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Chapter 132 Disguise

Chapter 132 Disguise
Shi Luoxi seemed to understand what her brother meant, so she nodded.

Si Jingchen looked at his little girl, this time he really returned to the empire, he knew better than anyone what he was going to face next.

Xiao Nizi asked him if he would regret it?In fact, he couldn't give a definite answer, but every time he saw her, he felt that the decision he made now was correct.

In this way, Si Jingchen officially bid farewell to the country he had lived in for nearly 13 years, and Shi Luoxi also bid farewell to this short but beautiful trip to a foreign country.

What kind of waves will be caused by their return to the empire!

At the Imperial Capital Airport, you will see such a scene early in the morning, a person holding a large English dictionary in his hand, looking at the English dictionary while eating breakfast, and then glanced out of the airport from time to time.That's right, she is Ms. Tian Jingxuan who we are not afraid of.

Of course, she still asked from time to time: "Uncle Li, why don't you say your young master and they haven't arrived yet! How long has it been, really."

Butler Li smiled, and the Assistant Wei at the side knew Miss Tian's impatient personality: "According to the normal speed, the young master and the others should arrive in 15 minutes."

Tian Jingxuan was excited: "Really?" She put down the thick dictionary in her hand.

Then he began to disguise himself, and then stood at the interface. Sure enough, the broadcast soon came: the flight from London to North City has arrived...

Then, Tian Jingxuan looked at the people who passed by her one by one, but none of them was the little figure she was looking for, until almost no one was there, and our sister Xuan even began to doubt, These two didn't take this flight.

While the few people were waiting, they finally saw Si Da, who was pushing the luggage with one hand and holding the little hand of his daughter-in-law with the other.

Assistant Wei and Butler Li immediately went to pick up the things from their young master, but Tian Jingxuan didn't go over, she was disguised today, so she decided to walk behind them later, and then scare her family Xixi younger sister.

But will it really be like this?
When Tian Jingxuan was immersed in her own fantasy, a little girl stood behind her. When she came back to her senses and looked at her stinky brother, she found that the person she was thinking of was gone!What is this operation?
She turned around abruptly, her forehead seemed to touch something, and she rubbed it: "Hi, sister Xuan."

aha?Sister Xuan scared our sister to death: "Xixi, you, how did you recognize me?"

Shi Luoxi smirked and said, "I smell sister Xuan's breath." Although it's a bit false to say so, it's true!It was his masked brother who told her. Of course, how did the masked brother know!Of course it was Assistant Wei who informed me!

Tian Jingxuan couldn't be more cheerful: "It's not fun, hey, I've been seen through. It's a pity that I have been grooming carefully for so long."

Only then did Shi Luoxi carefully look at her sister Xuan's attire at the moment, and couldn't help laughing out "hahaha", sister Xuan is simply dressed like an old lady.

After laughing, he still asked for a group photo: "Sister Xuan, I think we need to record this historic moment."

Will our sister Xuan agree?The answer is NO.

Sister Xuan ran away: "Xixi, you've learned badly!"

Talking about the two of you chasing each other.

Si Jingchen looked at Xiao Nizi who was smiling so happily, he knew that the decision he made was correct.Xiao Nizi has never been so happy during the half a year he lived in England with him.

(End of this chapter)

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