good sunset view

Chapter 169 Describes what happened at school

Chapter 169 Describes what happened at school
How dare Shen Junxuan lie: "Well, yes, not only that, we were also classmates when we were in England."

Si Jingchen said lightly, "I know, didn't you ask Xi'er to shine your shoes?"

Shen Junxuan's eyes widened a little. He was sure that he heard correctly just now. Was his cousin saying that he called Shi Luoxi to polish shoes?I'll go, how could my cousin know about such a trivial matter.

He became tense in an instant: "I was just a little angry at the time! And before that, we met in a boutique."

This time, Si Jingchen opened his eyes: "When did it happen?"

Shen Junxuan couldn't react a bit: "It was the last weekend when Shi Luoxi stepped on my shoes! Is there any problem, cousin?"

Si Jingchen thought about it, wasn't last weekend the week when he asked his little girl to go shopping by herself?
Si Jingchen just figured it out.

Shen Junxuan continued to speak: "We met in a boutique at the time, but it was a coincidence that she fell in love with a starry sky hourglass I ordered, and I said at the time that I could resell it to her... that's right. , cousin, I can give that starry sky hourglass to classmate Shi Luoxi, anyway, I have a lot.” Anyway, he now sees that if he wants to get closer to his cousin, he must first please Shi Luo Classmate Xi.

Si Jingchen waved his hand: "No need, since she didn't ask for it at the time, she won't ask for it in the future." He knew his little girl too well.

Shen Junxuan is a little confused, what kind of logic is this?He didn't understand very much. Wouldn't it be great to get what he likes again?
Si Jingchen said again: "Tell me, why did you go with Xi'er today?" Si Da began to question.

Shen Junxuan just thought about what he should say if his cousin asked him this question. He actually made up a lot of plots in his heart, but he panicked when he saw his cousin, and he really didn't dare to tell lies.

He opened his mouth and said, "A classmate passed on that classmate Luo Xi was taken care of by an extremely wealthy businessman." When he said this, he sneaked a cautious glance at his cousin.

Then came: "I don't know who found a photo of my cousin's driver taking Luo Xi to school, and even posted it on the school forum."

He secretly glanced at his cousin, found that his expression was very strange, and immediately said: "But don't worry, cousin, I have deleted all those posts, and blocked any comments related to this matter, but I haven't cleaned up those who spread in the group..."

The more he said, the worse Si Jingchen's expression became.

After a while, he spoke again: "Did you check the ID of the publisher?"

Shen Junxuan shook his head: "The publisher used a deceptive ID, and his real ID cannot be found."

Si Jingchen nodded.

Shen Junxuan was dumbfounded, what does nodding mean?
Then Si Jingchen asked again: "You haven't answered why you appeared with Xi'er."

Shen Junxuan patted his head: "It's like this, because the impact of this incident is quite big, when I found out that those people attacked Shi Luoxi, I didn't because Shi Luoxi was my deskmate! So I wanted to help her!"

Shen Junxuan's words sound reasonable.

Si Jingchen's questions always made him a little confused: "Why did you return to China suddenly? Don't you like England very much?"

For such a question, Shen Junxuan didn't even need to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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