Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 462 Why Not You

Chapter 462 Why Not You

"Don't call us parents!" Xue Ping directly refused.

Xue Hanbing bit her lips: "Master Xue, Mrs. Xue, you... you better go, don't be obsessed anymore, Su Chengyun and the others are not something you can mess with!" Obviously Xue Hanbing still couldn't let go of Xue Ping and his wife in his heart.

"Hmph, you don't need to pretend to be kind, if you really want to, go and kill Su Chengyun!" Xue Ping said viciously.

"That's right, Bing'er, you have always been a good boy, as long as you listen to us, you will still be our good daughter in the future!" She also said, but her eyes swept over Hai Tianlong intentionally or unintentionally.

Xue Hanbing kept watching the expressions of the two of them, and naturally saw Mrs. Xue's small movements. She was not stupid, so of course she could guess that Mrs. Xue's original intention was to persuade her to persuade Brother Tianlong to take action.

Hehe, Brother Tianlong has already stated that he will not interfere in this matter, what can she use to persuade Brother Tianlong, besides, Brother Tianlong may not be the opponent of Su Chengyun and the others, how could she bear the heart of Brother Tianlong to come forward and ask for trouble .

Xue Ping and Mrs. Xue waited for a while and saw that Xue Hanbing just smiled wryly, but there was no response. Both of them became a little angry.

"Hmph, Madam, get up, let's avenge Qing'er!" Xue Ping helped his wife get up.

Mrs. Xue stood up and gave Xue Hanbing a cold look: "Binger, you have let us down so much!"

"I...I..." Xue Hanbing wanted to continue, but the two of them had already walked away.

Xue Hanbing looked at the direction the two were going, and felt a little bit in his heart. He was about to follow, but was stopped by Hai Tianlong.

"Bing'er, it's useless if you go, they've already become obsessed with avenging Xue Hanqing, you can't persuade them to go back!" Hai Tianlong shook his head and said.

"No... I can't just watch them die!" Xue Hanbing threw off Hai Tianlong's hand and chased after Xue Ping and his wife.

At this time, Xue Ping and his wife had already walked not far from Su Chengyun and the others.

"Su Chengyun, if you hadn't appeared, our Qing'er would have been fine, it was you who killed my daughter!" Mrs. Xue complained.

Su Chengyun laughed, and said casually: "Hehe, I have never provoked your daughter, and it has always been your daughter who caused trouble for me. Now that your daughter has committed suicide, you are here again. , it seems that I want to follow in the footsteps of your daughter!"

"Hmph, we want you to bury our daughter with us today even if we are crushed to pieces!" Xue Ping pointed at Su Chengyun.

"Put away your sword!" Seeing this, Mo Qiling narrowed his eyes deeply, exuding a dangerous light, and even pointed his sword at Susu. He was really daring.

Xue Ping's heart was shocked, and he was surprised, who is this person, just a word and a look make people almost lose their minds.

"He was the one who injured me!" Mrs. Xue said from the side.

"Hmph, I don't care who you are, if you hurt my wife, you can die together!" Xue Ping pointed his sword again.

He only heard a low shout: "Presumptuous!" The sword in his hand was broken inch by inch, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"So strong!" Both Xue Ping and his wife gasped, and even the people watching the excitement around them were stunned in place.

What kind of strength is this, breaking a sharp sword with just one sound.

"You... you should leave quickly, you have also seen that you are no match for them at all!" Xue Hanbing chased after him, persuading them earnestly.

But Xue Ping and his wife didn't intend to appreciate it, and even thought that Xue Hanbing had ulterior motives.

"Get out, don't appear in front of us again!" Xue Ping roared directly, and the anger of the broken sword just now seemed to have vented on Xue Hanbing.

Xue Hanbing took two steps back in shock, but she mustered up her courage and said, "Listen to me, okay? I won't harm you!"

"Go away, you evil spirit, killing our Qing'er is not enough, do you still want to harm us?" Mrs. Xue said angrily, it's fine if you don't help them, and you keep stopping them from avenging Qing'er, it's really too much Too much.

"I...I...I can't watch you die!" Xue Hanbing bit his lip and said in pain.

"Hmph, in fact, we want to watch you die!" Madam Xue's face became a little grim, "Why is it my daughter who died, but you, a fake, are alive and well? Why is my daughter thinking about the sea? Young master, but Young Master Hai drove her back and cared for you in every possible way? Xue Hanbing, you are just like your own mother, a natural charmer. Xue Mingxiu betrayed the family for her sake, and Young Master Hai did not hesitate to drive my daughter away for you. Daughter! Every time I see you, I will think of my poor Qinger!"

"It's not like this, it's not like this!" Xue Hanbing wanted to cry out in pain. It was obviously her sister who did something wrong, so why should it be blamed on her.

"Enough!" Hai Tianlong couldn't listen anymore, and stepped forward and said in a cold voice, "Xue Hanqing did something vicious and wrong, so I drove her away. What's the matter with Guan Binger, please don't take your anger out on Binger. !"

Mrs. Xue looked at Hai Tianlong with a dazed expression: "Master Hai, if you did the same to Qing'er, why did Qing'er come to this point?"

"Hmph, Xue Hanqing has a vicious mind. Even if I treat her well, she won't tolerate others, and she will do vicious things sooner or later! You haven't taught your daughter well, but you keep complaining that others treat your daughter badly. It's really unreasonable! "Hai Tianlong said.

Xue Ping snorted coldly when he heard the words: "Young Master Hai, forgive us for not agreeing, Qing'er has always been a good boy, it's because you didn't discover Qing'er!"

"What's the point of saying this now, Xue Hanqing is dead! Since you guys have given up on Bing'er, don't come to her again!" Hai Tianlong said.

Xue Ping and his wife narrowed their eyes, and they turned their heads away from looking at Hai Tianlong and Xue Hanbing.

"What, you think of us again?" Su Chengyun asked sarcastically.

"Hmph, Su Chengyun, our husband and wife are going to avenge Qing'er today, take your life!" Mrs. Xue shouted.

"That's right, our Qing'er can't die in vain, you all go to bury our Qing'er!" Xue Ping had a sharp dagger in his hand.

The two rushed towards Su Chengyun and the others together.

Seeing this, Xue Hanbing stretched out her right hand and opened her mouth to stop her, but in the end she didn't say anything. Those two people would not listen to her.

"Hmph, being our daughter is so bullying!" Su Hongyi shouted.

"Father, you don't have to get angry, just watch!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said.

"Okay, Yun'er, I must teach them a good lesson. They are so unreasonable. We haven't asked them to settle the matter of their daughter pushing you into the sea. They have come to find them first! This time, we will settle the old and new scores together. If their daughter died, they are vulnerable groups, and we are also victims!" Su Hongyi narrowed his eyes, looking very angry.

Su Chengyun wanted to give Su Hongyi a thumbs up, what a sensible father!
(End of this chapter)

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