good sunset view

Chapter 215 Accidental Collision

Chapter 215 Accidental Collision
Shi Luoxi couldn't understand the chatting of the aunts. Although it seemed to be talking about her, she couldn't understand!
The aunt in front of me only said her brother's name, and then Aunt Ya immediately understood, she was still in a daze!

Linlin praised without hesitation: "That boy is good, he moves so fast, but he is still young, right?"

It was only then that Si Mu realized that she didn't seem to know the age of her future daughter-in-law, so she asked awkwardly, "Xiao Xi, how old are you this year?"

Linlin almost burst out laughing. Are you sure this friend isn't here to make a joke?I don't even know how old my future daughter-in-law is.

Shi Luoxi replied obediently: "I'm 16 and a half years old this year."

Simu smiled, um, it really is a little small, why does it feel like my son is an old cow eating tender grass!
Linlin on the opposite side laughed so hard, and then the two began to fight each other.

Shi Luoxi really couldn't understand what they were talking about this time, she was bored in every possible way, so she could only look at the scenery outside the window, in fact, looking outside through the window of the cafe, the scenery outside was really beautiful.

Shi Luoxi stared blankly at the people coming and going outside the window, and Simu and her friends chatted more and more happily.

While staring blankly out of the window, Luo Xi suddenly saw a somewhat familiar figure, that old grandfather whom he had met once before.

Seeing that the old man wanted to be very happy, Shi Luoxi couldn't help but smile too, but accidents always happen from time to time.

The old man seemed to be touched by someone, and immediately fell to the ground. The people around were all far away from the old man in an instant. Shi Luoxi looked anxious, and before she had time to tell Si Mu, she walked towards the direction where the old man fell run away.

She ran very fast, at an astonishing speed. It didn't take long before she ran to the place where the old man fell to the ground. When she arrived, there was a group of people around her. Shi Luoxi walked in from the crowd. Although there were many people, they were all hesitant. Do you want to save the old man?

Shi Luoxi shouted anxiously: "Grandpa Qi, wake up, wake up..." She cried like this for a long time, but the old man still didn't respond.

Shi Luoxi felt very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, she was afraid that if something happened to Grandpa Qi, what would happen, since she didn't have a phone, she couldn't call for help, so she was at a loss.

The people on the side said: "Little sister, since you know this old man, you can take him to the hospital! The hospital is very close, only about ten minutes away, if you hurry up, it won't take that long..." Long time.

Before that person could finish speaking, Shi Luoxi was very feminine, and immediately carried Grandpa Qi on her back, just like she carried her brother on her back. Although she was small, she was quite strong.

The people around were very surprised when Luo Xi was a little girl. They couldn't believe that this little girl, who looked thin and small, had such great strength.

Some well-meaning passers-by followed the guide all the way, and Shi Luoxi almost ran. Sure enough, under the guidance of the kind-hearted people who knew the way, they crossed the path and arrived at the hospital soon.

Shi Luoxi waited anxiously outside the emergency room. She was very worried about the grandpa inside. She called so many times just now, but Grandpa Qi didn't respond at all. She was terrified.

My mind was blank now, and even popped up from time to time: If Grandpa Qi just left like this, what should I do, no!How can you leave because of such an accident!
Facing the anxiety and entanglement in her heart, Shi Luoxi was on the verge of crying. She was really scared. At this time, her little one was waiting outside the operating room.

Looking so helpless, this scene is somewhat similar to the scene when she saved her brother in a vegetable last time.

(End of this chapter)

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