Chapter 460
"Heaven...Brother Tianlong..." Xue Hanbing pulled Hai Tianlong's sleeve, his whole face tensed.

"Bing'er, that child is you!" Hai Tianlong looked at Xue Hanbing and said, "You are not their daughter at all, but Xue Mingxiu's daughter!"

Xue Hanbing's lips were trembling, and he couldn't say a word, only his two hands were holding Hai Tianlong's sleeves stiffly.

"Xue Ping, what's going on here?" Patriarch Xue Qi asked with an ugly face.

Xue Hanbing's "father", that is, Xue Ping said with a gloomy face: "Hai Tianlong, are you telling a story? Why isn't Binger my daughter?"

"Hmph, Xue Ping, if you don't want people to know, you have to do nothing!" Hai Tianlong said coldly, "I have investigated this matter to be absolutely true, and I have a lot of evidence in hand, you cannot deny it!"

"Father, is this true? Are you really not my father?" At this moment, Xue Hanbing recovered his voice and asked sadly.

Xue Ping looked at Xue Hanbing, then at Hai Tianlong, and remained silent.

"Brother Tianlong?" Xue Hanbing's heart turned cold, and he subconsciously looked at Hai Tianlong beside him.

"Bing'er, it's okay!" Hai Tianlong rubbed Xue Hanbing's hair and said softly.

"Hehe, there are so many strange things going on overseas, hehe!" Feng Absolutely said to Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun didn't expect Xue Hanbing's life experience to be so bizarre, and he was a little shocked.

"Hey, it's a crime. You used other people's flesh and blood as your own, didn't you expect others to lose their children?" Aunt Su shook her head and let out a long sigh.

"Aunt Su, it's really not surprising that a member of Xue Hanqing's family would do such a thing!" Feng Jue said, "Hey, I think their family's reason is to see that the daughter Xue Hanbing brought in doesn't have the temperament of their family. , that’s why we force people to fight against us! I said why let my daughter die, it turns out that it’s not my own daughter at all, how can my own daughter treat my daughter like this?”

"Hey, if it wasn't for Xue Hanbing who also has the blood of the Xue family, and looks somewhat similar to the Xue family, maybe he would have revealed his secrets long ago!" Mr. Ming Yi also said.

Not only Su Chengyun and his side, but other people around also started talking and pointing at Xue's family.

"Xue Ping, is this true?" Xue Qi listened to the accusations and ridicules around him, his face was so gloomy that water could drip down.

"Patriarch, you don't need to ask, I know about this!" Xue Hanbing's "mother" stood up and said.

" know?" Xue Qi asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I know!"

"Mother..." Xue Hanbing hurriedly looked over when she heard her "mother".

"Don't call me mother, I'm not your mother!"

"Before, I thought you were my daughter and loved you in every possible way. Your sister also thought you were her sister and loved you very much. But ever since your sister was driven back by Master Hai, she has been unhappy, but what about you? , your sister was driven back all because of you, didn't your sister just poison you a little bit? You went to Master Hai, and Master Hai was angry and thoroughly investigated. Your sister was raped, you are happy! Haha, Your sister and I always thought you were unintentional, but you got close to Su Chengyun. Su Chengyun, is that the person your sister fears the most? You actually got close to your sister's enemy! It's ironic. If It wasn't Qinger's father who was also angry with your behavior, accidentally leaked a sentence or two about the past, I didn't know that you have been occupying the magpie's nest, occupying my second daughter's position and going against my eldest daughter!"

"Mom... I didn't..."

"Haha, if you say no, you don't have it. Both your sister and I think you have it. It's either my daughter or not caring. Fortunately, I helped you hide your identity from your sister, but you watched your sister cruelly. They killed them without doing anything, and even asked you to avenge your sister, and you refused!"

"I've fed all the love I've given you to the dog for more than ten years. At least after feeding the dog, I can wag my tail twice. But you killed my only daughter!"

With a sound of accusations, Xue Hanbing's tears fell.

"Enough, Xue Hanqing's death is related to Bing'er? Even if you are present, you can't save your daughter. What can a child like Binger do?" Hai Tianlong scolded.

"Hmph, Young Master Hai, I never knew you were so interested in our family, and you can find out things from such a long time ago. I thought I did it seamlessly back then!" Xue Ping said.

"After Xue Hanqing's death, your attitude towards Bing'er changed drastically. I had to suspect that there was something tricky in it, so I sent someone to investigate. I didn't expect such a past incident!" Hai Tianlong said lightly.

"Hmph, since you have found out and the matter has been revealed, then today is the day of reckoning. We have raised Bing'er for more than ten years, and we have worked so hard. She has to pay for this, and let her do it for her sister." Revenge!" Xue Ping said.

As soon as Xue Ping finished speaking, Feng Jue jumped angrily: "It's really shameless, you stole her from her parents when she was still a baby, and separated her family, how do you pay back this?" People, besides, people's parents thought their child was dead, sad and disappointed, I don't know how many years it will take to recover from it, and maybe their lifespan will be lost because of it, how can you repay others!"

"Yes, that's it!" Someone next to him also answered.

"Hmph, I've seen people stealing things, but I haven't seen anyone stealing other people's children!"

"Stole someone else's child and asked them to compensate you for your ten years of nurturing. It's really unreasonable. They haven't pursued your crime of theft yet!"

"Since you stole it, you should take good care of it, but you force her to die for your own daughter. It really doesn't make sense!"

"Hmph, the thought of living on an island with such a person makes me sick!"


Every sentence, every sound, all blamed the Xue family.

"Hmph, what do you know? If I hadn't brought her back back then, maybe I would have died in the wilderness with Xue Mingxiu!" Xue Ping shouted loudly.

"Hey, so what if it's a wilderness of corpses, a family is always together, if you break up a family like this for more than ten years, you will be punished!"

"Yes, which woman doesn't feel heartbroken when she sees the child she gave birth so hard to lose breath? You are just afraid of your wife scolding you, so you do such a stupid thing. Have you ever thought about Xue Mingxiu and his wife?"

There are many mothers watching here. From the perspective of mothers, who would have a good impression of the Xue family.

"Hmph, I, Xue Ping, don't need you to tell me what to do! I'm here today to avenge my daughter, and whoever stops me, I will fight with my life!"

Xue Ping knew that the public opinion was now on Xue Hanbing's side, and she was protected by Hai Tianlong. He had no choice but to deal with Xue Hanqing's matter first.

(End of this chapter)

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