Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 475 Industrial Tree

Chapter 475 Industrial Tree
Because of the sufficient spiritual energy, the assistance of pills, and the most suitable exercises, more than [-] guards had a qualitative breakthrough after a month.

Mr. Ming Yi finally broke through to Emperor Ling.

Su Chengyun and the others decided to continue their journey.

The Shuiyun Immortal Palace itself is a spatial artifact, and it was easily received in the dantian.

They began to wander overseas again, collecting various refining materials and herbs along the way.

Today, they were far away from the main island and came to the fringe area. According to the nearby residents, there are very few small islands that can be inhabited any further.

As the boat sailed slowly, Mo Qiling seemed to feel it, and closed his eyes to feel it carefully.

Su Chengyun didn't dare to disturb, but just watched from the sidelines.

After a while, Mo Qiling opened his eyes, and said, "Susu, I sensed the breath of the sycamore tree!"

"Ah...really?" Su Chengyun smiled when he heard the words. They went here to find the sacred parasol tree, but they did not expect to find it.

"Where? Where?" Su Chengyun asked impatiently.

"Susu, don't worry, it's nearby, we'll be there soon!" Mo Qiling said, and began to take control of the ship, controlling the ship to move forward.

An hour later, an island appeared in front of everyone.

"Is that the island?" Su Chengyun asked, pulling Mo Qiling's sleeve.

Mo Qiling nodded: "If the sensing is correct, it is there!"

"Then let's go!" Su Chengyun urged.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, Mo Mo, what are you looking for?" Feng Jue leaned over and asked.

Su Chengyun smiled at Feng Jue, pointed to the island that had already seen its face clearly and said, "Did you see it?"

"Hey, what a big tree!" Feng exclaimed desperately looking in the direction of the island.

"Hehe, that tree is what we are looking for!" Su Chengyun said.

"Miss Su, I admit that the tree is tall and majestic, but what do you do with a tree? Is there anything magical about that tree?" Feng Jue asked in bewilderment.

"That's the sacred phoenix tree, haven't you heard of the phoenix phoenix tree?" Su Chengyun asked back.

"Oh!" Feng Jue glanced at Mo Qiling and stopped talking.

Soon the boat approached the island, and the people on the island had already seen their boat approaching and greeted them one after another.

Su Chengyun glanced at it, and there are not many people on this island, maybe thirty or so people.

"Where did you come from?" asked a middle-aged man.

"We are from Lan Ling Continent!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Lanling Continent? It turned out to be a guest from far away. I don't know why the guest came here?" The middle-aged man asked again.

Mr. Ming Yi looked at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun didn't beat around the bush, pointing to the sacred parasol tree and said, "We're here for it!"

As soon as Su Chengyun said this, everyone on the island frowned.

"Girl, that's the sacred tree on our island!" the middle-aged man said.

"I know, but we have a predestined relationship with the phoenix tree!" Su Chengyun said.

At this time, an old man came out and said, "The sacred tree is protected by divine power, and ordinary people cannot approach it!"

"So you can't get close?" Su Chengyun asked with a frown.

The old man nodded, and then said: "However, our island and nearby islands are protected by the sacred tree. As long as the sacred tree is there, we will never worry about the attack of monsters! Girl, if you try to approach forcibly, the sacred tree will get angry of!"

Hearing this, Su Chengyun looked at Mo Qiling next to him. What kind of sacred tree should be the method left by the original Phoenix.

Mo Qiling nodded slightly: "No problem!"

Su Chengyun smiled and said to the old man: "Old man, let's try!"

"Hey, go! But you can't mess around on the island!" said the old man.

"That's natural!" Su Chengyun and the others got off the boat, Mo Qiling waved his hand, and the whole boat was put away.

This move caught the eyes of many people on the island, and they all took on a trace of dignity.

"Mingxiu, take them there!" the old man said to the middle-aged man who had spoken earlier.

The middle-aged man nodded yes, and stepped forward: "Let me show you the way. There are many cultivators who come here to pay homage to the sacred tree, and there are also many who want to forcibly approach it, but they all end up with serious injuries in the end. Don't be rude." Come, just watch from afar!"

Regarding the kindness of the middle-aged man, Su Chengyun and the others just listened politely without saying anything.

Soon, they came not far from the plane tree, the middle-aged man said: "Just stay here, if you go further, the tree will be angry!"

"Wow, what a big tree!" A little girl carved in pink and jade slid down from a woman's body, her two bright eyes were wide open, and she looked curiously at the luxuriant sycamore tree.

"Brother, come down and have a look!" The little girl greeted a boy in a man's arms.

The boy looked at the girl: "Sister, you can see clearly when you stand tall!"

The little girl looked at her low position, then looked at the little boy's high position, and pursed her lips: "Let Daddy take Linger to fly in a while, and he can fly high, even higher than my brother!" The little girl finished speaking Eyeballs rolled, "Brother, Ling'er is going to hug the big tree, earlier than you!"

After finishing speaking, the little girl ran towards the sacred tree of phoenix trees.

"Hey, be careful!" The middle-aged man was taken aback. He thought this little girl was extremely cute just now, but in the blink of an eye, he saw that she ran into a dangerous area, and he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

What a kind person, Su Chengyun smiled: "Don't worry about the child!"

"Why don't you worry, if the Shenshu is angry, the child will be in danger!" the middle-aged man said anxiously.

"Look, isn't that all right?" Su Chengyun smiled and pointed forward.

Only then did the middle-aged man realize that the little girl had run in front of the sacred tree and was trying to hug the big tree, but the big tree was so thick that she couldn't hug it because she was too small.

"Brother, come too, let's hug together!" After two attempts, the little girl couldn't help calling out to her brother.

Hearing this, the little boy also slid down and started running towards the sacred tree.

The middle-aged man raised his arm to stop him, but seeing that the little boy also ran over safely, he couldn't help showing suspicion in his eyes.

How can they be all right?
too weird!

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, I'm going to pay a close look at the sacred tree too!" Feng Jue smiled and was about to step forward.

Su Chengyun hurriedly stopped him: "Fengjue, wait a minute!"

The two children are descendants of the Phoenix family, so it is no problem to get close to the sacred tree, but the wind is definitely not good.

Su Chengyun looked at Mo Qiling.

Mo Qiling walked towards the sacred sycamore tree, put his hands on the trunk, opened and closed his mouth, as if he was reciting some obscure ancient language.

"What is Mo Mo doing?" Feng Jue asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's to remove the attack from the Indus Sacred Tree!" Su Chengyun replied.

If it is not resolved, most people here will not be able to approach.

(End of this chapter)

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