Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 490 Restless

Chapter 490 Restless

"By the way, how are you and Chang Shao?" Su Chengyun thought of Chang Shao, and asked about their progress with concern.

"Hmph, the Chang family has always wanted to take advantage of our Su family, and even wanted to use Chang Shao in exchange for family benefits, which made grandpa and parents very angry, and broke all contact with the Chang family!" Su Junyu said.

"Then you and Chang Shao?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Hey, sister, don't worry, the Chang family is still counting on getting benefits from our Su family, and they won't easily give Chang Shao to others. Chang Shao also told the family that if anyone forces her again, she will run away from home and go far away." Go overseas and never come back again! Hey, the Chang family is still relying on Chang Shao for support, who dares to force her again!" Su Junyu said with a smile, "As long as Chang Shao's family doesn't force her, we are not in a hurry , consume it slowly."

Su Chengyun nodded: "Well, you are still young anyway, don't worry!"

"Okay, sister, don't talk about me, tell me about overseas affairs!" Su Junyu looked at Su Chengyun and his eyes sparkled.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

Time flies by, and today, Feng Jue and Young Master Ming Yi came to find him.

"Su Xiaomei, I'm going to be annoyed to death by those people these two days, you, Mo Mo, and the eldest brother of the Su family should show up quickly, and don't let them bombard me again!" After Feng Jue arrived, he began to complain cracklingly.

Su Chengyun sneered, she didn't need to guess to imagine that Feng Jue and the others must have been questioned by many cultivators.

In the past few days, many cultivators wanted to visit them, but they were blocked by the old man. The Su family was already the largest family in Floating Cloud City, and now there are three spirit gods, and the power below is also from Lanling Continent. A leader, naturally not afraid of anyone.

"Hmph, don't you even give the old man time to enjoy family happiness for a few days?" The old man said with his eyes widened. They haven't had enough family gatherings these days, and they haven't finished listening to the story.

"Old man, I really can't stand it anymore!" Feng Jue said helplessly.

"Hmph, those people undoubtedly want to know how you were promoted to spiritual gods, but the sycamore tree is gone, what can you do?" The old man's heart was as bright as a mirror.

"What the old man said is that I have told them that after the upper and lower passages are opened, the breath of the upper realm will permeate, and it will be easier to be promoted, but they see that we have all become spirit gods, and they are jealous! There are many seniors in there, There are also relatives who have made thousands of detours, and they all come to press me with their identity, hey, I can’t use my identity as a spiritual god to press me back! My father will not be the first to spare me!" Feng Jue said more and more pitifully .

Mr. Ming Yi also said: "It's really difficult, and you can't show your face. We people like Hai Tianlong can take it easy!"

"Hmph, that kid Hai Tianlong, relying on Lanling Continent not knowing his details, pretended to be sophisticated and ruthless, scaring away most people! He is still the most treacherous!" Feng Jue said indignantly.

"Hehe, Feng Jue, don't think I don't know that you have attracted many cultivators for your family these days!" Su Junyu shouted loudly.

Feng Jue laughed: "A rare opportunity! A rare opportunity!"

Su Chengyun thought for a while and said: "These few days are about the same, they understand everything they should understand! The person we are waiting for has also arrived!"

"Ah, Su Xiaomei, do you mean that the sixth person who can be promoted to Spiritual God as soon as possible has appeared?" Feng Jue was extremely surprised, and the others were also excited.

"Yun'er, is it true? Where is he?" Su Hongyi asked.

Su Chengyun smiled and said: "Mo Qiling has confirmed the aura of that person, Feng Jue, Mr. Ming Yi, don't worry about the people who come to you, if they come again, tell them to wait in front of the Flame Mountain in three days! "

"Su Xiaomei, will that person go there?" Feng Jue asked suspiciously.

Su Chengyun said quietly: "Don't worry, she will definitely go!",

At night, in a courtyard in Liuyun City, there was only a slight sound of breaking through the air. When the woman in the room got up to check, she saw a small note on the table. The woman held the note, The beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

On the second day, the Su family was chatting leisurely in the courtyard, when suddenly a guard stepped forward to report that someone from the family had visited!

The old man's face darkened when he heard this.

"No, let them go!" the old man said.

"Father, I'll meet them and see what they want!" The uncle stood up and was about to go out.

Su Junyang frowned slightly, stood up and said, "I'll go too!"

Su Junyu said angrily: "Sister, the people in my family are starting to be restless again. They must have heard the news of your return and want to share a piece of the pie. Hmph, I don't even want to see if they have that weight!"

"Second brother, I remember that my family has already been subdued by you?" Su Chengyun asked, echoing the letter he had received before.

"Sister, there are quite a few of my family. There are always a few who dream of unifying the Lanling Continent, and think that they have the dream of their ancestors and carry forward their wishes. Hmph, if it weren't for us to suppress them, the Su family's family would have long since If they were destroyed, the ancestors of the Su family might jump out of the ground angrily and accuse their unworthy descendants!" Su Junyu said angrily.

"Okay, with the big brother here, they can't jump up!" Su Chengyun said, the Su family has three spiritual gods in charge, and there are many strong people, and it is bound to take advantage of the situation to develop. He will never allow the Su family to hold back. It seems that the person who came to find trouble is more than good, but Su Chengyun doesn't have a good impression of my family, so naturally he doesn't feel sympathy.

"Well, let's not talk about them! By the way, Su Xiaomei, I have researched a lot of pills recently, come and help me see!" Su Junyu impatiently dragged Su Chengyun to the medicine refining room.

The refining room was also rebuilt later, which took up quite a lot of space, and there were many busy people inside.

"Hey, little sister, the people in the refining room are all carefully selected and absolutely loyal. I have handed over many elixirs to them for refining, and I will be responsible for researching new elixirs and elixirs!" Su Junyu said.

"That's a good relationship!" Su Chengyun laughed. Su Junyu is not bad. If the family wants to grow, many things cannot be done by yourself. It is imperative to activate some cronies. After the previous betrayal, the Su family is now employing people more obviously. cautious.

"Second brother, I happen to have a lot of new pills and medicines here, let's research together!" Su Chengyun said, she has learned a lot from Mo Qiling, and has mastered more pills and refining methods. Many of them are not available in the lower realm, but they are suitable for use in the lower realm, so it is just right to hand them over to Su Junyu at this time!
"Haha, Miss Su, I didn't expect you to gain so much from this overseas trip!" Su Junyu said enviously.

"Well, when the second brother awakens the phoenix bloodline, let's go on a trip too!" The family had already planned for him to go on a trip, but it was delayed because of successive incidents.

(End of this chapter)

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