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Chapter 260 My Good Granddaughter

Chapter 260 My Good Granddaughter

Si Jingchen raised his eyes rarely, and he said in a firm tone: "Brother, don't deal with it after you find out, but you must be very clear, and you must know exactly when they are, what method they are using, and what method they are using. The method hurt Xi'er."

Qi Zibai nodded, gritted his teeth and returned: "Don't worry! If you don't tell me, I will do the same. My Qi Zibai's sister can't be bullied by anyone."

Then Qi Zibai and Wei Feng left the ward.

As an older sister, Tian Jingxuan was also very angry. She also learned about some things from An Manman just now.

Hehe, Yu Xiner, she knows this person!Didn't he deliberately pick on her family Xixi in the shopping mall last time?This time it's good, dare to hurt her family Xixi.

Tian Jingxuan clenched her fingers tightly.

Now she has to quickly call up Yu Xiner's information here. Although she is weak, there may be something she can help with.

In the process of searching for information, she did not expect that Yu Xiner's father here is actually the entourage who accompanied the head of state to visit country H this time. Now, it's all right. She, Tian Jingxuan, will be the host of this visit. It seems that there will be something interesting to watch .

As the news continued to spread, it didn't take long for Shi Luoxi's hospitalization to spread all over the place.

Mr. Qi was the first to arrive.

Before entering the ward, I could hear Mr. Qi's voice: "Where is my good granddaughter?"

When he saw Shi Luoxi who was lying on the hospital bed, old man Qi walked over with a heartache. He looked at the pale and good granddaughter on the hospital bed, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if he had been hurt.

Mr. Qi finally couldn't bear it any longer. He asked, "What's going on? How can you still get hurt in school? Tell me about it."

When he received the news just now, he only heard that Shi Luoxi was injured and hospitalized, so he rushed over without stopping.

Si Jingchen only has his Xi'er in his eyes now, how could he hear other people's voices.

Shen Junxuan, who hadn't left yet, spoke again: "Grandpa Qi is my fault. Student Luo Xi fell during physical education class and was taken away by two classmates. I didn't stop him in time. I..."

Shen Junxuan talked a lot and blamed himself all the time. When he said these words, Si Jingchen's parents just rushed over and heard his words.

Si Mu stepped forward, and she comforted her, "Okay Xiaoxuan, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, this kind of thing will happen in school, no one would have thought of it, you've been busy all day today, now go back and rest Bar!"

Shen Junxuan can also be regarded as Si's mother watched him grow up, he knows the character of this child, he is not to blame for this matter, he is still a child, how would he expect such a thing to happen later.

Seeing that so many of you are staying in the ward, which will affect the rest of the patients, Tian Jingxuan said: "How about this, it's not the same thing if so many of us stay here, let's leave Jingchen here to take care of Xi Xi, I will take turns to see Xixi later."

What Tian Jingxuan said was indeed reasonable. Although everyone was reluctant to leave, in order to give Shi Luoxi a good environment, they agreed to leave first and come to visit later.

Although Mr. Qi was very reluctant, he also left for the time being. What he would think now was to thoroughly investigate today's matter.

All of a sudden, only Si Jingchen was left in the ward, and he still maintained the original posture, holding Shi Luoxi's hand tightly, never letting go.

He was afraid that if he let go, his little girl would disappear, so he didn't dare to let go.

(End of this chapter)

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