good sunset view

Chapter 103 Breaking Time

Chapter 103 Breaking Time
The vulgar men who were provoked laughed loudly and said, "It's just you, you still dare to provoke us? You are courting death."

Tian Jingxuan was almost close to them, and she made a fighting posture: "Oh~ is it? Then try Chinese Kung Fu."

A few people heard that Chinese Kungfu is actually a bit hypocritical, but they think that it is probably just a person who can put on a show, after all, Chinese Kungfu is not so easy to learn.

Immediately, the fight started, and Tian Jingxuan still complained in her heart: "Stinky brother, brat, why don't you come here!"If you don't come, your wife will be bullied.

When Luoxi looked at the battle situation, she really wanted to help, of course she thought so, and she did so: "Sister Xuan, let's go together." Although she doesn't know anything, she is obviously not the opponent of these men, Shi Luoxi was quickly kicked.

Just when the two were about to go shopping: "Xi'er." Immediately, Luo Xi's swaying body fell into a firm embrace.

Looking at the people who came, Tian Jingxuan complained exhaustedly: "Smelly brother, why are you here so late?"

In fact, Si Jingchen's speed was already the fastest, he came here by galloping.

Seeing Tian Jingxuan, Si Jingchen didn't forget to say: "Thank you, sister Xuan, it seems that it's not for nothing to hang out with big brother."

What?Tian Jingxuan is so angry, thank you if you thank me!Also add this sentence.

When Ivy and Alan arrived, those people had already been taken away by the police. Ivy didn't expect Si Jingchen to find Shi Luoxi so quickly.

According to her originally planned time, the little girl should have been kidnapped by now, but Si Jingchen quickly found someone and broke the time she had set.

Si Jingchen, who was the protagonist of the party, left the party directly while hugging Luo Xi. Of course, the party was still going on, and not many people knew that this was relatively just an episode.

Because Alan wanted to control the party for Si Jingchen, he couldn't send them off.

Si Jingchen insisted on taking Shi Luoxi to the hospital to see a doctor. Although he was only kicked, it hurt quite a bit.

The doctor took a picture of Shi Luoxi: "Fortunately, the kick didn't hit a vital point. Apply some trauma medicine and you should be fine in a few days."

Si Jingchen took the medicine from the doctor's hand and wiped it for Shi Luoxi. Shi Luoxi was very concerned about Tian Jingxuan and insisted on having Tian Jingxuan checked, but luckily it was only a little skin trauma.

After applying the medicine, Tian Jingxuan walked into the ward where Si Jingchen insisted on letting Shi Luoxi live. She said directly, "Jingchen, there is something wrong with the people around you. I heard a woman's voice in the bathroom tonight. To attack Xixi, she hired someone to kidnap Xixi, but unfortunately I don't know who she is, but if you let me know, I will definitely smash her to pieces."

If she hadn't heard the sentence in the bathroom: She didn't react for a while when she attacked the girl next to Si Jingchen, she wouldn't have missed the face of that vicious woman.

Si Jingchen asked nervously: "So you followed Xi'er just now?"

Tian Jingxuan shook her head. When I came to the party, I happened to see Xixi walking out. When I thought of listening in the bathroom, I immediately followed. You know what happened after that.

Tian Jingxuan suddenly asked: "By the way, Xixi, why are you walking out alone?"

When Luoxi recalled what happened just now, she looked at Si Jingchen and asked, "Brother, what do you think of Ivy?"

After getting along for so long, Si Jingchen knows his little girl too well, so she wouldn't ask this for no reason: "I don't know, she is Bell's friend, and she often appears at our parties afterwards."

(End of this chapter)

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