Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 443 Feng Shui takes turns

Chapter 443 Feng Shui takes turns

Lin Xing narrowed his eyes, but soon sneered again.

"Feng Jue, many people are useless, strength is king!"

"Hmph, Lin Xing, whether you are strong or not is not up to you, it depends on passing the battle test!" Feng Jue also replied coldly.

"So, you think I'm not strong, haha, I'll show you!" Lin Xing waved his hand again, and finally the two of them also flew out.

"I'm coming!" Hai Tianlong shouted.

"Brother Tianlong..." Xue Hanbing exclaimed.

"Bing'er, brother Tianlong, go meet them!" Hai Tianlong went up to meet them after speaking.

Feng Jue frowned at first, but he didn't stop Hai Tianlong in the end.

They didn't expect Lin Xing to bring six people. If these people came from the upper world, then they would really suffer.

Hai Tianlong's action should be regarded as atonement for Su Xiaomei!

"Haha, Feng Jue, there are only two of us left!" Lin Xing laughed and said, "Feng Jue, I will fight with you, my men will win!"

"Bragging!" Feng Jue pouted.

"Are you bragging, you will know soon, I will let you watch with your own eyes how my people captured Su Chengyun's parents!" Lin Xing said.

"Hmph, with me here, such a thing won't happen!" Feng Jue said.

"Haha, Feng Jue, do you think I'll give you a chance to make a move?" Lin Xing sneered.

Feng Jue's face turned cold, this Lin Xing was at odds with him, and he would never be allowed to help.

Feng Jue looked at the three battlefields. The cultivation of the six men in black was really not low. Mr. Ming Yi couldn't hold on anymore. If it wasn't for the help of other people, he would have been defeated long ago, and Su Shusu Auntie's situation is not optimistic, only Hai Tianlong is very strong and can hold on.

Feng Jue's face was a bit ugly, what Lin Xing said was actually true, those people's cultivation could reach the level of Lingdi.

"Haha, Feng Jue, see now, you will lose sooner or later!" Lin Xing laughed.

"Lin Xing, no one knows the outcome until the end, so don't get complacent too early!" Feng Jue said coldly.

"The dead duck is stubborn, I'll wait for you to see the final result!" Lin Xing said.

As the battle progressed, Feng Jue's heart undoubtedly became more and more anxious, Mr. Ming Yi's disadvantage became more and more obvious, and they were about to be unable to hold on.

"Haha...haha..." Lin Xingdu had already begun to laugh smugly.

"I advise you to surrender quickly, so as not to suffer physical pain!" Lin Xing said.

"Fart, I, Su Hongyi, didn't surrender to people like you!" Su Hongyi coldly fought back, venting all the anger in his heart on the man in black in front of him.

But the man in black is powerful, not whatever he wants.

The man in black struck with his palm, and Su Hongyi's body was hit, and he flew upside down.

"I'll fight with you!" Wen Xinlan was anxious, but she was entangled by a man in black and it was difficult to get out. She roared angrily and rushed towards the man in black.

Feng Jue watched Su Hongyi spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and hurriedly unfolded his body to catch it.

"Haha, Feng Jue, do you think I'm just a show?" Lin Xing laughed, and rushed over, taking the lead to stop Feng Jue.

"Get out of the way!" Feng Jue roared angrily.

"Hmph, let me get out of the way, delusion!" Lin Xing stood still, looking at Feng Jue with provocative eyes.

Seeing being blocked by Lin Xing, it was too late to rescue, and suddenly a fiery red figure flew out of the cabin, extremely beautiful.

The figure was as fast as lightning, and Su Hongyi's body was already on its back.

"'s Little Fire Sparrow!" Feng Jue exclaimed excitedly.

"Phoenix?" Lin Xing's pupils shrank, "Evolution! It's Mo Qiling, it must have been made by Mo Qiling!"

Thinking of this, Lin Xing moved to chase the little Huoque, but Feng Jue moved to stop him.

"Lin Xing, I said that no one knows the outcome until the end, no, the two of us have already taken turns!" Feng Jue's eyes were full of sarcasm.

Lin Xing watched the figure of the little fire bird land on the boat, but because of the wind blowing in front of him, he couldn't get in, so he couldn't help being a little annoyed!
"Little Huoque, it's really you!" Su Hongyi asked excitedly.

"It's me, I've evolved into a phoenix!" Little Flamingo said proudly.

"Little Huoque, go and save them!" Su Hongyi hastily pointed at Wen Xinlan and Mr. Ming Yi.

Seeing that the two men were really in danger, the little fire sparrow flapped its wings: "Don't worry, leave it to me!"

The fiery red figure flew by, and the sharp claws with murderous intent slashed across. The men in black avoided one after another, and the little fire sparrow took the opportunity to bring Wen Xinlan and the others back to the deck.

The figure flew by again, and Mr. Mingyi and the others also took the opportunity to leave the battlefield.

Little Huoque glanced at Hai Tianlong who was still fighting, but ignored it!

It can remember that this person once threatened the master.

Lin Xing narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Catch that pet first!" Lin Xing ordered, if something happened to Su Chengyun's pet, Su Chengyun would definitely sense it, and he would use this pet to get Su Chengyun and Mo Qiling out.

The man in black quickly locked on the little fire bird, and even the two who fought with Hai Tianlong gave up dealing with Hai Tianlong and joined the action to capture the little fire bird.For the safety of Su Hongyi and the others, Little Huoque stayed away from the boat and fought with them at sea.

How could Feng Jue not know Lin Xing's plan, and cursed angrily: "Shameless, really shameless!"

"Haha, what is shamelessness? I just need to achieve my goal, no matter what the means are!" Lin Xing said indifferently.

"Lin Xing, if Little Huoque suffers a little damage, I will never let you go!" Feng Jue yelled.

"Haha, Feng Jue, your threat has no lethality!" Lin Xing was not impressed by Feng Jue's threat.

"Hmph, Lin Xing, I'll take you down right now and see if your people will come to rescue you!" Feng Jue's eyes swept across Lin Xing's body. To capture the thief, the king should be captured first. Those people are nothing to be afraid of.

"Feng Jue, I'll help you!" Hai Tianlong shouted.

"No need!" Feng Jue pushed his hand, rejecting Hai Tianlong's help.

"Haha, even if you fight together, you're still no match for me!" Lin Xing laughed wildly.

"Lin Xing, don't talk big, I want to see how far you have grown in just a few days!" Feng Jue didn't believe that Lin Xing's combat power could be doubled in just one month.

"You will know!" Lin Xing said proudly.

The two quickly fought together, and the wind blows!

"Brother Tianlong, let me see if you are injured?" Xue Hanbing greeted the frowning Hai Tianlong.

Hai Tianlong glanced at the two battlefields, and there was no place he could enter, so he returned to his boat.

Those two men in black just now were really powerful, and he suffered a little internal injury.

(End of this chapter)

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