Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 437 News

Chapter 437 News
Inside the Divine Phoenix Orb.

Mo Qingling and Mo Qingfan fell asleep after playing around for a while.

"Is it okay for them to be so lethargic?" Su Chengyun looked at the delicate faces of the two children and asked worriedly.

"It's okay! This is the Divine Phoenix Orb, they are absorbing the energy in the Divine Phoenix Orb!" Mo Qiling said.

"But, they are still so young!" Su Chengyun said in disapproval, the children are still too young, they should be carefree, but they are still practicing.

"Their identities are unusual, and they have to cultivate from an early age. This is their mission!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun sighed: "Mo Qiling, no matter what the mission is, I just hope that my child can grow up healthy and happy!" She doesn't want her child to be weighed down by the burden at a young age.

"Susu, I know your worries, but children and grandchildren have their own blessings, they have their own way to go, we can't interfere more!" Mo Qiling said.

"But, they are still..." so small.

As if knowing what Su Chengyun was thinking, Mo Qilin stroked her hair and said, "Susu, Ling'er and Fan'er are not ordinary children, they are very mature in mind, you can't treat them like children all the time!"

"But they are..." Su Chengyun couldn't continue. What the two children did when they were still in the mother's womb was not what children should do. Maybe Mo Qiling was right, she should listen to the two children. Opinion.

"Also, Susu, in the future you can't only have two children in your eyes, but also me!" Mo Qiling looked at Su Chengyun and said.

Hearing the words, Su Chengyun leaned towards Mo Qiling, hooked his neck, saw his own figure reflected in Mo Qiling's deep eyes, and said with a smile: "Mo Qiling, I have you not only in my eyes, but also in my heart!"

"En, Susu, you are mine, with the whole person and the whole heart!" Mo Qiling hugged Su Chengyun tightly and couldn't help but kiss him.

Time passed day by day, Su Chengyun was enjoying the family happiness in the Phoenix Divine Orb, while the people outside were still waiting anxiously.

Even though Wen Xinlan and the others knew that Su Chengyun was fine, but they didn't see anyone, there was still a huge stone hanging in their hearts.

Hai Tianlong didn't leave either, but there were more ships coming and going, and information from all over the place was sent in a steady stream, and Hai Tianlong would also make some instructions.

Recently, Hai Tianlong received a message.

The content of the message was "Second Miss Xue is under house arrest!"

"When did it happen?" Hai Tianlong's face became gloomy. The Xue family dared to put Bing'er under house arrest, not to mention the trouble with Su Chengyun.

The guard who delivered the information hurriedly said: "I'm telling the master, it should be under house arrest for a while, but the Xue family has been using cover-ups, we didn't find out about this news, it was just confirmed today!"

When Hai Tianlong heard this, a cold flash flashed in his eyes, and the Xue family actually started to play this kind of trick.

"Fat Aunt..." Hai Tianlong shouted.

Fat aunt hurried over.

"Take a few people to bring Bing'er, if the Xue family dares to stop them, they will be killed without mercy!" Hai Tianlong ordered coldly.

Soon one by one small boats began to sail away from the sea.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Second Miss Xue would attract Hai Tianlong's liking? She actually went to war for her!" Feng Jue said tut-tut, he hadn't seen Hai Tianlong get so angry in the past few days. It was broken, "Hey, Mr. Ming Yi, are you familiar with that Miss Xue?" Feng Jue asked Mr. Ming Yi on the side of the deck.

"Unfamiliar!" Mr. Mingyi said.

"Don't come here, I know that Second Miss Xue used to be disrespectful to Su Xiaomei, and you were there at that time, if you don't investigate this Second Miss Xue, then you are not Mr. Mingyi!" Feng Jue curled his lips, Such clumsy words also come to deceive him, think him stupid?
Mr. Ming Yi shook his head when he heard the words: "Feng Jue, you asked if I am familiar with that person, but unfortunately I have only met twice, so of course I am not familiar with him!"

Feng Jue gave Mr. Ming Yi a white look: "Quickly tell me, how about that one? He should be a good person who can help Xiaomei Su regardless of previous suspicions!"

"You said it's good, then it's good!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Hmph, I didn't say that, it was Su Xiaomei's behavior that told me!" Feng Jue said, if that person is not worthy of help, Su Xiaomei would not bother to help her!
"Since you know everything, you still ask me!" Mr. Mingyi smiled, but seeing Feng's unconvinced and magnified gaze, he added with a smile, "Hehe, that Second Miss Xue is generally pretty good. Yes, at least not as ruthless as her older sister Xue Hanbing! However, it's a pity that her family, the Xue family, is an ambitious family, and in their eyes, the daughters of the family only have two types: valuable and worthless!"

"Hmph, it is enough for the Xue family to exchange women for the development of the family. No wonder Su Xiaomei sympathizes with that Second Miss Xue!" Feng said without shame, what can't he fight for, and insist on sacrificing the happiness of the family's children?
He Feng Jue hated this kind of family the most, and how many tragedies it caused.

"You said, can Hai Tianlong's people bring Xue Hanbing back?" Feng Jue continued to ask.

"It's hard to say, Xue Hanqing's position was very stable before, and the Xue family naturally supported Hai Tianlong, but now that Xue Hanqing is gone, there is no guarantee that the somewhat snobby Xue family will vote for another owner!" Mr. Ming Yi analyzed.

"Another candidate? You mean that fat guy Hai Tianwei?" Feng Jue raised his eyebrows.

"Maybe!" Mr. Ming Yi raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

The corners of Feng Jue's mouth curled up slightly, Hai Tianwei only showed one side, but he was still far from Hai Tianlong.

But at this time, Mo Qingling was acting coquettishly with Su Chengyun.

"Mother, don't you want my brother and I to practice?" Mo Qingling's eyes were shining with a little sparkle, black and bright like two black pearls, with a soft light.

Su Chengyun patted Mo Qingling's head, then Mo Qingfan's, and said, "It's not that I don't want you to practice, but that you are too young. Mother wants you to have the innocence of children, not to turn yourself into a child." A cultivator!"

"Hehe, mother, don't worry, my brother and I know it well! We don't practice much now!" Mo Qingling said.

Not much?
"Mother, what Daddy said is right, my sister and I have unusual identities, we are destined to work harder than others!" Mo Qingfan also said.

"Mother, you don't want us to be looked down upon by others after we reach the Upper Realm, and to embarrass our father and mother?" Mo Qingling pulled Su Chengyun's sleeve and said pitifully, "Mother, Qing'er is the most Awesome, I don’t want to be left behind by others! Especially not to be ridiculed by people from the upper realm!”

Su Chengyun raised his forehead, these two children were indeed relatively precocious, and now they know that they were born in the lower realm and will be looked down upon by many people.

"Qing'er, Fan'er..."

(End of this chapter)

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