Chapter 458
"Bing'er, how can you say that, your sister was killed, you don't want to avenge your sister, but you want us to give up revenge, is there anyone like you?" Xue Hanbing's mother's eyes became very fierce, The look at Xue Hanbing was also cold.

"Father, mother, didn't I tell you all about my sister? My sister is to blame. How can you blame others?" Xue Hanbing said helplessly.

My sister treated Su Chengyun like that, Su Chengyun's friends didn't implicate them, and the Xue family had already shown mercy, but the family insisted on joining in, and the Xue family might really die if they offended those people, but the family obviously refused listen to her.

"Bastard, does anyone say that about your sister?" Xue Hanbing's father said angrily, pointing at Xue Hanbing and saying, "Bing'er, your sister hurt you for nothing before?"

"Father, listen to me..." Xue Hanbing took a step forward.

"Hmph, Bing'er, don't say anything, we must avenge your sister's revenge, otherwise people will think that our Xue family is easy to bully!" Xue Qi said.

"Father, do you mean the same?" Xue Hanbing looked at his parents.

"Bing'er, since you are back, you will come home with us in a while. The Patriarch has found a good marriage for you. You can wait to get married when you go back!" Xue Hanbing's mother said.

Xue Hanbing was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly, and said, "Father, I don't want to marry! You should listen to me and go back quickly!"

"Bing'er, why do you keep us from avenging your sister over and over again? Could it be that you were also responsible for killing your sister?" Xue Hanbing's father asked sharply.

"Ah...Father, how can you say that? How could could I have killed my sister?" Xue Hanbing looked at her father sadly, she did not expect her father to be so suspicious of her.

"Hmph, since there is no one, then don't stop us from avenging your sister!"

"That's right, Bing'er, why don't you get out of the way? Otherwise, mother will think that you are involved in your sister's affairs!" Xue Hanbing's mother also said.

"Mother, do you also think that I killed my sister?" Xue Hanbing said that she was heartbroken just now, but now she feels pain like a needle prick in her heart.

How could her parents think of her so much?
"Bing'er, you'd better get out of the way, as long as you get out of the way, you will still be our good daughter!" Xue Hanbing's mother sighed.

"Father and mother, it is because I am your daughter that I don't want you to keep making mistakes. My sister is gone, and I can't lose you anymore!" Xue Hanbing's eyes were a little red. If she moved away today, she might see her tomorrow. I can't see my parents anymore.

"Bastard!" Xue Hanbing's father slapped Xue Hanbing directly on the face.

"Father..." Xue Hanbing covered his face and looked at his father in disbelief.

"Hmph, what a rebellious girl, we avenged your sister, you obstructed us in every possible way, and even said we were wrong, Bing'er, is this how we teach you on weekdays?" Xue Hanbing's father sternly asked.

Xue Hanbing's mother also said: "Bing'er, what your father said is correct, your sister is mother's darling, she was murdered to death, her father and mother are heartbroken, sleep and food are difficult, this revenge is not repaid, parents are not reconciled! "

"Father, Shu Binger can't watch you go to die!" Xue Hanbing closed his eyes, then opened them again.

"Bing'er, how can you say that we are going to die? With just a few of them, our Xue family's history of hundreds of years can't be dealt with!" Xue Qi was a little unhappy.

"Patriarch, you don't know..."

"Hey, Binger..." Xue Hanbing wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xue Qi, "Binger, you should stand aside!"

"Patriarch, no, Qing'er died for no apparent reason, Bing'er, as her younger sister, must avenge her!" Xue Hanbing's father did not allow her to withdraw.

"Hey, your own daughter, I won't interfere!" Xue Qi waved his hand.

Xue Hanbing's father stared over: "Bing'er, what my father said is here now, if you still recognize your sister and father and mother, you can avenge your sister with us, if you don't want to recognize us, we will never do it again. Your daughter!"

"Father..." Xue Hanbing looked up, his eyes were full of horror, she didn't expect that his father would have the idea of ​​breaking off with her.

"Bing'er, listen to your father and avenge your sister with us!" Xue Hanbing's mother also said.

Xue Hanbing bit her lips and did not speak, her heart was full of bitterness. She thought she was the most favored daughter in the family, but since the last time she knew that her mother gave her sister medicine behind her back, she knew that her mother loved her most. Knowing this, it turned out that her parents and family were able to abandon her for her sister.

Haha, are all the previous hypocrisy?
The elder sister who always loved her poisoned her!
Her parents, who had always doted on her, wanted to sever ties with her!

What is all this for?
"Hey, what an anecdote in the world, you actually forced your own daughter to do something she didn't want to do!" Feng Jue began to make sarcastic remarks.

"Hmph!" The Xue family snorted coldly.

But Feng Jue continued: "Xue Hanbing, it turns out that you are the most sensible person in the Xue family, much better than your vicious sister!"

"Bing'er, do you want to help us?" Xue Hanbing's father asked sharply.

Xue Hanbing had already sorted out her thoughts at this time, and said: "Father and mother, forgive my daughter for being difficult to follow her orders. I am also very heartbroken about my sister's affairs, but I know it is my sister's fault. My sister paid the price for her behavior with her life. Bing'er does not care. I hope that parents will also pay such a heavy price!"

"You...rebellious girl..." Xue Hanbing's father raised his hand again, but saw a figure in green clothes drifting past, leading Xue Hanbing away from the spot.

"Heaven...Brother Tianlong?" Xue Hanbing looked at Hai Tianlong who suddenly appeared in surprise.

Hai Tianlong shook his head at Xue Hanbing, and looked at Xue's family: "Have you guys had enough trouble?"

"Master Hai, how can you say that about us, we are avenging Qing'er, Qing'er was once your woman no matter what!" Xue Qi said.

"Hmph, Xue Hanqing deserved what she deserved. If she was still alive, I would strangle her to death with my own hands!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Master Hai, our Qing'er has been with you for so long no matter what, why do you treat our Qing'er like this! My Qing'er's life is so miserable?" Xue Hanbing's mother began to cry.

"Hmph, if Xue Hanqing was honest, it wouldn't be like this!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Master Hai, Qing'er has already gone, how can you not miss any old love?"

"That bit of old love has long been worn away by Xue Hanqing!" Hai Tianlong said, "I advise you to leave early, or you will bear the consequences!"

"Master Hai, do you want to stop us from avenging Qing'er?" Xue Qi raised his eyes and asked.

"Hmph, you are courting death yourself, why should I stop you!"

(End of this chapter)

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