Go crazy!Choose a god-level villain at the beginning?

Chapter 213 What a Miserable Male Lead

Chapter 213 What a Miserable Male Lead

"Actually, I have thought about how to thank you!"

Fang Fan said with a smirk.

"what gift?"

Zhou Min asked curiously.

[There is no need to give any gifts, let me think about it, such as a promise with your body, or be my girlfriend. 】

[However, if you do this, your mission will fail! 】

[The whole body's cultivation will be gone! 】

[This is a bit difficult, I shouldn't have promised her to save her grandfather before! 】

[Now that I think about it, I feel a little regretful! 】

[I'm going to confess my love tomorrow night, I'm a little nervous, I don't know if I will be rejected... Ah!If she refuses and promises again, I don't know what the result will be! 】

"Forget it, let's see you tomorrow, I'm a little tired!" Fang Fan said after thinking for a while.

"Okay!" Seeing that he was leaving, Zhou Min was a little bit reluctant. After all, he saved Grandpa, and he hasn't thanked him yet.

But if she wants to promise her with her body, she really can't do it.

Anyway, thank you very much.

I don't hate it, but I still like it a little bit, and I'm even interested. After all, the voice of the heart is very novel. Fang Fan left Zhou Min's house from the human-shaped pothole.

At this time, Zhou Min's parents also opened the door and walked in.

Surprised to see what's going on in the bedroom.

"What happened to Xiao Min?" Zhou Min's father couldn't help asking worriedly.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Min's mother ran over.

"It's all right!" Zhou Min said with a smile, "Grandpa is all right now!"

"Huh? What happened? Didn't your second uncle say that your grandpa was sick? I even specially called for a famous doctor!" Zhou Min's father was Zhou Mai. He was wearing a suit and tie, and his hair was combed straight. It looks very temperamental, the kind of momentum of the upper class.

And Zhou Mai's wife is called Ren Nuan, in her 40s, with a plump body, the appearance of a mature lady, and gorgeous clothes.

"How did that big hole happen?" Ren Nuan was surprised, what terrible thing happened just now?

"It's fine!" Zhou Mai was relieved when he saw that his father's face became much ruddy and his breathing was steady.

Fang Fan walked on the road and took Lin Xuan's spirit sword to study it. This is the sword of a cultivator, and it looks very good.

He flicked it, and it felt good.

Then I took the subway back to school.

He was sent back to his residence by his people.

His people were shocked to see Lin Xuan like that, covered in blood, his hands were broken, and the silver needles in his hands were still poisonous, as long as his subordinates were not nearby, Lin Xuan had a high chance of dying.

Although he is a fairy doctor.

But it hurt too much.

But to his surprise, this guy's injury is recovering quickly.

It's amazing, the silver needles on his body are being slowly forced out.

What the heck.

Immortal doctors are immortal doctors.

Awesome existence.

Fang Fan walked near the Xianshi Restaurant.

I touched my stomach, and I was a little hungry, and I haven't had dinner yet.

When he came to the Xianshi restaurant, the security guard stopped him directly.

"You can't go in without a membership card!" The security guard said indifferently, "Ordinary people can't go in either, only immortal cultivators can take you in."

That security guard was just a cultivator at the foundation stage, Fang Fan could kill him with one finger, "I'm also a cultivator!"

"Oh, that's right. I'm also an immortal cultivator. I don't know what kind of immortal cultivator you are?" The security guard said with a playful face. Let's see how long this kid can pretend.

"Golden Core Stage Immortal Cultivator!" Fang Fan shrugged and said.

"So strong?"


Fang Fan said calmly.

"Is this kid out of his mind? I'll give you a chance to prove yourself. I'll let you punch me. If you can knock me back two steps, I'll let you in!" The security guard sneered. If he has been here, he will let him in. There is something wrong with his brain.

"That's what you said? Don't regret it?" Fang Fan chuckled, and someone actually asked to beat him. I have never seen such a request in my life.

"Then come on!" The security guard said confidently with his hands in his hands.

"You stand here, okay? I'm afraid I'll knock you into the air. It would be bad for you to crash into the restaurant. You stand here!" Fang Fan pointed to the middle of the street and said with a smirk.

"Okay!" The security guard felt that the boy was stupid, as if he had no nerves to play with him, so he walked to the middle of the street, folded his arms and said confidently, "Come on! Hurry up, I still have to stand guard!"

"Okay, you can't stand guard anymore!" Fang Fan chuckled, raised his hand, and punched it lightly, "Bang..."

"Is this guy joking? You want to knock yourself back with such an easy punch? It seems that you are not only weak, but also mentally retarded!" The security guard smiled disapprovingly.

Even if you don't use your strength to let him hit, this kid may be blown away by his powerful strength.

"Boom..." But when that kid's inconspicuous punch came, he felt that the fist was as huge as a mountain, and it came to him in an instant.

"Ah..." This punch seemed inconspicuous, but it suffocated him with terror, his face changed drastically, making him feel how small and ignorant he was, and then he screamed and flew backwards, Like a cannonball.

Fly a few kilometers.

"Hoo hoo..." The wind of the fist blew away all the ginkgo leaves on the ground.

"You are so weak and dare to make such excessive demands on me!" Fang Fan couldn't help but shook his head, turned and walked into the restaurant.

Find a seat and sit down.

The street and the restaurant seem to be two worlds, the inside is very lively, and the outside is very deserted.

He ordered three dishes.

[After calculating the time, the protagonist Lin Xuan will come to Xianshi Restaurant for dinner in a few days, and then he will meet Nangong Wan'er. 】

[Nangong Wan'er also liked him because of his handsomeness, and of course it was also because of Lin Xuan's excellent medical skills. There will be a collective food and Chinese medicine incident here, and Lin Xuan helped Nangong Wan'er solve this matter, so that They got in touch further. 】

"This voice is coming again!"

Nangong Wan'er was practicing on the bed.Suddenly I heard that voice again.

Immediately checked the surveillance, and saw the latest person who came in, who looked like a teenager in his eighteenth or nineteenth year.

She immediately got off the bed, it must be this little guy, right?Interesting to know the future.

She didn't expect something like this to happen to her restaurant.

It's really interesting.

She went downstairs.

"Papa..." The sound of footsteps immediately silenced the entire bustling restaurant.

Everyone looked at Fang Fan on the stairs, and saw a peerless beauty in Tsing Yi, walking down with a fairy air, her graceful and slender figure, her peerless face, made all the cultivators downstairs crazy about her .

"Wow... Fairy Nangong has descended to earth!" A cultivator screamed, "Isn't it so beautiful?"

"Wow... I am so lucky to meet Nangong Fairy!" Those male immortal cultivators all howled.

It's crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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