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Chapter 226 Envious of My Brother

Chapter 226 Envious of My Brother
After listening to his mother's words, Qi Zibai thought about it deeply, and what his mother said was indeed true, he didn't think about it that much at the time, he thought that girl was his sister, so he just wanted to give her the best.

Now that his mother said so, it was true that he didn't think too much about it at the time, but fortunately, his sister was indeed worthy of that necklace.

Although Qi Zibai felt that he hadn't thought well at the time, he was still unhappy: "Oh, did grandpa and parents find out anything wrong?"

Mother Qi smiled and said: "No, no, the little girl is doing well! By the way, I will let my mother see you sometime! Mom has always hoped to have a daughter, and Mom thought it would be impossible in this life. My son also quietly surprised me by finding such a lovely daughter for my mother."

Qi Zibai was so arrogant that he returned: "That's right, I don't even look at who your son is, would he have a bad eye for people?"

Okay, Brother Qi, are you in heaven?

Father Qi coughed: "I heard that girl was cut off by that boy Jing Chen?"

That's right, when it comes to this, Mr. Qi is so angry: "That's right, he was cut off by that kid. If you are good, son, why don't you go and bring my good granddaughter back to me during the Chinese New Year?"

Father Qi cleared his throat: "I'll try." Actually, they all knew, how could it be possible, that was that boy Jing Chen's baby, the reason why he agreed, was actually!He also wanted to see the son's sister.

It was also from this day that the whole family of the Qi family was looking forward to the New Year!
And our classmate Luo Xi had a great time during this period. Not only was he accompanied by his brother and little Miaomi, but also the love from Aunt Ya and Uncle, just like the love of parents.

For a person who has never felt the love of a father and a mother since she can remember, she is really grateful to them. They let her know that there are really good parents in this world. Whenever she thinks of this, she even I will also be a little envious of my brother, and envy my brother for having parents who love him so much.

Although they had only been together for a week, Sifu Simu and Shi Luoxi didn't feel any discomfort at all, just like Shi Luoxi had been living with them all along.

For Si Jingchen, this kind of getting along is undoubtedly what he wants to see.

On New Year's Eve, Si Jingchen, who had finished all the work from the previous year, asked, "Is there anything I can do for you, Mom?"

He remembered that when he was a child, his mother would always prepare a lot of things for Chinese New Year every year, and this year seems to be no different.

In fact, what he didn't know was that his mother hadn't cooked the New Year's Eve dinner by herself for a long time since he wasn't around these years.

This year, she will do it again, because her son came back to life, and brought her a cute little girl by the way, Simu is very happy!
Si Mu couldn't believe her ears, was she sure it was her son asking her if she wanted to help?

Looking at his mother who was a little stunned, Si Jingchen said again: "Mom, how about I pick vegetables for you?"

After finishing speaking, they started to work. Today, their family gave all the servants a holiday, and they had to rely on the whole family to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner.

Si Mu said a little unaccustomed: "Chen'er should take Xiao Xi out to play, mother can do it alone."

Si Jingchen smiled and said, "Xi'er is helping Dad!"

Si Mu raised her head, and she saw the little girl holding the couplet!I couldn't help laughing out, it's so good, such a family is plain and very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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