good sunset view

Chapter 191 So Who Was Her Father?

Chapter 191 So Who Was Her Father?
Because if it wasn't for Luo Xi, a classmate, they wouldn't be able to eat the meals cooked by Chef Bingshan's family.

When they went downstairs, Shen Junxuan and An Manman didn't like each other.

Tian Jingxuan watched their interactions, and Meimei would think of his family, Zibai. Thinking about it this way, she really missed him, and they haven't gotten tired of being together for a long time.

It was also at this moment that she wanted to see her Zibai, that Qi Zibai who was full of military spirit and kind of cute.

Tian Jingxuan imagined his reaction when she suddenly appeared in front of him.

The two little ones looked at the old sister's reaction, looked at each other, and Shen Junxuan said sharply: "Missing becomes sick."

Tian Jingxuan rolled his eyes at him, and said by the way: "Since you have already guessed it, then you send Manman back, my sister has gone to find my brother." She purposely said in that very sweet voice, without waiting for Shen Junxuan to agree, she leave quickly.

An Manman didn't like this classmate Shen Junxuan who left the two with goosebumps all over their bodies. She just didn't like him when he looked very unfriendly.

He said in a calm tone: "Well, you don't need classmate Shen Junxuan to see him off. My father is already here."

Shen Junxuan's face darkened: "Did I ever say I wanted to send you off? It's really narcissistic. Oh, right, or do you just want me to send you off, and then you're embarrassed?"

After hearing what he said, An Manman felt the urge to beat him up, so she walked quickly towards her father, not bothering to pay attention to him.

Shen Junxuan didn't care, he just stood there to see if someone was really coming to pick her up, if there was really someone, then he could rest assured, but if there wasn't, he might really need to send it off, after all, this could be regarded as an confession to him things.

Amman, who didn't look back, was speeding forward, and the people who had been in the car walked off.

Mr. An was very happy to see his daughter, and walked over to greet his precious daughter in person. An Manman was happy to see that it was really her father, and completely forgot about the unhappiness just now.

Amman's voice was still a little loud: "Dad."

Mr. An dotes on his precious daughter very much: "Did you have a good time today?" asked very kindly.

Amman nodded vigorously, it is naturally happy to be with the idol, Amman knew that it was getting late, and it was officially the time when his father got off work.

"Father, didn't Manman say that she wouldn't come to pick up Manman? You are so tired from work." An Manman felt sorry for her father.

Mr. An would rather not work now than take care of his daughter. If he was allowed to choose his job and his daughter, then he would definitely choose his daughter. Now Mr. An wants to do anything related to his daughter himself.

Listening to his daughter's words of concern, Mr. An was very happy: "I'm not tired, Dad doesn't have a lot of work."

Um, in order to reassure my daughter, Mr. An really went all out.

Shen Junxuan, who had been standing in the same position, took all this scene into his eyes. He really didn't expect to meet Mr. An here by chance.

He knows Mr. An. When he was young, he was one of the best figures just like his cousin. He admired such powerful figures as them, and they had a lot of influence on him.

Shen Junxuan murmured: "Oh, I really didn't expect that Uncle An's mysterious daughter is actually An Manman, and this Amman Man is still my classmate, I wonder if this is fate!"

He really didn't see that Amman's background was so good, which was completely different from her usual performance, as well as her plain dress.

(End of this chapter)

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