good sunset view

Chapter 249 She Thinks She's Cute

Chapter 249 She Thinks She's Cute

The seat has not changed, and her deskmate is still Shen Junxuan.

Shen Junxuan, who has always been silent, actually spoke after Shi Luoxi sat down today.

Shen Junxuan asked, "Are you from Nancheng?"

Shi Luoxi felt that there was nothing to hide: "That's right, all my memories before Lai Beicheng are in Nancheng, so I'm from Nancheng!"

She is an orphan, and she doesn't know where she really belongs. If she is divided according to where she lived and grew up, then she belongs to Nancheng people.

When it comes to Nancheng, Shi Luoxi has a lot to say, that city carries all her childhood memories.

Shi Luoxi asked back: "Shen Junxuan, have you ever been to Nancheng?"

Shen Junxuan shook his head, he had studied abroad before, and he had never been to most of the cities in China.

Shi Luoxi said happily: "Then if you have a chance one day, you must go, let me tell you, Nancheng is beautiful, it is a kind of beauty that makes people feel at ease, and the people there are so enthusiastic ...Jiangnan is really worth a visit." Shi Luoxi told Shen Junxuan a lot of things.

At this time, she completely forgot that this was an annoying tablemate. The reason why she said so much was probably because of a kind of homesickness!After all, she grew up there, and a part of her belongs there.

This is the first time Shen Junxuan has heard Shi Luoxi say so many words. To be honest, Shi Luoxi's position with him has always been: she doesn't talk much, and she can always piss you off.

Today he saw another side of her, which is actually quite cute.

Regarding the thought that suddenly popped up in my mind: Shen Junxuan, what are you thinking, wake up, she is the one who snatched your brother away, she is so cute, she is clearly in trouble.

Shen Junxuan looked indifferent: "Oh! It sounds like this place is not bad, I will see it again when I have a chance."

Ammanman's little ears are clever: "If Xixi goes, remember to take me with her. I also like the city of Nancheng very much."

Shi Luoxi made an OK gesture, it was natural, good things should of course be shared with good friends.

In the interaction of several people, there are some things that they don't know or hear.

The new classmate seems to be on the phone during recess.

In a blink of an eye, it was the second week that Shi Feifei stayed in this school. As a non-local student, it was necessary to contact her family far away.

Shi Feifei followed the phone call from her parents: "Don't worry, Mom! Now I'm studying Spanish! Oh, by the way, I'm still in the same class as Shi Luoxi. Continue to study, still in such a good school..."

Shi Feifei was sitting in the back row of Yu Xiner, and Yu Xiner heard her words verbatim.

Yu Xin'er had a bad look at the beginning of school this semester. Since she came back from her elder brother Chen's house last time, she only knew that elder brother Chen seemed to be very precious to Shi Luoxi.

Regarding these, she actually has nothing to do. The people who can appear beside Brother Chen must not be poor. Although she still thinks that Shi Luoxi is poor, she can't deal with Shi Luoxi.

She believed that Shi Luoxi must have a big backer, otherwise it would be impossible to get such good care from Brother Chen.

For this reason, she asked her father to investigate Shi Luoxi. What she didn't expect was that no information related to Shi Luoxi could be found. In other words, it was very likely that someone had deliberately hidden it.

Because of this, she can't do anything. Her father said that she still can't be sure of the backer behind her, and she must be cautious in doing things.

(End of this chapter)

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