Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 492 I Think You Are the One Who Wants to Rebel

Chapter 492 I Think You Are the One Who Wants to Rebel

"Hmph, if it was before, we would have no problem with how you disciplined your daughter, but now Nangong Yu is the one we are covering, and no one can touch her!" Feng Jue retorted.

"That's right, the candidate has been decided, and there will be no change!" Young Master Ming Yi also said.

"You are too domineering. I gave Nangong Yu's life. She will do whatever I want her to do?" Nangong City Master said coldly. He has lost all face today, and Nangong Yu must never leave him again. Take control, otherwise there will be no lining.

Hearing this, Nangong Yu's face was also ugly, biting her lip with hatred in her eyes.

Su Chengyun patted Nangong Yu's hand and shook his head slightly at her.

"City Master Nangong, do you want to be stubborn?" Su Chengyun looked at City Master Nangong with blank eyes, but City Master Nangong felt full of threats.

"I just want my daughter to go with me!" City Master Nangong said silently.

"Impossible!" Su Chengyun said coldly, his eyes raised slightly, "Feng Jue, we have already wasted a lot of time!"

"Su Xiaomei, don't worry, if anyone dares to obstruct me again, I will not be polite!" Feng Jue immediately said in a dignified manner, his eyes turned to Nangong City Master meaningfully.

"City Master Nangong, don't waste everyone's time. The sooner your daughter becomes a spirit god, the sooner we can benefit!" Someone persuaded.

"That's right, City Lord Nangong, you are just a small city lord, compared with most of the cultivators in Lanling Continent, you are really insignificant!"


The Nangong City Lord's face was dark, and he finally looked at Nangong Yu and said, "Nangong Yu, come back with me!"

Nangong Yu bit her lip: "Father, stop making trouble, I won't go back!" As a cultivator who doesn't pursue the ultimate, how could she give up such a good opportunity to see that suffocating home again.

"Nangong Yu, did you turn against you?" Nangong City Master said angrily.

"Hmph, City Lord Nangong, I think you are the one who wants to rebel?" Feng Jue stared at him fiercely, "You really are stubborn!"

"This is my family business!" Nangong Chengzhu said.

"Haha, it's ridiculous. Nangong Yu has now involved the entire Tianling Continent and overseas. In fact, your Nangong family can trap you! City Lord Nangong, you have repeatedly obstructed us. You really think we have a good temper. Are you such a mess?"

Feng Jue got angry, because Su Chengyun was already impatient, so he got angry.

City Master Nangong saw a dangerous gleam in Feng Jue's eyes, he was busy, so he was going to retreat, but the overwhelming attack came towards him alone, and he was crushed to the ground all at once.

"Hmph, this is just a small lesson, if you dare to get tired of it again, I will take your life!" Feng Jue said fiercely, he is not a spiritual god for nothing, he really thinks that anyone can provoke him.

Blood overflowed from the corner of Nangong City Lord's mouth, and he covered his heart and dared not say any more. Only now did he realize that the Spirit God was the Spirit God.

"Hmph, I'm used to being the city lord, I really think I'm so important!" Feng Jue curled his lips, looked at Su Chengyun and the others, "Su Xiaomei, let's continue!"

Su Chengyun nodded, looked at Mr. Mingyi and said, "Let's do the second thing!"

Mr. Mingyi looked at the crowd after hearing the words: "We have already selected the cultivator who can be promoted to the spiritual god the fastest, and it is this Nangong Yu. If anyone has any opinions, please come and raise them, and we will follow up!"

"No opinion, no opinion!" The people below hurriedly said. Seeing that the Nangong City Master did not end well, none of them would dare to raise an opinion. The Nangong City Master is also an idiot. In view of her face, people will respect her twice, but these two points were broken by the Nangong City Master himself, and the Nangong City Master also offended several spirit gods, the position of the City Master must have reached the end , It’s really not worth the candle!
Mr. Mingyi continued: "Today, in addition to selecting the candidate for the spirit god, we also need to select a potential cultivator. The Huoyan Mountain will be remodeled and it will be more suitable for cultivators to cultivate. Our cultivators in Lanling Continent have already There is a fault, these selected people will remodel the Huoyan Mountain to practice, and strive for the fastest time to improve their strength!"

As soon as Mr. Mingyi finished speaking, everyone below became excited.

Only one can be selected to be promoted to Spiritual God as soon as possible. The chances of them being selected are very low, but there are quite a few with potential. Many families bring the most potential and strongest disciples of their own families. If one or two can be selected and taught by the spirit god himself, their family will have hope.

Mr. Ming Yi stretched out his palm, and the discussion below stopped abruptly.

Young Master Mingyi said: "This selection is not based on family and influence, but on potential. Don't be proud of those who are selected, and don't be discouraged by those who are not selected. It's not that you are not good enough, but because you are better than you. more people!"

Mr. Ming Yi invisibly said Qiu Tianqi's words of encouragement to the losers.

Su Chengyun and the others would all smile heartily.

"Mo Qiling, let's start!" Su Chengyun said to Mo Qiling.

Mo Qiling nodded, and twitched his fingers in the wide sleeves, and soon the field lit up with a lot of light.

Those who were shrouded in light were all excited, and they knew that they were the chosen ones without guessing, while those who were not chosen were a little disappointed.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, did Mo Mo release the water? I can see many familiar faces in it!" Feng Jue looked at the selected people and said quietly.

Su Chengyun had noticed long ago that all her friends were selected, even Dean Qiu Tianqi was no exception.

Hehe, Mo Qiling is really thinking of her.

"When was it planned?" Su Chengyun asked in a low voice.

Mo Qiling responded: "I just want to make Susu happy!"

"Well, I'm really happy!" Su Chengyun replied.

Even if her friends are not qualified, it won't be too bad to have their help.

"Susu, when I was selecting candidates, I also paid attention to the hearts of these people, they are not that kind of cunning people!" Mo Qiling explained.

"Well, we will save a lot of worry in the future!" Su Chengyun said happily, Mo Qiling is really delicate when he is careful.

Mr. Mingyi said to those people: "You have been selected by us, but the transformation of the Huoyan Mountain will take two days to complete. I will give you two days to say goodbye to your family. After two days, you will enter the arduous cultivation. It is impossible to think of the Flaming Mountain, so use the two days to your heart's content! Of course, if you are afraid, you don't have to come after two days! Okay, let's go!"

Although Mr. Mingyi said so, few people really left, and those who were selected were even more unwilling to leave. They were afraid that if they left, things would change two days later, and if their places were gone, they would really have no place. cry.

(End of this chapter)

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