Chapter 186
When Si Jingchen saw his little girl was upset just now, he thought that something happened that he didn't know about.

He didn't expect that he would feel like a prodigal, he smiled and said: "That's all, too little, Xi'er, when do you think you can really spend your brother's money? If Xi'er doesn't use your brother's money, then brother earns so much money." What's the point of having a lot of money." The daughter-in-law doesn't use her own money, so what should you do?

Shi Luoxi smiled, this is not the first time my brother said: "Yes, look, didn't Xi'er spend more than [-] yuan at once today, isn't this already a prodigal?" At least she is so I think so, more than [-]!It was enough for her to buy a house in a small county.

Tian Jingxuan and An Manman, who had been standing by the side, stroked their foreheads. Does this girl know what spending money is and what shopping is?Just this little bear doll still feels like a prodigal, which means that they are also very tired!

Si Jingchen felt like being defeated by his little girl, but forget it, everything has to be taken slowly.

"Go home?" After a while, Si Jingchen asked his little girl.

Shi Luoxi nodded without hesitation.

Seeing her reaction, the two young ladies An Manman and Tian Jingxuan were very upset!
Amman: "Xixi, are you going to abandon us?"

Shi Luoxi immediately shook her head, she really didn't mean to abandon them, and immediately explained: "Absolutely not, isn't it almost dinner time! The food made by the chef at brother's house is delicious, so the two of you Young lady, you can go back to have dinner with us!"

Si Da expressed his displeasure, since he is our chef, why do you say he is my chef?snort!snort!Not open Sen.

The two people who were invited, especially Tian Jingxuan, were very excited. She just liked the food cooked by their cook.

Without even thinking about someone in the exam, Ms. Tian happily replied: "Okay, let's go then!"

Si Jingchen's face darkened, did he agree?
Sir, do you agree that it is useful?That was invited by your little daughter-in-law, I don't believe you will not agree.

Si Da: Hmph!Who told them they have no eyesight.

An Manman is not as bold as Miss Tian. She is still quite afraid of this idol's masked brother. After all, she has heard a lot about this big man from her father. She really feels like them. Such a big guy is something a small guy like her can't afford to mess with.

He asked softly, "Can you?"

Miss Tian Jingxuan took her little hand: "Yes, of course, let's go!"

As he spoke, he took Amman to her car.

During the whole process, our Si Da was very unhappy because no one asked him.

When Shi Luoxi saw that the two young ladies agreed, she was very happy.

"Brother, can you?" Shi Luoxi asked softly.

Uh, uh, I said classmate Luo Xi!You cut it first and played it later, how can your masked brother disagree?

Although Si Jingchen didn't like anyone disturbing his relationship with his little wife, he could do anything else, anyway, as long as the little wife was happy, it would be over.

"Okay, Xi'er can make up her own mind, don't need to ask brother." Si Jingchen said dotingly.

Shi Luoxi jumped up happily, and accidentally smacked someone's face.

Someone felt as if time had stopped at that moment, as if this was the first time his little girl kissed him so proactively, and this was a moment worth recording.

(End of this chapter)

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