Chapter 246
In the past, the reason why my brother agreed to her walking to school was to give her an adaptation stage. Now, after such a long time, she really should adapt to her brother's life as An Manman said, instead of letting him accommodate her in everything.

Shi Luoxi shook her head: "No, thank you brother." Shi Luoxi said while hugging her brother.

Si Jingchen let go of his little girl: "Why should I thank my brother?"

Shi Luoxi sniffed: "Because my brother is very good to Xi'er, so good that Xi'er doesn't know how to repay her brother."

Si Jingchen spit out lightly: "Then make a promise with your body!"

Shi Luoxi only thought that her brother was joking, but didn't take it seriously: "No, brother is so old." After speaking, Luo Xi ran away from Si Jingchen at a speed of [-] meters.

Of course, how could her short legs run faster than Si Jingchen's long legs, and she easily caught up with her and caught her: "What did Xi'er just say? Brother didn't hear clearly." The tone of the speech Extremely scared.

Now classmate Luo Xi was caught, and she immediately confessed: "I said my brother is very young and very handsome." At this time, he should give in.

Si Jingchen followed her words and kindly reminded: "Since my brother is handsome and young, has Xi'er thought about it? It's hard to find someone as good as my brother!"

Si Da, I just want to ask you, do you want face?
Si Da: Bah, what is a face?Is it important to kidnap my little wife?
Shi Luoxi pretended to be stupid and asked, "Brother, what are you thinking about?"

Si Jingchen will not let the little wife go, "Well, since Xi'er still doesn't understand, then brother should be more straightforward, consider being the other half of brother, and accompany brother to the end of life .”

Shi Luoxi naturally ignored the first half of the sentence, it is necessary to be with her brother, this is her brother, she will naturally accompany him to the end of her life.

"Well, Xi'er will always be with my brother." Shi Luoxi said firmly.

Si Jingchen said with a satisfied smile: "Okay, Xi'er said this herself, and you must not go back on your word when the time comes."

Shi Luoxi nodded very positively.

In such a happy time, Shi Luoxi spent the last weekend of her winter vacation.

Monday is the start of a new semester.

Because she had to go to school, Luo Xi got up earlier today than before, and it was around seven o'clock when she got up.

Si Jingchen who came back from a morning run: "Xi'er, why did you get up so early."

Shi Luoxi looked like she hadn't woken up yet, and replied in a daze, "Today is Monday, Xi'er has to go to school!"

Si Jingchen smiled: "Little idiot, it's still early! Mom has officially changed your school's class time to nine in the morning."

Shi Luoxi was a little sober: "Xi'er knows, but it should be far away from the school, so I have to get up earlier."

Up to now, she still can't forget that she didn't know how many times she was late during those days in Jingxi Pavilion.

It was only then that Si Jingchen remembered that he hadn't told Xiao Nizi how far it was from the school: "Xi'er doesn't need to get up so early, this place is not far from your school, you forgot, mom is the school director, in order to make it easier for mom to go to school When the school site was selected, the main consideration was the distance between the old house and the school."

At this moment, Luo Xi really didn't know: "How long will it take to get to school?"

Si Jingchen calculated the time: "It takes about twenty minutes by car." In fact, if you go faster, you can get there in ten minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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