Chapter 174

Si Jingchen likes to spend the rest of the day with his little wife after get off work every day.

He likes to listen to every little thing his little daughter-in-law said, and he will listen carefully to everything.

And he would occasionally mention some things about his work to his daughter-in-law from time to time, and sometimes the daughter-in-law could really give some good suggestions.


It's another weekend, and half of the new semester of the second year of high school has passed in a blink of an eye.

Tian Jingxuan, who hasn't had an appointment with her little sister for a long time, is finally free this weekend, and finally has time for vacation.

But when she's on vacation, the first person she thinks of is usually her sister Xixi. For this, our comrade Qi Zibai is very jealous!

After school, classmate Luo Xi's cell phone rang while eating snacks. Looking at the caller ID, she picked it up in disbelief: "Sister Xuan, is it really you?"

The person on the other end of the phone: "Well, well, it's your beautiful sister Xuan, how about it, do you miss her?"

Shi Luoxi excitedly replied: "I think, I really think about it, Sister Xuan, you've disappeared for a long time!" But she knew that Sister Xuan was really too busy with work.

Tian Jingxuan: "So, my sister is counting, someone is thinking about my sister, so I'm back~" Recently her work is abroad.

People I haven't seen for a long time have so much to say.

Tian Jingxuan felt that she had something to say to sister Xixi: "Xixi, is there an appointment tomorrow?"

Shi Luoxi returned without even thinking: "Okay, we have an appointment tomorrow. But, sister Xuan, can I bring someone with me? Her name is An Manman. Xixi wants sister Xuan to know her too." Shi Luoxi whispered Said.

Tian Jingxuan over there guessed: "Xixi has made good friends!"

Shi Luoxi: "Well, she's very cute, maybe my sister will like her more than Xixi when she sees her." At least that's what she thinks.

Tian Jingxuan smiled: "Silly girl, since she is Xixi's good friend, she is also my sister's sister, and it happens that my sister also knows each other."

After listening to her elder sister Xuan's words, Shi Luoxi smiled happily for a long time.

When Tian Jingxuan hung up the phone for the last time, she didn't forget to remind her: "Xixi, it's an agreement! I must bring my other sister with me tomorrow! Otherwise, you will understand~"

Shi Luoxi: "Well, I'll tell Manman right away."

When she hung up the phone, Luo Xi called An Manman immediately, so the two little sisters began to look forward to their date with their sister Xuan tomorrow.

Usually, she would tell her brother everything about Shi Luoxi, no, after his brother came back.

"Brother, Xi'er has something to tell you." Shi Luoxi said softly.

Si Jingchen walked towards her with a smile: "Speak, silly girl."

Shi Luoxi, who is often called a silly girl, always has an illusion. She feels that she is really a little stupid, but she won't admit it!

"No way, Xi'er is not stupid, Xi'er is smart." Shi Luoxi retorted.

Si Jingchen touched her little head: "Yes, brother is wrong, tell me, what makes my little girl so excited."

Shi Luoxi stuck out her tongue: "Actually, it's nothing serious, just that Xi'er has a date tomorrow."

Si Da: What?Dating?

But he still pretended very well: "Oh~ date? With whom?" He can guarantee that if his little girl tells a male creature, he will definitely prevent that person from seeing the sun tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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