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Chapter 157 Questioning the gift giver

Chapter 157 Questioning the gift giver
For such a oppressive person, that classmate quickly hesitated.

Seeing that classmate being refuted by Shi Luoxi's parents, An Manman and Shen Junxuan also stood up.

Amman: "The principal's watch belongs to classmate Shi Luoxi, and she wears it when she starts school."

Shen Junxuan also nodded, expressing his agreement with An Manman's statement.

Mi Xin retorted again: "You and Shi Luoxi are so close, your proof is totally invalid."

Amman: "You, you, how can you prove it for the master of your family?"

Mi Xin choked on An Manman's rhetorical question, so she really couldn't prove it.

Wei Feng spoke again: "In this case, in other words, it is impossible to prove who owns this watch?"

The principal was instructed by Si Jingchen: "Then show the proof that you bought this watch. Since it is an expensive watch, there will naturally be a receipt!" After the principal finished speaking, he did not forget to ask Yu Xiner's father : "Yu Ju thinks so too, right?"

Yu Xiner's father looked at his daughter, he really didn't know what her daughter would buy.But he would naturally be partial to his daughter, not to mention that the teacher also said on the phone just now that the classmate who stole from his daughter was from a poor family.

Although the parents who looked at him were very young, a poor family is a poor family.

"The principal doesn't believe my daughter?" Yu Xiner's father asked.

The principal smiled: "Of course not. As the principal, I believe in every one of my students. They are like my children. Why don't I believe it?"

The principal continued: "But I will never wrong any of my classmates, and of course I won't cover it up. Does Yu Ju think that I am right?"

Yu Xiner's father couldn't answer the headmaster's rhetorical question.

Wei Feng said again: "Oh! It's like this. My sister's watch was given to her by a friend. I contacted this friend just now. If you don't mind, we can ask."

Randomly he opened the video, and a foreigner appeared on the screen.

"I'm Alan. I heard that you are questioning the gift I gave the cutie?" Alan said straight to the point.

Yu Xiner recognized the person on the screen, he was the heir of the Laorui family, but she didn't believe it.

Yu Xiner asked: "Then do you know who your gift is for? I mean, do you know her name?"

Alan seemed to hear some joke: "Of course, the cutie's name is Shi Luoxi, is there any problem?"

Yu Xin'er and Mi Xin staggered, they never expected that Shi Luoxi knew someone like Alan.

Chen Xiao didn't know Alan, so she said, "Since you said that you gave the watch to Shi Luoxi, then you should have a receipt for the watch! I wonder if you can show it to us."

Well, this teacher who is not afraid of death, the other party obediently shut up, didn't you see it?

Alan couldn't help but chuckled: "This,"

Seeing Alan's reaction, Chen Xiao thought that he was just randomly found by Shi Luoxi's parents, so she sarcastically said, "Sir, it's probably inappropriate for you to give false testimony to others like this!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Shi Luoxi's parent, Wei Feng: "And you, Shi Luoxi's parent, as Shi Luoxi's parent, you not only prevented her from admitting her mistakes, but also helped find someone to give false testimony. If you do this, you will only bring the child down..." This teacher Chen Xiao spoke very enthusiastically.

After she finished speaking, she still didn't forget to look at Yu Xiner's father, as if asking for credit.

Yu Xin'er also didn't expect Teacher Chen to trust her so much, although she knew why Teacher Chen would do this.

(End of this chapter)

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