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Chapter 265 An Innocent Lie

Chapter 265 An Innocent Lie
Yu Xiner asked angrily: "Why? What does Shi Luoxi have to do with you? I am your sister. Shi Luoxi is nothing. Why do you help her?"

According to the relationship between her eldest aunt, Yu Xiner can indeed be regarded as Qi Zibai's younger sister, because her eldest aunt is Qi Zibai's aunt.

It was the first time Qi Zibai saw such a shameless person: "Oh, really? But why didn't I know that there was a sister like you? Could it be that you jumped out of a crack in the rock? I would mess with anyone I saw. ?”

Yu Xiner obviously did not expect Qi Zibai to say this: "What I said is the truth."

Qi Zibo didn't want to chat too much nonsense with her, so he asked directly: "Tell me, how did you bully your classmates today?"

Yu Xiner's mouth is very tight, it is almost impossible to get something out of her mouth.

Yu Xiner pretended to be stupid and returned: "I don't understand what you are talking about, what is bullying classmates?"

Qi Zibai: "Since you don't know, well, let me remind you, Shi Luoxi, physical education class, these two hints should be obvious enough!"

Yu Xin'er's eyes were full of hatred, as she thought just now, her brother really came for that orphan Shi Luoxi.

"It's quite obvious, but let me declare first that we just kindly wanted to send her to the infirmary to bandage her wounds. Who knew that Shi Luoxi not only didn't appreciate it, but also threw us away, causing us to be injured." Yu Yu Xiner defended.

Qi Zibai is born with a paralyzed face, it is usually difficult for you to see his reaction from his face.

"Really? Are you seriously injured? Do you need to call a doctor?" Qi Zibai asked several questions in succession.

Yu Xiner thought that Qi Zibai believed her words, immediately pretended to be seriously injured, and said weakly: "Well, brother really hurts, Shi Luoxi's strength is great, she pushed us all down on the ground."

What she doesn't know is that Qi Zibai, who is a soldier, can see through her tricks at a glance.

Qi Zibai had seen the shamelessness of this so-called younger sister, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense with her.

"I give you two choices, either obediently tell the story of everything that happened today, or wait for the big gift." Qi Zibo said coldly.

Yu Xiner, who was still immersed in her lies being believed, suddenly became restless.

"What? Didn't I say everything? It was Shi Luoxi who threw us away, and we don't know what she did afterwards!" Yu Xiner said sternly.

Qi Zibai saw that these two people were very stubborn, so he refused to speak.

Qi Zibai said to Wei Feng: "I heard that Chen has some interesting instruments of torture, which are more advanced than our army's. Take them out and try."

Wei Feng understood in seconds, and motioned to the guards in charge of the basement, and the guards entered the room where Yu Xiner and Shi Feifei were detained.

Put the two of them on the chair at the same time, then plug in the electricity, and then Yu Xiner and Shi Feifei were continuously shocked by the electricity.

Both Yu Xiner and Shi Feifei belonged to the kind of pampered people, so they could stand this kind of torture.

Yu Xiner and Shi Feifei yelled in pain, especially Yu Xiner: "Qi Zibo, what you are doing is illegal. Don't forget that you are still a soldier."

Qi Zibai said coldly: "This is unbearable? How much more voltage is this? This is the beginning!" Obviously he didn't care what Yu Xiner said.

Yu Xiner didn't give up, she wanted to provoke Qi Zibai again: "I will sue you, as a soldier, you not only kidnapped me, but also used torture tools."

(End of this chapter)

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