue and the others became even more confused. Mo Mo had been in Lanling Continent and had no contact with Lin Xing. Why did this person find Mo Mo.

"He's from the Upper Realm!" Little Huoque said with a curled lip.

As soon as Little Huoque said this, everyone here was terrified.

The upper realm, that is so far away.

"Haha, now that it's been said, I have nothing to hide. Yes, I'm from the upper realm, and I'm here for Mo Qiling!" Lin Xing raised his head and said arrogantly, as if he was very proud of his identity.

Mo Qiling?
Hai Tianlong frowned slightly, Su Chengyun seemed to have mentioned this name.

"Could it be that Mo Mo is also from the upper realm?" Feng Jue looked at Little Huoque suspiciously.

Little Huoque lowered his head, that person is not only from the upper realm, but he has a lot of background.

"Haha, I didn't expect that none of you knew Mo Qiling's identity!" Lin Xing laughed loudly, "I tell you, Mo Qiling is my lord's defeated general, and I came this time to completely destroy him!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Unconvinced, Little Huoque jumped out, "The Venerable is the most powerful person in the upper realm!"

"Haha, how could the most powerful people end up in the lower realm!" Lin Xing said disdainfully.

"Hmph, His Majesty will definitely kill the Upper Realm and let you villains all be punished!" said the little Huoque angrily.The king of the Phoenix God Clan who dared to slander them in this way, it was the little Fire Sparrow who was the first to refuse.

"I'm afraid he won't be able to wait for that day. I'll arrest you all now. I'll see if Su Chengyun and Mo Qiling will come out to rescue you!" Lin Xing said.

"Lin Xing, with me, Hai Tianlong, here, you don't want to touch them!" Hai Tianlong said, expressing his position.

But no one appreciated it: "Hai Tianlong, we don't want your protection!" Feng Jue coldly refused, and then looked at Lin Xing, "Lin Xing, if you want to arrest us, you can arrest us, you think we will sit and wait for death, With me in the wind, I will never let you run wild!"

"Haha, that's really arrogant, but you are just ants in the lower realm, I won't take it to heart!" Lin Xing said.

"Hey, are they really ants?" Feng Jue raised his eyebrows, and his momentum began to spread.

Lin Xing was the first to bear the brunt, he only felt an extremely oppressive momentum rushing towards him, and there was also a majesty in it.

"This... how can you show such momentum?" Lin Xing was taken aback.

"Haha, Lin Xing, you think we are ants, now I will let you see if the ants in your eyes can only be slaughtered by you!" Feng Jue laughed and flew up, heading towards Lin Xing.

"Hmph, small tricks! Don't think you can scare me like this!" Lin Xing snorted coldly, jumped up, and charged forward.

Bang bang bang!
The sound of fighting was endless, Feng Jue became more and more courageous as he fought, and Lin Xing's face became more and more serious.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? How can you have such combat power?" Lin Xing asked in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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