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Chapter 228 New Year's Red Packet

Chapter 228 New Year's Red Packet
Shi Luoxi knew that her brother and his family were very kind to her, but this kind of kindness scared her and made her panic.

How afraid she was that all this was actually just a dream, and when she woke up, there would be nothing, her loving brother, loving uncle, and kind aunt Ya would all leave her, because these things did not belong to her when Luo Xi .

Maybe that's how people are!The more you have, the more you will be afraid of losing, Shi Luoxi is feeling like this now.

Si Jingchen was like the roundworm in his little girl's stomach, and he immediately saw her mood.

Si Jingchen asked softly: "Xi'er, what's the matter with you? Are you sick? Or is there something wrong?"

Hearing her brother's concern all the time, and looking at Aunt Ya and Uncle's worried faces, Shi Luoxi finally couldn't control her tears, and her tears fell down.

Knowing that her tears may have affected everyone, she was very sorry: "Sorry, sorry, I seem to have brought a bad atmosphere." She tried hard to squeeze out a smile.

Si Jingchen wiped Xiao Nizi's tears with heartache: "Fool, this will be your home from now on, and your parents will be your parents."

After speaking, I added in my heart: Who told you that you are my little daughter-in-law? Of course, my parents must also be your parents!
After all, it's New Year's Eve, Chinese New Year!Then you must be happy!

Sifu conjured up a red envelope out of nowhere, and handed it in front of Shi Luoxi: "After you come here, you will treat this as your own home. I am your father. This is the red envelope that father gave you."

Si Jingchen directly took the red envelope for Shi Luoxi, and then opened it unceremoniously. The red envelope is big, and there are indeed a lot of things in it, but our Si Da can't think of it.

"Dad, are you willing to take care of this?" Si Jingchen asked.

Si Mu looked at the pile of shopping cards in her son's hand, and complained directly: "Husband, I just realized that you are so stingy! A bunch of shopping cards? You are ashamed to take them out, but our Xiaoxi is too embarrassed to accept them! "

Shi Luoxi wanted to speak, she thought it was very good!

But Simu said domineeringly: "The red envelope is not enough, try again."

As if he knew his wife would say that, Father Si took out a red envelope from somewhere and handed it to Shi Luoxi again.

Although Si Jingchen held it for her this time, it was not like the last red envelope: "Xi'er opened it up and have a look."

Shi Luoxi really wanted to refuse: "Brother Xi'er can't take it, these are too expensive, Xi'er really can't take it." She has already troubled them so much, how could she still have the nerve to ask for the New Year's money!

Si Da: But who told you that you are my little wife!So you have to take the money!

Shi Luoxi: You called it!

Si Mu said again: "Xiaoxi, just open it and have a look! Maybe it's an empty bag!" Anyway, she now feels that her husband is too picky.

Under pressure, Shi Luoxi had no choice but to open the red envelope obediently. It's very thin, but there are quite a lot of things inside!

When she found out that there were a lot of assets, Shi Luoxi was really scared at this moment. She is a small person, and she has never seen such a big scene. Tell me, a New Year's red envelope is a yacht.

Only this time did Si Jingchen return with satisfaction: "It's okay."

Father Si smiled, seeing the child happy, that was more important than anything else.

Simu then gave her own big red envelope, and hers was more straightforward, a large wad of cash.

Shi Luoxi really wanted to refuse, she really thought these things were too expensive, but her brother insisted on letting her take them as pocket money.

(End of this chapter)

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