Chapter 210
"Famous doctor, Huatuo is still treating grandpa, the situation is not optimistic."

Zhou Feng said very worriedly.

"Where did you go, niece? So slow? Your grandfather called you before, but it's a pity you came too late!" Zhou Feng's wife had an ugly voice.

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Min couldn't help but frowned when he heard it harshly. The words of Zhou Feng's wife Luo Chunhua were ugly.

"That's all the words, whether you listen or not is up to you!" Luo Chunhua said with a chuckle, "Also, how did you talk to the elders?"

"You?" Zhou Min was slightly taken aback, is Luo Chunhua insane?How dare you talk to yourself like this, this woman is just Zhou Feng's second wife, she took the wrong medicine?What makes her so arrogant?
In the past, he was humble to himself and dared not speak so loudly, but now he is so abnormal!
Zhou Min was very surprised.

【Zhou Feng and the others are so arrogant because they want to snatch the family property. After all, his famous doctor has revealed that Zhou Min's grandfather is in danger, so don't be arrogant and let Zhou Min take people in to see it. 】

【Her purpose is very simple, to prevent Zhou Min from going in to see her grandfather. 】

[This is so that her grandfather can distribute the property to Fengfeng. 】

"Uh..." Zhou Min was heaving with anger when he heard Fang Fan's heartfelt voice.

Zhou Feng and his wife were so vicious this time, they didn't even care about their grandfather's life, they even played this kind of conspiracy.

Really pissed her off.

We must stop their evil deeds, otherwise, what will Grandpa do.

She was so angry that her teeth were itching, and she clenched her pale and tender hands tightly, "Please help me!"

"How can I help? Didn't the beauty ask me to come and study? Are you tutoring me?" Fang Fan asked with a smile.

"Stop pretending, my grandpa still needs to be treated by you, don't think I don't know!"

Zhou Min walked to Fang Fan's side, with a small cherry mouth attached to Fang Fan's body, and whispered, "You are not an ordinary person, you have extraordinary abilities."

You can smell the fragrance so close, and when she talks, the breath she exhales is very special, a little warm and a little fragrant, it feels wonderful.

"Uh..." Fang Fan was stunned. How did Zhou Min know this? He was very surprised. It was like hell. He never told others that he was not an ordinary person, let alone that he had unusual abilities. .

He was dazed for a while, and immediately pulled Zhou Min aside, "My goddess, how do you know?"

"Anyway, I know, can you help now?" Zhou Min didn't say how she knew, and if she said it, she would be blocked by the rules of this world. Anyway, Fang Fan didn't know that she could hear his voice .

"Help, how could I not help my goddess! Even if it's going to the mountain of swords or the sea of ​​fire, I will do my best to help, as long as I have the ability!"

Fang Fan didn't ask anymore, could it be that she just saw Lin Xuan kicking her and was blown away and her leg was broken. She judged that she had unusual abilities, so she guessed that she might not be an ordinary person?

Then this is indeed possible.

"That's about the same!" Zhou Min nodded, she didn't expect Fang Fan to agree so quickly, she thought Fang Fan would deny it, or retort a few words, but she didn't expect, "Then make a move!"

"How do you do it? Kill them directly?" Fang Fan whispered to Zhou Min.

"Uh...don't be so violent!" Zhou Min's beautiful eyes were dazed, and Fang Fan was a little speechless for her.

"Who is that young man? He was chatting and laughing with Zhou Min, and the two of them were still standing so close, they seemed very intimate!" Zhou Feng couldn't help frowning when he saw the two of them talking in a low voice. head.

"You don't think Zhou Min likes to vomit, do you?" Luo Chunhua felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the boy's appearance, and even scolded him directly.

"It's good to still be in the mood to talk about love at this time, and she will regret it later when we get the inheritance." That Zhou Feng whispered to his wife.

"En!" Luo Chunhua nodded.

"How can you save your grandfather without violence? If you don't hurry up, he really won't be able to save him!" Fang Fan said with a smile. The doctor inside is thrown out, that's all.

I don't want to waste my tongue.

After all, the protagonist had installed a fork, and he didn't want to install it.

"Uh...then you do it!" Zhou Min didn't want to waste time either. Grandpa's life is the most important thing. I don't care if Zhou Feng and the others will get hurt. They are so disgusting and it doesn't matter if they get hurt, "Come on!"

When Zhou Min said this word, he looked very cute.

He also held a powder fist in his hand and held it high.

Fang Fan was dumbfounded, and then he took her hand and walked forward.

"What are you doing?" Dingfeng stood in front of them, thinking to himself, these two little guys are trying to break in, right?
That was a dream, how could they mess up everything I arranged.

Immediately let out a low shout, and saw a few hulking men coming out from the side, all wearing black vests, tall and mighty, standing in front of Fang Fan and Zhou Min.

"Hehe...Xiao Min, don't try to do any tricks in front of me, my famous doctor is still treating my father inside, don't mess around!"

Peak said with a sneer.

"That is, as a granddaughter, you must be honest and obedient, otherwise, don't blame us for what we do to hurt you." Luo Chunhua smiled slyly, looking very arrogant. If these two guys dare to stop them good.

Be sure to give them a good look.

If they just stay put, nothing will happen.

She winked at her husband.

The trick of the two is not a trick at all to Fang Fan.

He already knew, that's why Fang Fan held Zhou Min's hand directly.

Without further ado.


A low drink.

Use one-thousandth of the power of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger.

Those big men were like rag dolls, and they were directly blown away by Fang Fan's light drink.

Yes, Fang Fan didn't meet them.

They fell down.

"Ah..." I saw them rolling on the ground, screaming.

That picture is as shocking as it needs to be.

Those people are full of meat and vegetables.

And Zhou Feng and his wife were also stunned, what the hell was going on, they just let out a low shout, and those people flew out backwards.

Simply unimaginable.

What the heck.

Is this guy still human?

"What's going on?" They looked at each other in horror.

Something doesn't feel right.

"Ah..." Zhou Min was also taken aback by the situation in front of him. Fang Fan just let them fly out with just a word.

How did he do that.

She already knew that Fang Fan was a cultivator, so she tried every means to get Fang Fan here. Only he can save her grandfather.

I knew that Fang Fan was very strong and amazing.

However, this one word knocked away those big men who were as strong as cows, and she was still shocked.

What an amazing guy.

She felt that Fang Fan had a light on him, which was very attractive.

(End of this chapter)

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