Chapter 205
It's not that I said, people are afraid of being too narcissistic. No, look at this Miss Yu, the whole atmosphere is quiet after she finished speaking.

Si Jingchen didn't even look at her, let alone peel the shrimp for her.

Seeing this, Yu Xin'er's mother and daughter immediately said, "Oh, our Xin'er wants to eat shrimp! Come and peel it for you, Mom."

There is no way, people simply ignore his daughter, how can he let her down from the stage!
Si Mu really disapproved of Yu Xiner's behavior. After all, her son was cold-tempered. She was so familiar and not reserved, which reflected how well-behaved the girl next to her son was.

Most importantly, seeing her eating, she couldn't help but think of Ke'er, that little girl who either didn't speak when eating, or ate the food on her plate obediently.

This meal was originally a reunion dinner for Si Jingchen's family, but because of the participation of Yu Xiner's mother and daughter, the whole atmosphere became extremely stiff.

Si Jingchen's father spoke at the beginning, and then continued to eat his own food.

However, compared to Si Jingchen's family, Yu Xiner's mother and daughter seemed to have more drama.

Yu Xiner: "Auntie Chen, will Brother Chen always live here?" She asked expectantly.

Si Jingchen's mother looked at Si Jingchen, she is not her son!She also didn't know if her son would stay or live with them.

Yu Xiner didn't wait for Si Jingchen's mother to respond to her, so she asked again: "Then Auntie, can Xiner come here often in the future?"

I just want to say, I've seen thick-skinned people before, but I've never seen someone with a thicker skin than a city wall like you.

From the beginning to the end, Si Jingchen acted as if he didn't know that there was such a person as Yu Xiner. Seeing that Xiao Nizi had already eaten, he said directly, "Take you for a walk." Then he took Shi Luoxi's The little hand went out.

Seeing that they were about to leave, Yu Xin'er was about to stand up, but Si Jingchen's mother called out quickly, "Hey, Xin'er is ready to eat too?"

Facing Si Mu's question, Yu Xin'er had to answer: "Well, Xin'er has finished eating, uncles and aunts take it easy." Then she made a gesture to catch up with Si Jingchen and the others.

How could Si Mu dare to let her get too close to her son, she immediately signaled to the butler, who stepped forward and said kindly: "Miss Yu, it's getting late, we'll send you back right away."

Yu Xin'er's mother also stood up and looked at Si Mu. She was very dissatisfied with their housekeeper.

He opened the mouth and said, "Xiaoya, the servants in your family seem to be, uh, a bit out of line with you..." as if giving a loyal proposal.

Si Mu stood up and said with a blank expression: "Oh, really, maybe it's because of the cold weather recently! Don't suggest it." She didn't mean to blame her housekeeper.

Si Mu finished speaking and looked outside, and then said apologetically: "Oh, you see, I've taken up your entire afternoon, I guess your Mr. Yu should be angry now! It's all my fault , I will arrange for someone to take you back."

Yu Xin'er and her daughter were not given a chance to speak.

Si Jingchen's mother called the housekeeper again: "Steward Li, send Xin'er and her mother and daughter home personally! I don't feel at ease when others send me off." This time she said it with a smile. (This housekeeper Li is not Si Jingchen's housekeeper Li, the housekeepers of the entire Si family are all surnamed Li.)
Yu Xiner's mother and daughter didn't feel that this was driving them away, on the contrary, they felt that they were worried that it would be unsafe for them to go back too late, and they were thinking about them!
(End of this chapter)

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