Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 500 Countermeasures

Chapter 500 Countermeasures
in secret.

Feng Jue was thinking about how to help Chu Hong improve his strength, so Su Chengyun walked over.

"Su Xiaomei, you have to help me!" Seeing Su Chengyun's eyes lit up, Feng Jue stepped forward to please him.

"Hehe, what's wrong?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Su Xiaomei, tell me, how can that woman Chu Hong improve her strength? Although I have a method here, it will not be easy to go up after using this method, and I am worried that Fang Yongyuan will also use today's If I increase my strength later, even if I forcibly increase Chu Hong's strength and still lose, then wouldn't my face also be lost!" Feng Jue said cracklingly.

"Feng Jue, I thought you were thinking about Chu Hong, but it was because of your face!" Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head.

"Hey, I'm already a spirit god, so of course I can't leave any mistakes. Otherwise, if someone mentions Feng Jue in the future and fails to support even one person, wouldn't that be a disgrace? Su Xiaomei, you have to help me!" Feng Jue begged .

Su Chengyun dragged his chin, and said seemingly thinking: "I have to think about this question carefully!"

"Su Xiaomei, it's very difficult for me to help someone improve their strength, but it's a trivial matter for you and Mo Mo, you can't ignore it. Anyway, the vial was also taken away by Mo Mo, so you should take care of it!" Feng Jue Having said that, I played a rogue.

Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I will help you!"

"Hehe, I knew Su Xiaomei was the best!" Feng Jue praised immediately.

After Su Chengyun made some preparations, he walked towards the place where Chu Hong's mother and son were, and Feng Jue followed attentively.

Seeing the two people coming, the mother and son greeted them together.

Su Chengyun directly said to Chu Hong: "I have two kinds of elixirs here, one can directly promote you to the peak of Lingzun, but because you have promoted too much, you don't have time to consolidate, and your cultivation base is unstable. It is difficult to display the strength of the Spiritual Sect in battle, and the cultivation is limited to the Spiritual Sect, and we will not be able to make further progress in the future!"

"What about the other one?" Fang Hao asked hurriedly.

"The other kind of elixir is milder. It can be promoted to the spirit king, supplemented by the cultivation of the spirit gathering array, and tomorrow it can display the peak strength of the spirit king! It will not affect the promotion in the future!" Seeing the surprise in the eyes of the mother and son, Su Cheng Yun added, "If you can improve your strength, so can Fang Yongyuan. Therefore, even if you are at the peak of the Spirit King, you may not be able to win tomorrow!"

"Then what should we do?" Fang Hao was anxious.

"Don't worry, listen to Su Xiaomei's words!" Feng Jue said from the side.

Su Chengyun looked at Fang Hao who was anxious, and said: "Fang Yongyuan is now the strength of the late Lingwang, and there is still a distance from the peak of the Lingwang, and the pills that can help people to be promoted on the market now, after the Lingwang, the most can be promoted." It means that even if Fang Yongyuan uses pills to improve his cultivation base, he can reach the peak of Lingzun at most! Chu Hong, if you are promoted to the peak of Lingwang, you will be only one level away from Fang Yongyuan, and you will not be able to cross this level. So we can only fight hard!"

"How to resist?" Fang Hao asked hurriedly.

"There is a body training pool in Liuyun Secret Realm. After practicing in it, you can greatly increase your body's strength!" Su Chengyun said.

"I understand, it's for me to exhaust myself until Fang Yongyuan's spiritual power is exhausted!" Chu Hong said.

Su Chengyun nodded: "That's right, this is the best way! But it's based on the difference of one level between you! It can't be ruled out that Fang Yongyuan has obtained some kind of genius treasure, and his cultivation base has soared!"

"The Fang family probably doesn't have these genius treasures, but it's not ruled out that the Qian family has them. It depends on whether the Qian family is willing to take them out!" Fang Hao said.

"The Qian family? Leave it to me!" Feng Jue said coldly.

"One more thing, you didn't agree on some details for tomorrow's battle, I will prepare the pill for you, if Fang Yongyuan uses it, you can use it!" Su Chengyun said.

Chu Hong nodded.

"Well, Miss Su, do you still have weapons?" Feng Jue mentioned.

Su Chengyun smiled slightly: "I know!"

Su Chengyun left the pill to Feng Jue, and was about to leave. Before leaving, she asked, "Where did you bury that corpse back then?"

The two mother and son provided a location, and Su Chengyun left.

Early the next morning, Fang Yongyuan's family came.

The news that Fang Yongyuan and Chu Hong were going to fight had spread throughout the exiled land, and many people came to watch the excitement.

After waiting for an hour, Chu Hong, Fang Hao, and Su Chengyun came out of Liuyun Secret Realm.

"Hmph, I thought I wouldn't dare to come out for fear of losing!" Fang Yongyuan said sarcastically.

"Since I agree, I won't be afraid!" Chu Liang said with his head held high.

"Hmph, now that you're ready, let's get started!" Fang Yongyuan began to walk out.

"Mother..." Fang Hao still called out worriedly.

Chu Hong smiled at Fang Hao, then turned and walked over.

The two stood still, staring at each other fiercely, they had already started to fight before fighting, and the extremely low pressure lingered around the two of them.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be promoted from a spirit warrior to a peak spirit king in just one night!" Fang Yongyuan narrowed his eyes and said, at the same time, he was extremely annoyed. Those people must have helped her, otherwise she would not have been promoted so much. many.

"Didn't you also be promoted from the Spirit King to the peak of the Spirit Venerable?" Chu Hong fought back, and she was really right. Fang Yongyuan also used the elixir to improve the cultivation base, but fortunately it was not a soaring cultivation base, otherwise she would not even have a chance. will not have.

"Hmph, with a difference of one level, you're done. Let's see how I can defeat you!" Fang Yongyuan began to attack first.

Chu Hong rushed forward too, and the two quickly fought together.

But after dozens of moves, Fang Yongyuan's face darkened: "It seems that your strength is not in vain, but so what, let's see how I deal with you!" After Fang Yongyuan finished speaking, he had a majestic long sword in his hand.

"Hey, it's the Sunshine Sword. I didn't expect it to fall into Fang Yongyuan's hands!" Someone on the sidelines recognized the sword.

"The woman is going to lose, this is the top nine swords in Lanling Continent!"

Chu Hong frowned slightly, moved her wrist slightly, and a small seal of jasper began to appear in her hand.

"Haha, are you going to use this seal to deal with my Sun Sword? It's so funny!"

Fang Yongyuan laughed disdainfully, but before his laughter was over, he saw Chu Hong throwing his hand, and the Jade Seal began to grow bigger and pressed towards him.

Fang Yongyuan was taken aback, and hurried to dodge, but the seal seemed to lock him, chasing after him, Fang Yongyuan had no choice but to raise his sword to block, but saw the Jasper Seal smashed the sword light, and rushed towards the Sunshine Sword, only Hearing a slight click, the Sunshine Sword he was proud of cracked and broke, and the Jasper Seal kept hitting him again, and he was knocked far away.

"So strong!" Fang Yongyuan murmured, covering his pain.

"Am I not mistaken, the famous Sunshine Sword was destroyed by one move?" The onlookers couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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