Chapter 172

"Student Shi Luoxi was hurt. If she let the person who did things go this time, she will definitely become even more arrogant, and maybe she will do something you didn't expect." This is Shen Junxuan's point of view.

Si Jingchen sneered: "Don't worry! She won't." Because he just said that he would not hold her accountable, but he didn't say that he would let her continue to be rampant.

While the two were silent, there was a knock on the study door, and a voice came soon: "Brother, it's time to eat."

It was Shi Luoxi's voice.

Si Jingchen returned: "Yes."

On the contrary, Shen Junxuan was a little confused: Cousin's wife called him brother?What is this operation.

Si Jingchen seemed to be able to guess what was going on in his mind: "Xi'er still doesn't know the fact that she is married." After telling Shen Junxuan about this, Si Jingchen continued: "Oh, yes, in the future you have to Report to me what happened at Xi'er School." After speaking, he stood up and walked out.

Shen Junxuan was left with a masked face, he still hasn't realized it yet, what does cousin mean by these words?
Little sister-in-law doesn't know she's married?So how did they get married?Also, my cousin asked him to report on the school?Why!He is not his employee.

After standing stupidly for a while, Si Jingchen, who had already walked to the door, turned around and said, "Don't you want to eat?"

Only then did Shen Junxuan come back to his senses, and hurriedly followed, and they came to the dinner table together.

This seemed to be the first time someone came to Si Jingchen and Shi Luoxi's small family to eat.

Si Jingchen who sat down ignored Shen Junxuan, only his little wife was in his eyes: "I guess Xi'er won the game just now."

Shi Luoxi looked at her brother excitedly: "Hey, brother, how do you know?"

snort!The arrogant Si Da would not say that he had someone change the game system, as long as his little girl played, there was a 90.00% chance of winning.

"Because Xi'er lives in my brother's heart!" The high-energy warning ahead, Si Da began to sprinkle dog food.

Shen Junxuan looked at his cousin like this, and it didn't match his cold face at all. At this moment, his cousin looked like a crazy demon who spoiled his sister, oh!No, it's a spoiled wife madman.

You said he was a single dog eating with them, why didn't you consider his feelings!Especially after knowing that his deskmate is the daughter-in-law of the person he admires the most, he is a little unbalanced. Who told his cousin to make his deskmate his little sister-in-law!
Si Jingchen was only taking care of Shi Luoxi's meals, and Shi Luoxi would look at Shen Junxuan from time to time, she felt so embarrassed, after all, Shen Junxuan was her classmate at the same table!

"Well, uh, Shen Junxuan, are you really my brother's cousin?" Shi Luoxi wanted to confirm again.

Shen Junxuan had a look of course: "It must be! If it's a fake one, I'm my cousin's absolute cousin."

Shi Luoxi felt a critical hit of [-] points, why is this tablemate really her brother's cousin?So does this mean that she has a chance to "revenge"?

"Oh! I almost forgot. I remember someone asked me to shine his shoes when I was in England?" Shi Luoxi pretended to say it casually.

Shen Junxuan felt that he could already see the light before dawn, he could guarantee that his cousin would pretend not to know, and then...

"Is there such a thing? Junxuan, did you ask Xi'er to shine your shoes?" Si Jingchen really pretended not to know.

Shen Junxuan nodded with difficulty, can he say that he regrets it now?

"Well, but I was really just talking casually at the time, and in the end I didn't let my sister-in-law, ah bah, let Shi Luoxi do this!" Shen Junxuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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