Chapter 176
Hey, sister Xuan, you are enough, you will scare other people's little sisters like this!
"Hi, can sister call you Manman too?" Tian Jingxuan asked with a smile.

Amman nodded obediently: "Yeah."

Tian Jingxuan looked at Anmanman's reaction, and thought of her sister Xixi's reaction when she first met them, cute and cute.

Tian Jingxuan spoke again and said, "Can you call me sister Xuan like Xixi?"

An Manman looked at Shi Luoxi, and Shi Luoxi nodded: "Manman, our sister Xuan is super nice! A very good sister."

An Manman called out, "Hello, Sister Xuan."

An Manman was too nervous, making her look like a primary school student, Tian Jingxuan: "Let's go shopping first, then let's go to have a big meal, then go to drink, and then chat, how is it, what is your arrangement for sister?" ?”

Both Shi Luoxi and An Manman nodded in agreement.

Shi Luoxi used to dislike shopping the most, but after staying with her elder sister Xuan for a long time, she is now completely immune to shopping.

As a girl, when I see something beautiful, I always want to go in and take a look.

The three young ladies walked to a doll shop, very excited, and the three of them also had a new idea, or take them all home.

Looking at a little bear doll, Shi Luoxi kept staring at it with small eyes. This little bear gave her a kind of arrogant posture.

Tian Jingxuan asked, "Xixi likes it?"

Shi Luoxi nodded, and said with certainty: "Well, I like it, I like it, I like it very much."

Tian Jingxuan said with a smile: "Then buy it, you have to start with something you like, or when you want to look back, it may have disappeared!" This is Tian Jingxuan's way of shopping.

Amman looked at the little bear doll, which was very cute. Seeing the idol and the doll together, there was an inexplicable sense of disobedience.

"Xixi, I think it's beautiful too, let's take it home!" Amman said.

Shi Luoxi didn't hesitate this time: "Well, I want to buy it."

The doll is not very big, just a small one.

Shi Luoxi picked up the doll: "By the way, Sister Xuan, Manman, have you seen anything you like?"

Both shook their heads, and said in unison: "All I like are that they need to be in such an environment to shine. If this is the case, then don't bother them."

Uh oh, if the shopkeeper hears this, the shopkeeper must be furious. Isn’t the reason I opened the shop just to sell it?It's not for the exhibition. If every customer thinks like you, then can I still do business, and then it will become an exhibition hall?
The two young ladies will definitely say: We want to buy this little bear![-]!This is not a small expense!

When paying the bill, Shi Luoxi was a little tangled, she took out her own card, which was earned by herself, oh, by the way, her comics brought her a lot of income!

She handed her card to the cashier, and when the cashier was about to place an order, Shi Luoxi stopped her: "Uh, sorry, wait, I want to change the card, is that okay?"

The cashier smiled and returned the card she was about to pay for, and Shi Luoxi immediately took out another card from her bag.

When she took it out, the cashier was startled, and Ms. Tian Jingxuan's reaction was: "Hey, our Xixi finally got the hang of it, and finally knows how to do it, good, good, great, keep up the good work! !"

An Manman also smiled when she looked at the card that Luoxi took out, it was similar to the card her father gave her, and she checked it out, it was the legendary black card.

(End of this chapter)

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