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Chapter 134 Born in the Same Year, Same Month, Same Day

Chapter 134 Born in the Same Year, Same Month, Same Day

Without getting an answer from his son, Father Si understood that that incident was always a hurdle that his son could not get over.

"Yes." Si Jingchen's father returned.

But he asked uncertainly: "Chen'er, you, are you really ready to take over the whole family? Are you sure you really want to stay this time, you..."

Si Jingchen listened to his father's question, and saw that his father didn't ask after he asked, so he said, "Dad, do you know that I met a little girl a year ago, she was very cute. She was also very cute when I met her." After coming to her, I think I can’t run away anymore, I’ve been running away for almost 13 years, but the problem is always there, so running away will never solve any problem.”

When Sifu watched the little girl from his son's mouth, his eyes were shining, which was something he hadn't seen in his son for a long time.

I still remember the last time when Mr. Qi’s little granddaughter was still there. At that time, the little girl was cute and clinging to his kid. The two families made an engagement for the two because of this. They thought their son would be happy for a lifetime, but it’s a pity. !That incident made his son completely lose that little girl.

Si Fu seemed to think of something again: "How old is that girl?" The reason why Si Fu asked this question was because he was worried that what his son would meet would be a child.But it is indeed as Si Fu thought, our classmate Luo Xi is indeed only a 16-year-old child.

Every time Si Jingchen mentioned his little daughter-in-law, he would be happy: "Well, the age! It's the same as Ke'er. It's a coincidence that they were born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, and even the time of birth is the same." It was only after Si Jingchen said the name Ke'er that he realized that he seemed to be able to say the name of the follower with ease now.

Father Si frowned obviously. He was born in the same year, the same month, and the same day as Mr. Qi's granddaughter. The reason why the son thought the little girl was cute and his eyes sparkled was because she regarded this girl as the little girl from back then.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but worry, if the son really just used him as a substitute, it would obviously be unfair to the girl who suddenly entered the son's world.

But on the one hand, the son officially agreed to take over the family because of this girl, and he had some selfish intentions, so in the end he just said: "If Chen'er really cares, then treat her well."

Si Jingchen nodded heavily, even if his father didn't say it, he would still do it, how could he hurt his girl!
Si Jingchen looked at the time: "Father, there are still nearly two hours, let's start!"

As for the next general meeting of shareholders, although it is just going through the motions, it must be absolutely safe, after all, there may be some unexpected situations.

Father Si nodded.

The two father and son started the next battle. Si Jingchen was still young, but he wanted to take over such a big family.From the outside world, they are not optimistic. After all, they are too young and have not grown up in China, so most of them are skeptical about the new chairman who is about to take office.

Of course, the people who worked with Si Jingchen a year ago didn't think so. Although this young master is young, he is really capable. He has only been the president for half a year, and he has made Si another in China. Up a notch.

The father and son had a motivating discussion until the time was almost right when the old chairman's special assistant rang the office.

Soon came from inside: "Please come in."

(End of this chapter)

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