good sunset view

Chapter 203 Holding the Little Daughter-in-Law Zhang's Family

Chapter 203 Taking the Little Wife Home
Si Mu replied: "Yes! I've made an appointment with Jingyuan's little cutie."

Si Mu's words made the two mother and daughter stiffen.

Especially Yu Xin'er's mother made a vicious look. She didn't understand why so many people could remember a dead person.

She regrets it now, she shouldn't have given that little girl a chance to see the sun.

But she quickly recovered, and smiled: "Yes, it's the engagement of the Siyu family, but fortunately, the Yu family still has a daughter, otherwise I don't know how to explain it to you."

After speaking, she deliberately pushed her daughter, Yu Xiner looked shy: "Auntie, I, I, I will stay with Brother Chen well, I will take good care of Brother Chen, and we will be happy."

Si Mu didn't deny their words, so could she be the one to decide who her son would marry in the future?In other words, whether she denies it or not is useless.

But now it seems that she really can't think of liking the Yu family's daughter at all, and now she is starting to worry about what her son will do if he takes a fancy to this girl.

Of course, what she should do now is to drive the girl next to her son away from her son. It is not a bad thing not to deny the two mother and daughter at this time.

Yu Xiner's mother and daughter saw that Si Mu did not deny what they said just now, and they were happy in their hearts. This meant that their Si family did admit that they had a marriage contract with their Yu family.

In the end, Si Mu felt that she couldn't continue the conversation, so she asked someone to get some magazines. Yu Xiner's mother and Yu Xiner were also magazine lovers, and they quickly found the same topic.

When they were having an exciting discussion, the butler stepped forward and said, "Madam, the young master and the others are back."

Upon hearing her son's return, Simu immediately put down the magazine and walked towards her son.

Also hearing the news were Yu Xiner's mother and daughter. Yu Xiner stood up very excitedly, and she was excited when she thought that she would see her brother Chen soon.

After getting off the car, someone kept holding the little wife by the hand. He knew that the little wife was afraid, so he had to give her enough sense of security at this time.

Si Mu happily rushed to her son: "Son, you are finally willing to go home, mom misses you so much." Because she knew that her son should not get too close to women, Si Mu deliberately kept a certain distance.

Si Jingchen didn't answer his mother, but said to his daughter-in-law: "Xi'er is called Aunt Ya, and this is my brother's mother." Si Jingchen almost blurted out Aunt Ya, because a certain little one called his mother that way before. .

This long-lost address also made Si Mu see Shi Luoxi clearly, and she almost blurted out: "Ke'er?"

Si Mu, who originally wanted to impress Shi Luoxi, completely forgot about her plan.

Shi Luoxi replied in embarrassment: "Aunt Ya, I'm sorry, my name is Shi Luoxi." After speaking, she hid behind her brother shyly.

It was only then that Si Jingchen's mother came to her senses, yes, how could the girl in front of her be that little girl Ke'er!That little girl has been away from them for so long, how could it be!
Simu immediately said with a straight face: "Come in! We've been waiting for you all afternoon, we're hungry." It seemed to be complaining, or expressing dissatisfaction with Shi Luoxi.

Regarding his mother's reaction, Si Jingchen was somewhat disappointed. In his impression, his mother was a very kind person, but today's mother is not.

He had no previous memories at all, and he even wondered, could it be that he hadn't been home for many years, so that his mother's personality had changed?
(End of this chapter)

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