good sunset view

Chapter 127 Wedding Night

Chapter 127 Wedding Night
It's okay if you don't say anything, but after saying this, Shi Luoxi started yawning profusely: "Well, it seems that I'm really sleepy, then brother, I'm going to bed first, good night."

Xiao Nizi is leaving now, will Si Dahui go to bed obediently?

Si Jingchen looked at the bedroom that belonged to his little girl: "Little fool, today is our wedding night, how can there be any reason to sleep in separate rooms?"

Although he can see it clearly now, he will probably be in pain later, anyway, he can only see but not eat!
He said that his girl is still too young, how could he be willing to hurt her!

After tidying up, Luo Xi went to bed, but after going to bed, she couldn't fall asleep for no reason, probably because she had passed her best time to fall asleep!
Someone with a thick face walked into his new wife's room: "Xi'er."

Shi Luoxi opened her eyes and saw that it was her masked brother: "Huh? Is there anything else to do, brother?"

Si Jingchen: "Today is Xi'er's second birthday this year, so I want to spend more time with Xi'er..." It was rare to talk too much.

Shi Luoxi fell in step by step: "Ah! Then why don't you sleep with Xi'er tonight?"

Haha, our boss has achieved his goal and sneaked onto the bed of his little girl.

Shi Luoxi didn't think it was a big deal, every time there was thunder and lightning, didn't his brother always accompany and protect him like this!
Si Jingchen, who was lying down, put his arm around his little girl: "Go to sleep!"

Every time she is accompanied by her brother, Shi Luoxi always closes her eyes and goes to sleep obediently. Someone who was not sleepy just now, closes her eyes for a while, and breathes evenly.

Well, for this wedding night, Si Da is very painful, tell me, when will my little girl grow up?In order to understand what is love?Can you also fall in love with me?

It can be heard that Si Da has a little low self-esteem. He is afraid that his little girl will dislike him when she really grows up. If she falls in love with someone else, what will he do?
Faced with this problem, our Si Da looked at his sleeping little girl for a long time: "Xi'er, would you like brother? I'm talking about the kind of liking between male and female friends, would you?" ?” Although he knew that he would not get an answer, after all, his little girl was already asleep.

But to his surprise, "Yeah." Shi Luoxi turned over by the way.

Hearing this confused answer, Si Jingchen smiled and said, "Okay, Xi'er himself promised this, and you will not be allowed to go back on your word when the time comes, but it's useless to go back on your word, my brother will definitely catch you."

The person who slept soundly turned over again, this time facing him face to face, looking at the sleeping face of classmate Luo Xi, our Si Da was so drooling.

After a long time, Si Jingchen said again: "I love you, my silly girl." After speaking, he also fell into a deep sleep.

It is a kind of happiness to fall asleep with the one I love; and to wake up in the morning and see you when I open my eyes is the happiness you bring to me.

When she woke up naturally, Luo Xi felt as if there was a hand on her waist, and slowly opened her eyes.

She saw clearly that it was her masked brother, and looked at him quietly. Although he was wearing a mask, Shi Luoxi always felt that his brother was handsome.

Someone who woke up a long time ago: "Are you awake?"

This voice scared our classmate Luo Xi: "Ah, um."

This is the first time that Si Jingchen has waited for the little girl at home to wake up and not leave.In the past, he would leave early every time, but this time he didn't, because now Xiao Nizi is his new wife!

(End of this chapter)

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