Chapter 504 The Return
It only took more than a day for Mo Qiling to refine Jingshi Youlian, which made Su Chengyun gasp.

I thought I was strong enough, but compared to Mo Qiling, I was still far behind.

"Susu, don't be discouraged!" Mo Qiling said comfortingly.

"I'm not discouraged? One day I will catch up with you!" Su Chengyun said unconvinced.

A smile overflowed from the corner of Mo Qiling's eyes: "Okay, the matter here is settled, let's go back!"

"No, you accompany me to another place!" Su Chengyun said.

"Oh, where does Susu want to go?" Mo Qiling asked suspiciously.

"Mist forest!" Su Chengyun replied.

"Hey, Susu wants to find out the secrets of the misty forest!"

Su Chengyun nodded: "That's right, and I've just started Mizongbu, and I need the help of the Misty Forest if I want to go further!"

Mo Qiling heard the words and said: "Then let's go!"

The two left the Desperate Abyss and flew in the direction of the foggy forest.

A few days later, the two came to the misty forest.

Looking at the familiar old place, Su Chengyun smiled.

"Mo Qiling, we met in the misty forest, right?" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Well, this is the first time I have appeared in the misty forest as Mo Qiling!" Mo Qiling replied.

"It was you who reminded me back then that I escaped the murderous intent! Mo Qiling, do you still remember that tree hole?" Su Chengyun asked.

Mo Qiling nodded: "Susu follow me!"

The two shuttled through the foggy forest, and soon came to the tree hole, before the vines pulled them down, the two jumped in.

On the mountain wall are the familiar rumors of "falling".

"This Luo reminds me of a person from the Upper Realm. His name is also Luo. He has been very popular for a while!" Mo Qiling said.

"You mean that Luo is the Luo that left these words and pictures?"

"It's very possible that Luo is famous for his body skills, so he must have mastered the Mi Zong Bu!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun laughed when he heard the words: "Hehe, I can rest assured, since Luo can do it, I can do it too!"

"Okay, if Susu has any questions, you can ask me!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun nodded, and began to look at the picture left by "Luo" again, carefully deliberating how to continue the practice behind Mi Zongbu.

In order to master the Mi Zing Step, Su Chengyun also studied the Misty Forest thoroughly. Of course, with the help of Mo Qiling, this natural formation is still too difficult for her to study, and Mo Qiling He is well-informed and proficient in formations, so it is easy to study.

Four months later, Su Chengyun's lost step was finally completed.

She and Mo Qiling hurried back to the Flame Mountain.

At this time, the Huoyan Mountain seemed to have become a holy place for cultivation. Although the monks outside could not enter, they all practiced quietly outside the Huoyan Mountain.

Feng Jue was the first to know about Su Chengyun's return, and greeted him from afar.

"Su Xiaomei, Momo, are you finally willing to come back?"

"Hehe, Feng Jue, is there nothing wrong with us while we're away?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"With me in charge, what can happen?"

"That's good! I haven't seen Fan'er and Linger for a long time, I'll go see the two children first!"

When Su Chengyun and Mo Qiling left, they left their two children with Wen Xinlan. It has been half a year, and they both miss their children very much.

"Su Xiaomei, you don't miss me?" Feng Jue pointed at his face and asked.

"I want to, but I miss children more!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, and the figure disappeared like a shooting star.

"Hey, why do I feel that Su Xiaomei has become stronger again?" Feng Jue murmured.

Su Chengyun directly entered the Liuyun Secret Realm. The two little guys were not lying when they said that they would practice seriously. They have indeed practiced very diligently since then.

"Mother, thank you for your hard work!" Su Chengyun looked at the two little guys who were practicing and did not disturb him, but thanked Wen Xinlan beside him.

"Hey, Mom didn't work so hard, those two little guys don't worry! They don't play much every day, they just keep cultivating inside. I persuaded them to go out and have a good time, but they are still not happy!" Wen Xinlan frowning He said that a child should have the innocence of a child. Yun'er's Tong'er and the others are absent. Although the two little guys are by their side now, they are cultivators.

"Mother, it's okay, the two children have a sense of proportion! I will persuade them too!" Su Chengyun comforted. She also hoped that the two children would be more innocent, but those two children are stubborn, and it is not so easy to persuade them. easy.

"By the way, mother, how did Xingyue Palace handle it?" Su Chengyun remembered the matter of Xingyue Palace.

"Hehe, they want mother to go back and continue to be the palace master, but now that mother has you, she naturally doesn't want to go back to that cold place, so they helped them choose a successor suzerain and teach them!" Wen Xinlan said.

"Mother, do they have other additional conditions?" Su Chengyun didn't believe that those people in Xingyue Palace let Wenxin Lan go so easily.

"It's not an embarrassing thing, I just proposed that the disciples of Xingyue Palace also come to Liuyun Secret Realm to practice!" Wen Xinlan said, "But I didn't agree to let them choose their own candidates, who knows who they will choose!"

"Well, that's right, the people in Liuyun Secret Realm still want us to check!" Su Chengyun said.

"The same is true for the temple, and I hope to enter here to practice!" Wen Xinlan said.

"Mother, let them come, every once in a while, we will select a group of people to come in and practice, let them join together!" Su Chengyun said.

"Yun'er, do we have enough resources for such a group of people?" Wen Xinlan asked worriedly.

"Mother, it's just the beginning. When Liuyun Secret Realm reaches a certain point, it's just a holy place for cultivation. The cultivation resources need to be obtained by the practitioners themselves! However, by then, the upper and lower realms have been opened, and the resources in our lower realm will gradually increase. become richer." She and Mo Qiling had already discussed that some exercises and spiritual plant ores from the upper realm would be introduced into the lower realm in the future, so that the people in the lower realm would have no shortage of cultivation resources.

"It's good that you know what's in your mind!" Wen Xinlan said.

Su Chengyun nodded and went to see Nangong Yu, she was the key.

"Peak of Lingdi, not bad!" Su Chengyun was very satisfied with Nangong Yu's progress. As expected of a spirit body, he had cultivated to the peak of Lingdi in just half a year, and he had laid a solid foundation.

"Su Chengyun, I could have been promoted, why didn't Mr. Mingyi let me be promoted?" Nangong Yu asked suspiciously.

Su Chengyun laughed: "Because you are a spirit body, if you are promoted to a spirit god, it will bring catastrophe. If you are not fully prepared, you should not be promoted yet!"

"Heavenly Tribulation?" Nangong Yu was taken aback.

"That's right, if you survive the catastrophe, you will be stronger than your peers!" Su Chengyun said.

"That said, I might not be able to survive!"

"It's natural! But don't worry, we will help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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