Chapter 17

Researching and penetrating these will allow her little girl to successfully obtain the results she wants in this mock exam.

This time, the assistant who came in to deliver the documents couldn't bear it any longer. He asked, "Young master, can you directly get the answers to the mock exam questions? Not only are you tired, but Miss is also tired!"

Si Jingchen looked up at him, and he said, "Wei Feng, do you know what the best love is?"

Wei Feng naturally didn't know and shook his head.

Si Jingchen continued: "The best love should be to make her stronger."

After listening to the young master's explanation, Wei Feng seemed to understand something, understood why the young master was always so cold to the young lady, did he want the young lady to become stronger?
Ask what's on your mind: "So this is why the young master has been so indifferent to the young lady these days?"

Si Jingchen's answer was somewhat off topic: "She looks like a butterfly with a withered leaf."

The young master didn't say anything, Wei Feng naturally didn't think so, but what the young master said was really true, and he nodded in agreement.

Si Jingchen continued: "But the dead leaf butterfly is not suitable for growing in such a place after all."

Wei Feng didn't understand, thought for a while and asked, "Butterfly with broken wings and dead leaves?"

Si Jingchen nodded, he was destined to be the one with the broken wings.

After understanding what the young master did, Wei Feng backed away silently.

After these three days, Shi Luoxi has almost mastered the knowledge of the third year of the Spanish International Junior High School. In fact, many of these knowledge coincide with what she has learned before. At first, she felt different, because there was no Open correctly.

On this day, which was the last mock exam of the Spanish middle school exam, Shi Luoxi stepped into the exam room.

The exam room was very quiet. The mock exam lasted for three days, and there was one weekend left after the exam.

After Shi Luoxi finished all the subjects on Saturday morning, she went back to the castle directly. For her, this city was still too strange.

Standing on the lawn of the castle, Luo Xi was free at this time. This week, it can be said that she has been busy.

This time when she calmed down, she was thinking about her brother who was lying on the hospital bed. She hadn't visited him for a week, and she didn't know how he was doing. She thought of him lying alone in the hospital.

At that time, Luoxi thought of her Cheng Ruo. She said that she would definitely take care of her brother. She hadn't had time to ask the question these days. She planned to find Brother Mask later.

During dinner, Shi Luoxi asked anxiously: "Brother, me, can I go back to Nancheng this weekend?"

Seeing that the person on the main seat did not speak, Shi Luoxi continued: "It's like this. Before I came here, I made a promise..." She briefly explained the matter, but it was very difficult. Unfortunately, no response was received.

That night, with a disappointed mood, Shi Luoxi babbled in her sleep: "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for breaking my promise, I'm sorry..." she kept yelling.

These babbles of her dreams passed into Si Jingchen's ears one by one.

Si Jingchen was actually a little jealous, even though he was the person the little girl cared about, but he was still jealous, the more jealous he was at the moment, the more he regretted the decision he made back then.

Without that decision, the little girl's heart would not always be on him as a vegetable.

Shi Luoxi, who had a nightmare last night, woke up this morning.

When she woke up, the masked brother was no longer at home. Shi Luoxi looked at the breakfast table, but couldn't whet her appetite.

(End of this chapter)

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