Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 435 Is It Worth It

Chapter 435 Is It Worth It

Under Hai Tianlong's coercive pressure, Hai Tianwei finally took the people away.

"Hai Tianlong, wait for me to add oil and vinegar in front of the elder!" Hai Tianlong stood on the deck and laughed coldly.

The waiting time was long, and Feng Jue's temper was not very good. Every time he saw Hai Tianlong, his nose was not his nose, and his eyes were not his eyes.But he knows that overseas is Hai Tianlong's territory, if he kills Hai Tianlong, he and Su Xiaomei will stay here.He didn't want Su Xiaomei, who was hurt by his impulse, to be unable to return to Lanling Continent.

"Hai Tianlong, it's really like a mosquito buzzing around my ear!" Feng Jue snorted coldly.

"Feng Jue, if you are bored, you can go to other places on the sea!" Mr. Ming Yi suggested.

"Don't go, don't go, I almost threw up on the boat all the way, what's so good about this sea? At first glance, there is no change in the vast expanse!" Feng Jue waved his hand directly.

"Hehe, it's really not possible, you can go to the island for a stroll, there is an island not far away, and there are people living there!" Mr. Mingyi pointed in a direction.

Feng Jue looked at Mr. Ming Yi strangely: "Tell me, what do you want to do by taking me away?"

"What can you do? You're just bored!" Mr. Mingyi shrugged.

"Hmph, only ghosts believe it!" Feng Jue looked Mr. Ming Yi up and down, and said, "Mr. Ming Yi, don't you want to send me away, and you will be the first to see Su Xiaomei when she comes out?"

"What's the matter, Chengyun and Momo are fine now, how could I have such thoughts!" Mr. Mingyi hurriedly vetoed, if Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi in the cabin heard this, it would be okay, they You must think that he wants to destroy Chengyun's life.

"Feng Jue, can you speak with more brains?" Mr. Ming Yi complained a little, Feng Jue was extremely attentive all the way, and now Su Shu and Aunt Su like him very much.

"Hey, Mr. Ming Yi, even if you think about Su Xiaomei, it's useless. Before, Su Xiaomei didn't like you, but now that Momo is back, she won't like you anymore!" Feng Jue sneered.

"Aren't you the same?" Mr. Mingyi retorted.

"Hehe, Mr. Ming Yi, you are wrong. I am very open and generous. Su Xiaomei is my younger sister. Even if I have something on my mind, I will tell Su Xiaomei first, so Su Xiaomei will not hold grudges against me!" She laughed and said, Su Xiaomei is actually very talkative.

Mr. Mingyi was speechless, he didn't know who liked Chengyun to hide it all the time, and now he didn't feel slapped when he said such a thing.

However, Mr. Ming Yi has to admit that Feng Jue holds a very high position in Su Chengyun's heart, and he can't catch up no matter what.

Thinking of this, Mr. Mingyi became even more depressed. He had nothing to say when he lost to Momo, but why was it so unpleasant to lose to Fengjue? Chengyun was the first person he knew, before Chengyun entered Nancang We've known each other since college, but Feng Jue, a latecomer, came ahead of him, really upset.

"Young Master Ming Yi, I heard that you and that Qing Yu'er from Qingyun Sect are very hot, why, are you interested in accepting it?" Feng Jue asked mysteriously.

Mr. Ming Yi gave Feng Jue a blank look: "Don't talk nonsense, there is no shadow!"

"Hey, who are you fooling? The girl will invite you to come overseas if you don't have a shadow, and even come to your door!" Feng Jue pointed to a big ship in the distance.

Mr. Mingyi looked along, and when he saw the sign on the ship clearly, his expression became slightly heavy.

"Haha, Mr. Ming Yi, Qing Yu'er is quite beautiful, if you like it, just say so, don't be like a boring gourd!" Feng Jue said with a smile.

Mr. Ming Yi didn't even bother to stare at Feng Jue this time.

Qing Yunzong's boat sailed over in a short while, and Hai Tianlong naturally saw Qing Yu'er on the boat.

"Qing Yu'er, what are you doing here?" Hai Tianlong frowned and asked, with a light in his eyes that others couldn't understand.

Qing Yu'er chuckled: "I heard that Hai Tianlong is here, I'll stop by and take a look!" Qing Yu'er said lightly.

"Hmph, what are you looking at?" Hai Tianlong doesn't like this.

"Hehe, Hai Tianlong, don't you know what the outside world is telling you?" Qing Yu'er gloated, "It is said that you, Hai Tianlong, did not hesitate to use the elite power of Haiyunzong for a woman from Lanling Continent. , and now you have left all the affairs of Haiyunzong, just to wait for the return of that woman. Hehe, Hai Tianlong, you have aroused public anger, not to mention the outside world, many of you high-level people in Haiyunzong are very dissatisfied with you!"

"What does it matter to you?" Hai Tianlong bit his lips and said, he had heard some of these news, but he couldn't wait for Su Chengyun to come back and see that she was safe, so how could he be willing to leave here.

"Haha, of course it's none of my business, but we are both the successors of the two sects, Hai Tianlong, I don't want others to discuss me with you when discussing us!" Qing Yu'er said.

"Qing Yu'er, I didn't expect you to be quite capable, and you have secured the position of successor so quickly!" Hai Tianlong sneered.

"Of course, I'm not you, to make so many moths for one person!" Qing Yu'er said.

"Qing Yu'er, don't talk big, since you have read it, you should leave quickly, and I don't want you to stay with me for a long time, so as not to be infected by your brainlessness!" Hai Tianlong said bluntly, he had never seen it before. She thought that one day she would see a woman who was heavier than Hai Yunzong. If this Qing Yuer met a man who made her fall in love one day, she would definitely regret what she said today.

"Hai Tianlong, you..." Qing Yuer's evaluation of Hai Tianlong was irritated.


Can a brainless person sit on the throne of his successor?

"Qing Yu'er, don't think that if you sit on the throne of successor, you will definitely be the future master of Qingyun Sect. Things are ever-changing!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Hmph, Hai Tianlong, are you talking about yourself? Your position is actually very stable, but you always make foolish moves. Is it worth it for a woman?" Qing Yu'er said.

does it worth?
Hai Tianwei once asked such a question, and now Qing Yuer also asked such a question.

But he never regretted it!

Even if he loses the throne of Haiyunzong, he will not regret it.

"It's none of your business not to regret it in the future, as long as you, Qing Yuer, don't regret it in the future!" Hai Tianlong said coldly.

After gaining power, Qing Yu'er was obviously a little more insolent than before, but that was Qing Yunzong's business, not his business.

"Hmph, I, Qing Yu'er, will not regret it!" Qing Yu'er said firmly.

"I hope!" Hai Tianlong hooked the corner of his mouth meaningfully.

"Hey, Mr. Ming Yi, give up on this woman! She values ​​power more than anything else!" Feng Jue saw Qing Yu'er's true nature at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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