Chapter 202 The Great War
"This kid is interesting, he is so powerful!"

The first holy soul, holding a sickle in his hand, stared at Fang Fan slightly with narrowed eyes.

A trace of surprise flashed in the calm eyes, this human teenager can't stay.

Otherwise, if he is allowed to live another 100 years, I am afraid that even he will not be a match.

What an amazingly talented teenager.

"Didn't you say before that he only has the level of an intermediate God of War? How long has it been? His level has surpassed that of the Invincible God of War!"

The first holy soul looked at Zhou Baijie and asked.

"That's right, when I met him before, he was only a junior god of war!" Zhou Baijie said, he was very cautious when speaking with the first holy soul, for fear that he would be obliterated if he said something wrong.

"I see! Very good!"

Hearing Zhou Baijie's words, the number one holy soul couldn't help but nodded, "You're even more evil than I imagined!"

"..." Fang Fan didn't want to pay attention to him, this guy looked so high and arrogant that Fang Fan felt sick for a while.

And Fang Fan's current level and combat power are unprecedentedly strong, and he can easily withstand the pressure of the god of death without using Taoism. "So much nonsense, come to fight if you want to fight?"

"Oh... this kid has a really big temper... I really don't know how to live or die. After being praised by our boss, do you think he is invincible?" Zhou Baijie felt that this kid was too ridiculous.

It's simply courting death.

How dare they provoke their boss like this.

"He must be killed!"

The second holy soul's eyes turned cold, this kid really wanted to die, and he didn't even look at who their boss was.

Any one of them would be able to crush this little guy to death, and they dared to be presumptuous in front of the boss.

"You are very courageous!" The first world-destroying holy soul chuckled, looking very indifferent, with a wave of his hand, a wave of destructive dark and chaotic energy swept towards Fang Fan.

The sky and the earth went dark in an instant.

"Damn..." Fang Fan was shocked, this is the real power of the first holy soul.

This light wave seemed to sink a city.

"Om..." Everyone used the golden light spell and the invincible energy on them to defend.

Fang Fan did the same, using the Golden Light Curse, but at the same time and instantly slashed out the holy-level sword-cutting technique.

This knife directly tore through the space, and turned into a huge sword light that broke through the sky and slashed at the first world-destroying holy soul.

"This kid's attack is so terrifying!" The second holy soul was startled.

If he faced this blow, he would be killed directly.

What the heck.

This kid's blade skills are already so powerful.

And that Zhou Baijie was also taken aback, this kid is really perverted.

"It's interesting!" The attack of the first holy soul was cut into pieces by Fang Fan's knife in an instant. He suddenly raised the sickle in his hand and swung it forward. The power of darkness and chaos cut Fang Fan with regular power. The knife was shattered.

The sickle's attack was so terrifying that the space collapsed.

A series of space cracks appeared.

"Uh..." Primordial God of War and the others felt their feet go limp and almost fell to their knees.

In the face of such a terrifying enemy, they completely lost their combat power.

Only Fang Fan has the power to fight against it.

"You go first, I'll deal with it!" Fang Fan waved his hand violently, sending Hongmeng God of War and the others tens of millions of kilometers away.

And he suddenly slashed out two holy swords, the sky-slashing sword-drawing technique.

But this time it had no effect at all, and was directly shattered by Fang Fan's attack.

Its incomparable energy came to Fang Fan in an instant.

"Stand upright without a shadow!" All of a sudden, his body disappeared out of thin air.

The attack of the first holy soul also followed.

"Boom..." A bottomless ditch was cut out on the ground.

It can be seen how terrifying this first holy soul's blow was.

"You can escape my attack!" The first holy soul frowned slightly, and Fang Fan's energy was only 5.00% at this time.

However, his dark domain instantly expanded, appearing thousands of kilometers away, and then contracted, the energy he had consumed recovered.

In this way, he has completely inexhaustible energy.

This made the second holy soul gasp.

Why is this little guy so perverted.

If he matches, he will be killed directly.

Zhou Baijie didn't expect this guy to be so terrifying at this level.

"It's interesting!" The first holy soul waved his hand violently, and the space with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers was cut off in an instant, "Now you can't recover anymore!"

"Are you desperate now?" the first holy soul said indifferently, "Qiao..." He swung a crescent-shaped blade light at Fang Fan with another scythe.

So slow, yet so fast.

In an instant, he came before Fang Fan.

"Five Thunders Rectification, Heavenly Thunder Martial Arts!"

Fang Fan let out a low shout, two kinds of thunder and lightning continued to roar, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder after thunder fell from the sky.

It fell on the magic knife Qian Rendao that he pulled out from the scabbard.

Silver snakes danced wildly on the knife body.

"The last sword-drawing and heaven-slashing technique!" He seemed very decisive, and the magic knife Qianren held high in his hand exuded an extremely dazzling light, and then he chopped it out.

This blade turned into a colorful blade glow.

The power of everything in the world seems to belong to this knife.

Beheaded by him.

" is this possible?" The second holy soul was startled.

"It's interesting!" The first holy soul saw a human being for the first time, and he was able to make a knife that made him feel dangerous.

"Swoosh...the world is dead!" The sickle in the hands of the first holy soul suddenly burst out with terrifying power, and he threw it out.

The regular power between heaven and earth surged towards the sickle, turning into a dead knife and colliding with Fang Fan's last sky-slashing and drawing sword technique.

"Clang!" There was a sound of gold and iron colliding.

It makes people's ears sore.

The space between heaven and earth collapsed.

The sickle was chopped into pieces by Fang Fan.

Fang Fan's sword light also weakened.But still unabated, he rushed towards the first holy soul.

With a sound of "Puff...", it was cut in half directly.

Then the second holy soul behind him also exploded with the soul body.

The remaining four holy souls were also instantly affected.

All were submerged by the destructive explosion.

"Uh..." Fang Fan didn't expect this knife to be so powerful.It directly chopped that terrifying first holy soul into two halves.

But he also lost his life.

"Om..." But the next moment, the situation in the world changed.

When the explosive energy disappeared.A huge energy vortex appeared.

There was thunder and lightning.

Can't see what's going on there.

But it exudes an aura that makes Fang Fan's heart palpitate.

And getting stronger and stronger.

It seems that some more powerful monster has been generated.

He frowned, is this really a bad omen?



It was as if ten thousand ghosts were weeping in it.

That group of energy exudes a disgusting aura.

(End of this chapter)

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