Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 465 Powerless Zhang Tian

Chapter 465
Lanling Continent is a world that worships the strong, and overseas is no exception, but it is more direct and rude.

In the past, Hai Tianlong was a strong overseas man with powerful influence, and he was the unique idol of overseas cultivators.

But today, Feng Jue showed his might, coupled with his arrogance, he immediately attracted a lot of fans, and he continued to receive small gifts from little girls or aunts, or words of confession along the way.

"Oh my God, the overseas people are too enthusiastic!" Su Hongyi watched as he accepted the gift with a smile, and Feng Jue, who gave back a peachy look from time to time, shouted that he couldn't bear it.

"Hehe, dad, let Feng Jue go and play!" Those little girls who received Feng Jue's eyes were so happy that they almost fainted, just like the star chasing in the previous life.

It was Feng Jue, they dared to do this, if Mo Qiling showed his peerless face, probably those people would only think in their hearts, no one would dare to step forward, the more beautiful things are, the less profane they are.Moreover, Mo Qiling also had the aura that strangers should not enter, which prevented those people from coming forward.

They found the largest inn on the island. Of course, the owner of the inn also heard about the murders of several people on the street. Even the head of the Xue family was killed, so he did not dare to be careless. Su Hongyi couldn't understand it, so he shook his hand and let people go.

They stayed on the island for a few or three days, walked around the island, bought everything they needed to buy, and prepared to leave.

And at this time, Lu Rushuang came over.

"Su Chengyun..." Lu Rushuang looked at Su Chengyun and hesitated to speak.

Su Chengyun looked at Lu Rushuang's sad face and kept guessing in his heart, but he smiled and said hello: "Lu Rushuang, you are here!"

After Su Hongyi and Wen Xinlan knew that it was from the Lu family, their complexions became uneasy. Although Lu Rushuang had never bullied her daughter, it was still the Lu family, right?

However, the daughter and Lu Rushuang got along well, and they didn't speak harsh words to Lu Rushuang, they just avoided seeing each other.

"Su Chengyun, are you going back to Lanling Continent?" Lu Rushuang asked after a moment of silence.

Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head: "We're going to stay overseas for a while!"

Lu Rushuang let out a breath as if relieved.

"Lu Rushuang, you don't want us to go back?" Su Chengyun raised his eyes and looked over.

Lu Rushuang smiled wryly when she heard the words: "I know it will be the end of our Lu family when you go back! Su Chengyun, you must have hated the Lu family for treating you so well back then!"

"Are you here to stop us?" Su Chengyun raised his eyebrows.

"I have to have that ability?" Lu Rushuang replied.

"Lu Rushuang, in fact, you know in your heart that even if we don't deal with the Lu family, the Lu family will not escape the fate of extinction. Now that you are in Haiyunzong, you may not know the situation in Lanling Continent. The news of the unification of the mainland has spread throughout the Lanling Continent, and many families and forces are targeting the Lu family, and it is possible that the Lu family will perish before we go back!" These news are all learned from Su Junyu's letter, and now With Mo Qiling around, it is extremely easy to communicate with Su Junyu and the others.

Lu Rushuang's face turned pale, and she murmured, "It's still here!"

"Lu Rushuang, of course you have left the Lu family and come overseas. Maybe God gave you a way to survive. You should cherish your life now. You can't stop the Lu family. Even Hai Tianlong is powerless! " Su Chengyun persuaded.

Although the Lu family is not very good, Lu Rushuang is still good.

"Su Chengyun, am I just going to watch the Lu family perish like this?" Lu Rushuang bit her lip and said, no matter what that family did, it was always her home!Because there is a family, no matter where she goes, she will not feel that she is a rootless duckweed, but if the family is gone, her heart will be empty.

"Lu Rushuang, you are looking for the wrong person, and I can't wait for your Lu family to perish!" Su Chengyun said, the way the Lu family treated the original owner back then, she didn't go back now and directly uprooted the Lu family is already very good.

Lu Rushuang smiled bitterly: "I see, Su Chengyun, you guys had a lot of fun overseas!" After Lu Rushuang finished speaking, she turned and left.

"Hmph, Miss Su, does she want you to save their Lu family?" Feng Jue walked forward and said with a cold snort.

"The family is about to perish, so you can't let them sigh!" Su Chengyun raised his forehead.

"Hey, to be honest, Su Xiaomei, we really don't want to go back and get involved?" Feng Jue said regretfully.

"Hehe, the Lu family has been in business for so many years, you think they never thought about the day when things would be revealed, they must be fully prepared, so don't worry, the Lu family will not be wiped out so easily!" Su Cheng Yundao.

"Hey, what if we are vulnerable?" Feng Jue still wanted to intervene.

Su Chengyun looked at Feng Jue and said, "Feng Jue, if you are now a cultivator at the peak of the spirit god, it will be a simple matter to cross the entire sea area!"

"Hey, peak spirit god!" Feng Jue froze, and it was unknown whether he could advance to the rank of spirit god.

"I feel that Lu Rushuang will not give up saving her family. You said that if she asks Hai Tianlong, will Hai Tianlong help?" Mr. Ming Yi stepped forward and asked.

"Hai Tianlong, how dare he?" Feng Jue stared.

Su Chengyun said: "Shanghai Tianlong will definitely not help in the open, but it is hard to say whether it will help in the dark. Moreover, with the prudence of Haiyunzong, it is impossible to train one of the Lu family. There must be others in Lanling Continent. The power exists!"

"Hmph, if I know that Hai Tianlong has helped us, we will develop our own power overseas and take over both Haiyunzong and Qingyunzong. Let me see how they will plan our Lanling Continent overseas!" Feng Jue He said angrily, and then looked at Young Master Ming Yi, "Young Master Ming Yi, if I have an idea for Qingyun Sect, you won't feel bad, will you? That person named Qing Yu'er is the future suzerain of Qingyun Sect!"

Young Master Ming Yi smiled slightly when he heard the words: "Feng Jue, Qing Yu'er and I are just friends!"

"But Qing Yu'er doesn't just want to be your friend?" Feng Jue said with a smile.

Seeing Su Chengyun's interested expression, Mr. Ming Yi said, "Feng Jue, don't bring me and Qing Yu'er together!"

"Okay, don't talk, don't talk!" Feng Jue said with an exaggerated smile.

But just two days after Su Chengyun and the others left, they encountered a large ship on the sea, and Qing Yuer stood on the deck and said loudly: "Young Master Ming Yi, can you tell me on board!"

Mr. Ming Yi hesitated for a moment, and finally arrived on Qing Yu'er's boat in a small boat.

Feng Jue curled his lips, and said to Su Chengyun: "Sister Su, I'm right, Qing Yu'er is entangled with Mr. Ming Yi! Hehe, Mr. Ming Yi is not straightforward, if you don't like Qing Yu'er, you can directly Refuse!"

"How do you know Mr. Ming Yi never refused?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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