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Chapter 116 Love Lecture

Chapter 116 Love Lecture
Si Jingchen took Shi Luoxi for a walk around his alma mater. To be precise, this seemed to be the first time Si Jingchen had seriously visited his alma mater.

Shi Luoxi, who had been being led all this time, finally couldn't help but asked: "Brother, am I really bad? I made you lose a friend..."

Si Jingchen doesn't allow his girl to say that about herself, she will always be the best: "No, Xi'er, remember that you are always the best, it's not that you made us lose our friends, but you let us see clearly We didn’t lose too much because of the people around us. You hurt my Xi’er, almost made my Xi’er...” Every time Si Jingchen thinks about that night, he can’t imagine that if it wasn’t for Sister Xuan It just happened to run into Ivy's plan, if he didn't arrive in time, he really couldn't imagine how much his little girl would be hurt.

Shi Luoxi knew that her brother was blaming herself for what happened at the last party again: "Wow, brother, look at the many people over there, what are they doing?" She tried to divert her brother's attention.

Si Jingchen looked over there: "It should be a lecture." Outdoor lecture.

Shi Luoxi looked at Si Jingchen with her small eyes.

Si Jingchen understood in seconds: "Want to go?"

Shi Luoxi nodded obediently.

Si Jingchen took her little hand and walked towards the crowded place.

To be honest, this was the first time Si Jingchen took the initiative to go to a crowded place.

For Shi Luoxi, who was not yet in college, she was full of curiosity about university lectures.

"Thank you for your support. Today's lecture is mainly about the Love Book." The speaker began his speech.

Um, Luo Xi just happened to overhear it when I arrived. I didn't expect it to be a lecture about love, and I was a little embarrassed: "Brother, I, I suddenly want to know where my brother likes to stay in school."

Si Jingchen smiled, how could he not know that his little girl was shy.

"Okay, brother will take you there." Si Jingchen took Shi Luoxi to every corner of the campus that he had ever stepped on.

From time to time, she begged Si Jingchen to tell him what he would do in these places, but of course she always got the same answer: "Read books."

After Ivy's matter is settled, it can be regarded as an explanation from Si Jingchen to Shi Luoxi, his girl, he will not let her be wronged.

And this also indicates that their time in the UK will not be too long. His project is progressing very well, and everything is developing in the expected direction.

Shi Luoxi is also about to usher in her first final exam in a foreign country, and of course it will be the last.

"Brother, what should I do, the final exam is coming, I'm so nervous!" Luo Xi said to her masked brother when she got home from school.

Si Jingchen looked at his little girl, and asked dotingly: "After studying for so many years, why are you still afraid of the final exam? Why didn't I see you so nervous when I bet with my classmates last time?"

Shi Luoxi stammered and said: "That's different, this time I'm abroad, the exams this time are different from those in China, and I only studied here for one semester, I really feel like I can't handle it. "

Si Jingchen liked to touch her little head, and jokingly said, "It doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam. Anyway, you don't have to see your teachers and classmates next semester, so you don't have to worry about being made fun of." After that, not only became talkative, but also cold and humorous from time to time.

Shi Luoxi shook her head: "No, if you don't do well in the exam, it would be embarrassing. If you fail in just this one time, wouldn't that prove that you are really too low?"

(End of this chapter)

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