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Chapter 114 Trust Me

Chapter 114 Trust Me

Ivy shook her head: "I really don't understand what you are talking about, do you think I did all of this?"

Alan nodded.

Ivy tried to quibble: "Trust me, how could I do such a thing? Besides, as Roy said, what good does it do me?"

Si Jingchen sneered.

Alan followed up and said, "What's the benefit!"

Si Jingchen didn't have so much time to chat nonsense with her: "You should know better what you did at the last party."

Ivy's face changed little by little, and now it looked extremely embarrassing.

"Roy, I really don't understand, isn't today our rare get-together? Why do you say these insignificant things to spoil the fun!" Ivy tried to change the subject.

Si Jingchen: "Do you know what you should never do? You touched my bottom line."

Ivy: "Bottom line?"

Si Jingchen said coldly: "Tell me, why did you find someone to kidnap Xi'er at the party?"

This is Si Jingchen's last chance for Bell's sake. If she confesses, then maybe her road will be easier in the future, but if she continues to defend, then it is estimated that she will not have a brilliant future. day.

Ivy resolutely refused to admit it, and began to play the emotional card: "I don't know why you think I will kidnap Sister Luo Xi, but I sincerely treat Sister Luo Xi well, and I also sincerely treat her as my own sister, After all, I am the only child in our family, so how much I long to have a brother or sister, can you understand?"

Listening to what Ivy said, Alan really couldn't help but expose her mercilessly: "As far as I know, don't you have an older brother and a younger brother? How did you become the only child in your family?"

Ivy's face turned pale again, and it was at this moment that she realized that they had investigated her to the bottom. She thought that all they could find out was her history in England, but she really underestimated them.

Oh, by the way, how could she forget: the Roy family's reputation in the empire is gone!It's easy to get to know her little one, but she is not reconciled.

"Yes, my background is not good, so I tried my best to hide it. In order to get close to you, I tried my best to pretend that my family is rich, but am I wrong in doing this? I just want to get closer to you." ivy told.

Si Jingchen pointed out: "Don't you understand yet? None of us care about your birth. It's just that you did something that touched my bottom line. Those people who tried to kidnap Xi'er at the party that night were just You ivy arranged to come in."

Ivy is really not reconciled to her efforts for so many years: "I said it wasn't me, why don't you believe me?"

Shi Luoxi finally couldn't bear it anymore. She originally planned to forgive sister Ivy for what she did at the party, but she didn't feel wrong at all until now.

"Sister Ivy, you were the one who told my brother to wait for me by the small pond that night, and you even pointed out the way for me. Have you forgotten all of this?" Shi Luoxi tried to remind her.

When Ivy heard Shi Luoxi's voice, she smiled coldly: "Did I say that? Sister Luoxi, I really didn't expect you to be so scheming at such a young age. Why did you frame me? Could it be?" Just because Roy is nice to me?"

God, Alan really can't stand it anymore. He has seen shameless people before, but he has never seen such shameless people: "Ivy, don't try to distort the facts. Have you ever done it? Don't you know what to do?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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