Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 481 The Real Realm

Chapter 481 The Real Realm
"Mo Qiling, there are more and more people here!" Su Chengyun looked at the serious practitioners around the Phoenix Sacred Tree and raised his forehead.

There are quite a lot of people who have come here to practice recently. Both Haiyunzong and Qingyunzong are interested in this place, let alone other people.

Su Chengyun and the others are not the saviors of the world, and they don't want to let everyone come to practice. Every time someone comes to ask, they will decide according to the situation. Those who are pleasing to the eye will be allowed in, and those who are not pleasing to the eye will be dismissed. If there are those who are stubborn, of course, they will teach them a lesson.

And the people on this island also think that this is the opportunity for their own island to rise, and they are very cooperative with Su Chengyun and his actions, showing the strength of the island from time to time, making people dare not underestimate it.

Not to mention that although the Indus Sacred Tree has been in a sealed state before, even if it is sealed again, there will be a small amount of energy overflowing. The people on the island have lived here for a long time, and they have been nourished by these energies invisibly, and their physical fitness will naturally be better than other people. It's much better, and it's faster to practice. Among them, Xue Mingxiu is the fastest one.

Hai Tianlong's former guards also rushed over one after another.

"Hmph, Hai Tianlong is no longer the suzerain of Haiyun Sect, and there are still so many people following him! What are you saying, we swear allegiance to the master, and we only recognize you as the master!" Feng Jue said sourly.

"Feng Jue, don't be envious of him, who can convince so many people with his charm!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Hmph, who is envious of him? You see, none of us have so much trouble, and only he has so much trouble!" Feng said unconvinced.

"Okay, they are all spirits and gods, what are you doing about these mundane things?" Mr. Mingyi shook his head and was about to leave.

"Master Ming Yi, what did you say, you actually called me vulgar! I want to fight with you to protect my dignity!" Feng Jue shouted loudly from behind, really thinking that he couldn't understand the subtext in the words!

Mr. Ming Yi turned his head: "Okay, I can't ask for it!"

"Go!" The two headed towards the sea.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "This is Fengjue, Mr. Ming Yi obviously provoked him on purpose!"

"Let them go, Mr. Ming Yi has advanced to the rank of Spirit God, his hands must be itchy, and he wants to find someone to test his strength!" Mo Qiling said.

"Well, let them play, anyway, although the two of them fight fiercely with their mouths, they have a sense of proportion!" Su Chengyun smiled and said, not bothering to watch the battle between the two.

"Susu, there is news from the upper realm that the Dark Demon Queen is also gathering forces. She must have guessed that we have already contacted the upper realm!" Mo Qiling said the news from the upper realm slowly.

Su Chengyun pursed his lips when he heard the words: "Mo Qiling, I remember you said that spirit gods are the lowest level of existence in the upper realm?"

The corners of Mo Qiling's lips curled up slightly when he heard this: "It's not considered the lowest level of existence. Cultivators born in the upper realm also gradually cultivated from the spirit like the lower realm, but the resources of the upper realm are much richer than those of the lower realm, and there are still many It is very easy to speed up your cultivation by cultivating holy places, and advance to the rank of Spiritual God!"

"That is to say, although the starting point is the same, the acquired conditions are different. It is very difficult to advance to the spirit god in the lower realm, but it is the same as ordinary promotion in the upper realm!" Su Chengyun sighed, and the original residents of the upper realm have great welfare. .

"So, in the upper realm, before the spirit gods are nothing, they can only be regarded as low-level cultivators, and only those above the spirit gods will be seen in the eyes of others!" Mo Qiling explained.

"Is there still a realm of cultivation above the spirit god?" Su Chengyun asked curiously.

"Above the Spirit God is the Holy Heaven Realm, the Returning Mirror, and the Supreme Realm. Each realm is divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage, and perfection!" Mo Qiling said.

"There are still so many realms?" Su Chengyun was surprised. He thought that he was already great after being promoted to the rank of Spirit God, but now he realizes that he has just started, and there are still so many realms waiting for him to break through.

"Susu don't need to worry, with Susu's aptitude and understanding, it will be a matter of time before he reaches the supreme state!" Mo Qiling said.

"But all the cultivation is getting more and more difficult, I still want to help you? This strength is really not enough! By the way, what is the realm of the Dark Demon Queen?" Su Chengyun asked about Hei Demon Queen, you must first understand the situation of the enemy.

"The Dark Demon Queen is now in the supreme middle stage!" Mo Qiling said.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Su Chengyun breathed a sigh of relief, "Hehe, it's a good thing she didn't reach the supreme perfection!" If the Dark Demon Queen reached the highest level, it would be even more difficult to deal with.

"Susu, don't be too happy. Although the Dark Demon Queen is the supreme mid-stage, her combat power is equivalent to the supreme late stage!" Mo Qiling explained, "The talent of the Black Phoenix is ​​very powerful, and it can fully support the leapfrog challenge!"

Su Chengyun took a deep breath, pulled Mo Qiling by the corner of his clothes and said, "Mo Qiling, what is your cultivation level now?" She only knew that Mo Qiling was very strong, but she didn't know how strong it was.

Mo Qiling's eyes were stained with a smile: "Su Su Guess!"

"Uh..." Su Chengyun looked up, when did Mo Qiling learn to joke.

"Well, then I'll just guess, you're the supreme middle stage?" To be able to not fear the Dark Demon Queen, the strength should be comparable.

"Susu is so smart!" The corners of Mo Qiling's mouth curled up slightly.

"Hey, I guessed it right!" Su Chengyun stared.

"Well, I am indeed in the supreme middle stage now!"

"Then can you win against the Dark Demon Queen?" Su Chengyun was extremely worried about this point. Even Mo Qiling was afraid of Black Phoenix's innate skills, which showed that he was very strong.

"Susu, don't worry, I'm half sure of defeating her!" Mo Qiling said.

"Hey, half chances are not great!" Su Chengyun sighed, if there was only half hope, Su Chengyun would not approve of Mo Qiling's taking half of the chance.

"Mo Qiling, wait until you are [-]% or [-]% sure to go meet the Dark Demon Queen!" Su Chengyun said, she doesn't want to lose her man, she doesn't want her child to lose a father, and once Mo Qiling fails Now, these people cannot escape the fate of death, and the Dark Demon Queen will not let them go kindly.

Therefore, one must have sufficient confidence in order to face the Dark Demon Queen.

Seeing Su Chengyun's resolute look, Mo Qiling gently rubbed her hair and said, "Don't worry, Susu, now that I have you and a child, I won't make fun of my own life! In the upper and middle stages, I have accumulated a lot in the lower realm over the years, and they have accumulated in the body. Once I return to the upper realm, I will be able to quickly advance to the upper stage, and even hit the ultimate perfection! At that time, the Dark Demon Queen will not Is my opponent!"

"Really?" Su Chengyun was completely happy when he heard this.

Mo Qiling nodded: "The Dark Demon Queen is easy to deal with, but her power is not easy to deal with, so we still have to be fully prepared and not let our people lose too much!"

"En!" Su Chengyun nodded vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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