good sunset view

Chapter 195 Xuan'er Don't Blame Yourself

Chapter 195 Xuan'er Don't Blame Yourself

It wasn't until both of them were covered in sweat that Comrade Qi Zibai was so reluctant to let go of his wife.

Seriously said: "Xuan'er, I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully, we are having a baby later, at least after I give you a perfect wedding, I will retire from the army..."

Tian Jingxuan immediately covered his lips, she shook her head: "No, being a soldier is something you set your mind to do a long time ago, how can you let go so easily!"

They grew up together, she knew him, and even knew everything about him, they were indistinguishable from each other.

Tian Jingxuan's words once again put Qi Zibai in a dilemma. At that time, a large part of the reason for his inspiration to be a soldier was because of his aunt's daughter, the sister who left them forever at the age of three, the sister whose life had just begun to bloom, Because of an accident 13 years ago, they lost her completely.

He was at that time. After his sister passed away, he was determined to become a soldier. He didn't want what happened back then to happen again. He didn't want the people he loved and the people he cared about would leave him again.

Maybe only Tian Jingxuan's wife knows how important his sister is to him!Because they used to like that follower so much.

That follower can always make everyone laugh, and is also cute, and some cute golden sentences often pop out of his little mouth, which is why so many of them like that little girl so much.

It's a pity that good things don't last long. The little girl they loved left them 13 years ago.

"Xuan'er, if I don't leave the army, it will be unfair to you." Qi Zibai said seriously.

Tian Jingxuan cried and replied: "No, there is no fairness or injustice. We don't want what happened 13 years ago to happen again. You know, Zibai, how difficult it was for me to get over that hurdle 13 years ago. If it wasn't for... Because of me, Ke'er doesn't..."

Qi Zibai immediately blocked her lips, knowing that she was thinking wildly again, and said in heartache: "Xuan'er, stop blaming yourself, it's not your fault..."

As he said that, his own tears also fell out. In fact, after such a long time, none of them had forgotten that incident back then, but they chose not to mention it on purpose.

Tian Jingxuan nodded with a sob.


The holidays are coming again, and Shi Luoxi is ushering in another long winter vacation. She still has no plans for this winter vacation, and she really doesn't know what she should do.

With her brother around, she doesn't have to worry about her studies at all now, because her brother always has many ways to teach her.

At the end of the term this time, she still did well in the exam. Although she was not the best, she was still at a satisfactory level.

After two weeks of vacation, Shi Luoxi, besides reading books at home, repeated every day waiting for her brother to get off work, then having dinner with her brother, and then another day, and lived like this for two whole weeks.

Another day, Si Jingchen got off work as usual, and as always, he went in first to look for his little wife. He liked the feeling of happiness that he could see his little wife when he got home.

When Shi Luoxi saw her brother coming home, she immediately stepped forward enthusiastically: "Brother, you're back."

Si Jingchen would give her a haircut every time, and then a magnetic voice would sound out: "Well, did Xi'er miss her brother today?"

Shi Luoxi nodded obediently, although a little shy.

(End of this chapter)

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