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Chapter 105 Asking for a Birthday Gift

Chapter 105 Asking for a Birthday Gift
Wei Feng can assure you that if he didn't know that the young lady is fine, seeing the performance of the young master, he would have mistakenly thought that the young lady was seriously injured.

"Brother, let me down, I'm really fine, I can walk by myself!" When getting off the car, Shi Luoxi wanted to refuse her brother's princess hug.

Si Jingchen said, "Do you dare to try it yourself?"

Shi Luoxi admits she is cowardly, so she can only nestle obediently in the arms of her masked brother.

Of course, you thought it was over? NO, our Si Da is still thinking about a lot of things!

"Brother is getting late, I'll go back to my room to rest first, good night brother." Shi Luoxi said sweetly.

Can classmate Luo Xi go to sleep smoothly?
"Ahem, that, Xi'er, did you forget something?" Si Jingchen tried to remind Shi Luoxi.

Shi Luoxi thought back very seriously: "Is there? I can't think of what it is. Could it be that I forgot?"

Si Jingchen nodded: "Well, it might be, you are thinking about it carefully."

Shi Luoxi really thought about what she had forgotten: "Oh! I see."

Seeing Shi Luoxi's reaction, Si Jingchen immediately asked happily, "What is it?"

Shi Luoxi expressed her apologies: "Brother, I'm really sorry, Xixi almost forgot that my brother is today's birthday."

Si Jingchen nodded with satisfaction, and then looked forward to his little girl's next performance.

Just, next: "Brother, happy birthday."

Well, time stood still at this moment, and Si Jingchen asked, "It's gone?"

Shi Luoxi was a little confused, did she need to say something else: "Well, no, I have to go to school tomorrow, so I'll go to rest first, good night brother." Before Si Jingchen could reply, he disappeared.

Si Jingchen is very angry!Although it wasn't the first time he was looking forward to a birthday gift like this, it was at least the only time in the past 12 years that he really wanted to receive a gift from someone.

snort!Is this the end of our General Assembly?Of course not, because he knew that his little girl had already prepared a birthday present for him. As for why he hadn't given it to him until now, he really couldn't guess it.

Following Shi Luoxi to her room, Shi Luoxi just opened the drawer in the cabinet, took out the cardboard box and was about to open it, but unfortunately she heard footsteps and hurriedly closed the cabinet.

Shi Luoxi saw that it was the masked brother: "Brother, is there anything else you can do with Xixi?"

This time Si Jingchen was much more straightforward: "A gift."

Shi Luoxi asked: "What gift?"

"Today is my brother's birthday, and Xi'er wants to give him a gift." Si Jingchen explained.

Shi Luoxi smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, hehe, I really forgot, brother, I'm sorry."

Seeing Xiao Nizi's sincere apology, Si Jingchen couldn't help but wonder, did Xiao Nizi really forget to prepare?

"It doesn't matter, brother takes it himself." To put it bluntly, our Si Da is going to get a gift anyway today.

Shi Luoxi thought in her heart: It's over, maybe my brother saw it!But compared with that gift from her brother's friends, she really can't give it up!

At the time when Luoxi was thinking wildly, a warm lip pressed against his little mouth, and Si Jingchen tried to pry open the little girl's white teeth. Eye."

Of course, at the moment when he opened his eyes, he saw a men's shirt that fell out of the drawer, and he was delighted: "Look, let me tell you that my little girl has prepared a gift for me."

(End of this chapter)

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